Handmade traffic light crafts: the flat and volumetric shapes in different techniques for children from improvised materials
Traffic light crafts are interesting for children not only because they can make an interesting toy with their own hands, but also in the process of learning how to cross the road correctly.
Traffic lights - this is an integral part of life in modern cities. The more a child is familiar with the rules of the crossing of the road, the safer his way. Therefore, a traffic light craft will help to remember the color on which to cross the road.
Materials from which you can make traffic lights
To make a craft, different materials in terms of texture are used. The main thing is that they should be safe for children.
- cardboard;
- colored paper;
- computer disks;
- cellophane bags;
- paper towel wrappers;
- plastic jars and bottles;
- plasticine;
- plywood;
- yarn;
- natural material.
The main thing about the material is that it can be dyed red, yellow and green if required.
Tools for work
Depending on what material is used in the manufacture of the handicraft, such a tool is used. Basically you need to have at hand when working:
- scissors;
- PVA glue and hot glue;
- Paints and felt-tip pens;
- compass;
- pencil.
Flat traffic lights with their own hands
Such traffic lights can be made in the form of applique, which is hung on the wall. Or glue colored circles onto cardboard or a box that is placed on a podium.
Younger children need help to draw the circles for the traffic lights and cut them out evenly. School-age children can do this on their own.
From cardboard and colored paper
- Cut out a strip from dark cardboard.
- Glue it between two black cardboard rectangular blanks.
- On both sides of the rectangles glue three circles of red, yellow and green.
Visual teaching tool is ready and can be taken to kindergarten or school.
From disks
In every home there are three discs, which are not used for their direct purpose because they are scratched or have lost their relevance. They can be used to create a traffic light. Especially since the shape of the disk is round and there is no need to cut such a shape from other materials.
- Place a disk on colored paper and outline it.
- Cut out multi-colored circles.
- Glue them to discs.
- On each disk with a certain color you can draw a funny face. For example, on the red disk, it will be sad, because traffic is prohibited. But on the yellow disk face takes a serious expression, which means to get ready for the transition. On the green disk image is smiling, because you can make the movement.
- Ready disks are glued in the right order on cardboard, plastic and wooden surfaces. You can create the most unusual designs, but the order of colors in the traffic light remains the same.
- You can not glue the disk completely, and in the middle glue different colored bottle caps to get the traffic light. And you can glue strips on the disk in the form of sunbeams of different colors.
Options for crafts from disks set and the main thing to show imagination. If you make pom-poms out of yarn, they are glued to the disk instead of the nose in the middle, and glued eyes and mouth of paper. We get multi-colored clowns, each with its own facial expression, corresponding to the color of the traffic light.
From colored bags
To create a traffic light out of bags, you need to stock up on bags of colors present in the traffic light.
- Cut off the handles and bottom.
- Arrange the bag in the form of a rectangle.
- Bend it in half.
- Cut into centimeter strips to the fold line.
- Tape together the resulting parts to form a ball.
- Balloons can be attached to a hollow box or connect them together like a snowman.
- Decorate with a cap, cut out of cardboard, and glue the hands. In one hand, place a baton.
Such a traffic light is pleasant to the touch and very interesting to look at.
Three-dimensional traffic lights from improvised materials
If you show imagination and ingenuity, you can make not only flat traffic lights, but also three-dimensional. To create it, we use:
- packaging boxes;
- yogurt jars;
- plasticine;
- plastic containers;
- plywood;
- yarn;
- colored paper.
From cardboard boxes
- For the craft you need to take a box of rectangular shape.
- Trim the top.
- Cover with black paper.
- On the paper glue multicolored circles.
- Attach a handle of rope, putting it through the side holes to be pierced in the box.
Now you can play with traffic lights, moving it from place to place.
From a tube of toilet paper
Do not throw away the cardboard tube of toilet paper. They make great crafts:
- You will need three pieces for the job. They should be glued together to make a cylinder.
- Cover it with black paper. On it we glue three colored circles.
- Now you need two sheets of black paper to make a cylinder in which there will be circles the size of those glued to the traffic light.
- When we turn the upper cylinder of black paper the circle on the traffic light will shine through the circle on the upper cylinder.
