How to make a snowman with his own hands at home: step by step instructions of improvised materials

The first snow falls - the harbinger of winter, renewal, purification and holiday. We can't wait to go out into the street, roll large wet lumps and mold a snow maw.

But the New Year is approaching, and there's hardly any snow, even though we really want the atmosphere of the approaching holiday. You can bypass the laws of nature, and make a snowman from any, even electronic materials.


Materials and tools for work

A unique handicraft, embodying the purity of a winter day can be used as a small gift for any winter holidays, just to decorate an envelope with a greeting note.

For the work will need:

  • white fabric and some red, orange, black, color for trim;
  • felt and sealant (synthetic veneer, batting);
  • colored cardboard, absorbent cotton;
  • white socks;
  • Kleenex paper, old newspapers, glue, scissors;
  • String, needles, buttons;
  • plastic glasses, bottles;
  • balloons;
  • cereals, rhinestones, beads.

The list will be supplemented as the work on the image of the main character-snowman. For the next handicraft will require a sophisticated technique - a personal computer.

Ideas for a snowman craft

This funny harbinger of the soon to come New Year can be made with your own hands. And in doing so, no one will have any special difficulties.

The snowman in Meinkraft

Glued with his own hands a simple miracle in a child's game "came to life" and played the role of either the enemy or defender.

The first movable object that can be made in Meinkraft - snow golem, or snowman. Created a giant is always friendly, a good defender and seriously fights with hostile mobs.

Electronic warrior will get if you put two snow modules on top of each other, completing the construction of vodruzhivaniya on them pumpkin. You can animate the brave fighter in another modification - replacing the orange vegetable with Jack's Luminary.

It looks pretty much the same. The pumpkin is essentially the warrior's helmet. Revived golems serve as bait for other vicious mobs, which defenders throw snowballs at them when they appear.

Snowman Costume

How much excitement and joy lights up in children's eyes when the snowman comes to congratulate the matinee! But making a costume of such a character is quite simple.

All you have to do is stock up on materials, find free templates, cut, stitch a couple of seams, decorate with pompoms, orange carrots, a super trendy scarf. And most importantly - a good mood. That's all, the holiday is guaranteed!

Applications .

This is the easiest and most elegant crafts for children of any age. Easy and uncomplicated can be made with the very young, unusual snowmen will occupy the hands and imagination of older children.

With stencils to make crafts will be easier, but even in their absence, you need to include imagination, and the birth of a winter "man" is guaranteed.

Get out of felt not just crafts, and educational game for young kids. For this workpiece is better to cut out an adult, and continue to create a winter landscape together with children.

Charming snowman turn out of lace doilies. The material is very delicate and should be handled carefully.

Use a glue stick so as not to soak the napkin. Attach the two blanks to the center, complete with colored paper details, and decorate with rhinestones or beads. The super trendy little guy is a joy to behold.

Made of papier-mache

The mass for the work can be bought in dry form in the store or self-made from napkins, toilet paper, egg cartons. To do this, it is necessary:

  • Materials to crumble into a large container;
  • pour hot water and leave for 24 hours;
  • Grind with a blender or mixer;
  • Strongly squeeze out the moisture, add PVA glue;
  • mix.

Roll out of the resulting "dough" three balls of different sizes. Place the blanks one above the other, to assess the external parameters of the future snowman. Separate the spheres, let them dry and glue them together. Cover with white acrylic paint or glue-based absorbent cotton.

Glue blank to cardboard stand (legs). Attach small twigs or cut out of cardboard "handles" to the body with absorbent cotton. To mold a nose-carrot out of the mass, color and attach to the toy. Draw eyes and mouth. Tie a brightly colored scarf around the neck.

To make our snowman more voluminous, as well as to save paper pulp, it is advisable to use crumpled aluminum foil.

How to make a Snowman with your own hands

To make a handicraft, you can use different materials. They are all very accessible and everyone can easily get them.

From thread

As a basis, use balloons. Inflate the balloons to the required size and wrap them with yarn, covering them with glue. Dry the ready workpiece for 8-10 hours, then we pierce the latex skin and carefully tear it off the yarn base. We obtained a spherical shape. You need at least two balls.

Make a snowman nose from cardboard, twisted into a cone and wrapped in clingfilm. We wrap it with strings of PVA. Let it dry, take out the cardboard and film.

Cut out a small circle at the base of the figure for stability.

We glue the twig arms with a glue gun.

It remains to decorate the cute snowman. You can put a cylinder on his head and decorate it with a ribbon, tie a scarf around his neck and glue a couple of buttons.

Then draw or glue the eyes and mouth cut out of black cardboard. The finishing touch is an orange carrot nose.

From paper

Now let's take paper and make a springy snowman. Such figures look great on the Christmas tree. Dozens of little people would make a wonderful garland.