- So we get a movable traffic light.
With plasticine
Little kids can make traffic lights out of clay. Such work they will like, because it is not at all difficult. You need to make circles from different colors and attach them to cardboard.
Older kids can make a more complicated design. To do this, you need to mold a traffic light design out of plasticine and attach different colored balls to it. You can decorate the traffic light with visors of plasticine or colored paper.
Whatever traffic lights you get, it is important to tell children the rules of the road so that they remember which color you can cross the road. And for this it is important not only crafts, but also poems and stories that talk about traffic lights.
From a plastic bottle
For the craft is desirable to take a rectangular bottle, then the traffic light is not only volumetric, but also with circles on all four sides. The bottle should be painted in a dark color. It is glued traffic light colors on all four sides.
If you need a support for the craft, then a stick is inserted into the neck and the bottle is attached to it. It is possible on each side of the bottle to highlight the light that signals the brighter colors. If you show imagination, you can make a real traffic controller with a cap on his head and with a baton in his hand.
Children and their parents can make such a handicraft. After all, you need to saw parts out of plywood and connect them with nails:
- A rectangular frame is made.
- On each side, circles are drawn and painted with paint in the appropriate color.
- You can use LED light bulbs, then you need to cut circles in the plywood and glue painted mica to the holes.
- When the light bulb will turn on, the traffic light will look like a real one.
You can use fiberboard instead of plywood.
Girls can be offered to knit traffic lights with spokes or crochet. If there are skills to work with beads, you can make an educational construction from it. Traffic light from yarn can be volumetric in the form of a rectangular pillow or flat, like a napkin.
The main thing in the work to show maximum imagination, and then the handicraft will be original and original. In knitting, you do not need to use complex patterns, and it is enough to knit a design with multicolored circles in the front or back loops.
If you are familiar with the technique of origami, then the difficulties with the manufacture of traffic lights will not arise. The main thing - it's to find a material for the basis on which the parts will be glued. Use both the paper base, and plastic and wood.
Origami technique in itself is not difficult, but you need to learn how to fold the right parts. And they make multi-colored circles and glue them to a selected base.
Original traffic light ideas
To get an original traffic light, it can be made from threads:
- The threads are wound on a balloon coated with glue.
- When the thread dries on the balloon, it is blown off and you get a ball of thread.
- Three balls glued together to make a snowman.
- In place of buttons glued colored circles of paper or bottle tops. Upper ball - the head of the snowman, acting as a traffic light. On it you can wear a cap of paper and glue eyes, nose and mouth.
- Ping-pong balls can also be turned into a traffic light if they are painted in different colors and glued together. At the top of the ball wearing a cap.
- Glued eyes and mouth on each ball.
- Expression of the face varies with what color colored ball.
Colors in the form of a muzzle of a dog or cat
- Cut out a black cardboard base for the traffic light.
- From white paper cut out circles to glue on the faces of a cat or dog.
- The circles are glued to the black workpiece.
- Make animal faces from a square sheet of colored paper. To do this, fold the sheet in the middle twice, to obtain a triangle. Bend the edges to form ears.
- Bottom blank bend in the middle, to form a muzzle. Glue the eyes from white paper and draw the pupils. Marker draw the mouth and nose, mustache and eyebrows. But it is necessary to draw different facial expressions of animals. If it is a red dog or cat, they should be angry. A yellow animal has a neutral expression on its face. And the green one is cheerful.
- Glue the muzzles on the white circles.
Important: For the dog, use the front side, obtained by folding the triangle, and for the cat - the wrong side.
Using the technique of quilling
The quilling technique itself is simple, but you need to tell and show children how to make curls.
To do this, you need to cut the colored paper into strips 1 cm wide and wrap them as tightly as possible on a pencil, and glue the edge to the spiral.
When the desired number of curls is ready, you can glue them to the template you have created.
The shape of the windows for the light in the traffic light can be different. But it must be completely filled with glued parts.
Important! The main criterion in creating a traffic light craft is that the colors on it must be in the same order as on a real traffic light. Children while making a craft should remember the exact location of the colors of the traffic light and know which color you can cross the road.