To make a handicraft to take two sheets of paper. Of the first, cut strips along the long side, the second - along the short side. Strips are composed into two balls of different diameters, glued together.

Staple the balls together, decorate with clothes of colored paper. Draw or glue a mouth, eyes, nose, buttons. Use a cookie mold as a panama.

From a sock

An original handicraft is made of a shabby sock in shades of ice. The main thing is to make the product whole, it must be cut into two parts.

Take the workpiece with the open end. On the underside of one side tighten with a thread, turn the sock out, and inside pour any groats. You can use other stuffing - sintepon, batting - instead of groats.

Tie tightly or stitch the top of the sock.

Shape the body and head figures, tying the place threads.

Tie a scarf.

Put a hat on his head and fasten it with a glue gun.

Headgear is made from the second part of the sock.

Sew bead eyes, nose. Decorate the costume with decorative buttons.

Made of plastic cups

An original snowman is made of used cups. The handicraft looks good, is resistant to various weather conditions, so it can be used for decorating the outdoor yard, on the garden plot or in the school hallway.

You will need more than 200 pieces of plastic utensils. The size of the figure depends on the diameter of the first circle. The larger it is, the bulkier the ball becomes. Placed out of the cups circle staple to each other.

The following rows perform similarly, but with less plastic. Connect the rows together.

We make two balls of different sizes, staple them together.

Cardboard cut out the nose in the shape of a cone, twist it and wrap it with tape. Attach a nose to the cup, tie a scarf, decorate the snowman hat, vest and other accessories.

From plastic bottles

In every home you will surely find containers from milk, yogurt, mineral water or soda. Using such seemingly unsightly material, you can make a fun snowman for children.

Consider the steps of making a craft:

  1. Coat a transparent bottle with white acrylic or spray paint. You can put absorbent cotton or synthetic fibre inside. White containers do not need to be painted.
  2. At the top of the indelible marker draw a mouth and eyes.
  3. Cut out and attach a nose. Details in the form of a sharp triangle of red mayonnaise bucket lid, dishwasher detergent body or an orange straw for drinks are useful for this purpose.
  4. Sew a scarf and a cone cap from brightly colored plain fabric. You can use bright red or blue plastic bags instead of fabric. The hat can be made from a bottle cork by gluing the original fields to it.
  5. Decorate the "dress" figures with pompoms or decorative buttons.

From balloons

The process of creating a balloon figurine begins with inflating five white latex balloons of the same size.

Then the balloons are connected first in pairs, and only then the twins are linked together to form a horizontal structure. The remaining balloon is tied separately.

Pre-pour water into it, which serves to weight the handicraft and give stability to the future snowman.

Similarly, the second tier of the body is formed. Connect both parts with a braid, tied to the center of the first five and wrapped around the axis of the second blank.

For the middle part of the body, we take one large ball and attach it to the second tier.

It remains for the top. It consists of two parts, one of which is the head, and the second - the base of a hat. Both balls are connected and glued to the torso of the snowman. At this point, we wrap the figure with a long scarf.

To decorate the head it is advisable to use a hat with earflaps. The advantage of "wearing" it will be the use of braces, which securely fasten the hat.

Hands crafts are made of small round and oblong balls. From a long ball is created a chain of six parts. Similarly, the second hand is made. Both limbs are attached to the body.

It is now the turn of the nose of snowman. It is necessary to take a red ball-heart and carefully tie his "ears". Inflate the balloon and crush it a little to give the shape of a carrot. Then glue the blank to the head, draw eyes and a smile.

Made of absorbent cotton and cardboard

The youngest kids will love this trick. To make it is very simple. To do this, you need:

  1. Draw a figure on cardboard, consisting of three balls of different sizes. If you have an idea to make a character from a cartoon, you can explain to a child that Olaf's body consists of two balls of different diameters, legs - of two small ones, and the head looks like an elongated rhombus.
  2. Cut out the blanks.
  3. Glue all the parts with rolled balls of absorbent cotton using PVA glue.
  4. On the underside, attach twig arms.
  5. On colored cardboard, draw three buttons, eyebrows, eyes, a smile and a carrot nose. Cut out and glue.

What can be used to make the nose of the snowman

When choosing a material for such a responsible part of the body, it is necessary to take into account the size and material of the craft.

If the snowman is made of textile, his nose will also be made of fabric.

For small sizes will do buttons or beads.

Make a nose for the figure as follows:

  • sew a button or a bead;
  • glue made of cardboard or colored paper;
  • draw;
  • sew from textile;
  • molded from plasticine;
  • insert a piece of tube or toothpick.

There are so many materials for creativity at hand! There are paper napkins, shiny, even sparkly CDs, Styrofoam and Christmas tree balls, cardboard and thread, and maybe some authentic jute?

There are even ideas for painting rocks - sea flat pebbles are a great option. There are a lot of ideas and options for their implementation. The main thing is to find something suitable for yourself.

Photo of a homemade snowman

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