Crocheting aran patterns: beautiful patterns on simple schemes, step by step descriptions for beginners.

For many years, aran knitting has not lost its popularity, is actively used to make men's and women's clothing around the world. This elegant knitting style came to us from the north - from Irish fishermen and is firmly rooted in our sweaters and hats.

It is an interesting and fashionable knitting style that looks great on modern warm clothing.

Fun Celtic patterns that fold into braids appeal to men and women alike.

There are many crochet techniques that will make your garment unique and unusual:

  • harnesses;
  • stairway to heaven;
  • Irish knitting;
  • cones;
  • infinity;
  • hearts and many other interesting patterns.

Arans are often found on sweaters and cardigans, as well as on hats, scarves and, of course, as an element of winter manicure or decoration of a cup with hot coffee.

Scheme of aran when knitting is quite simple and does not require special knowledge to embody a particular pattern. At the beginning of your knitting practice, don't take on complicated scroll aran patterns; it may discourage your interest at the first challenging tasks.


Description of knitting arans

Crocheting arans is a real hobby for many people. This method was used to knit sweaters by the wives of fishermen in ancient Ireland.

In those days, most fishermen did not know letters, and the dead sailors could be identified by the patterns on their clothes. After all, everyone had one of their own. Modern fashion is also not without, warming the eye, the aran.

Arans by needles will not lose their popularity because it is:

  • aesthetically pleasing and original;
  • does not go out of fashion for years;
  • looks fresh, beautiful and sophisticated;
  • exquisite taste of our ancestors.

Now we will take a closer look at knitting aran patterns and related nuances to shed some light on some of the not simple aspects of this creative process. Hurry up and grab your knitting needles!

Most of the patterns are meshes of different shapes, resembling little islands. The meshes are often filled with Irish moss, a symbol of wishing success and prosperity.

Items of clothing made in this technique are especially warm, keeping you warm on frosty evenings.

A certain amount of yarn is not allocated in advance, but remember that you will need significantly more than when knitting conventional embossed patterns. This is due to the fact that the knitted fabric does not shrink when you change the sequence of knitting loops.

Schemes and patterns of knitting acrylics

It can be difficult for fashionable girls to decide on a knitting pattern, because each in its own way stands out and beckons. If you are just starting to knit arabes, then start with uncomplicated favorite patterns.

You can knit a fashionable sweatshirt with a simple pattern under your favorite jeans. Modern girls love versatile warm things that will suit both leather jacket and coat, in addition, will emphasize individuality with a skirt or pants.

To start knitting, you need to understand the notation of the schemes. As a rule, the diagram shows the front and back rows.

The front, odd rows, read from right to left, and the back, even rows, read from left to right.

If you want to knit a braid pattern, most often the width of the braid on a sweater or pullover is 12 loops.

The aran knitting pattern can be used for the entire surface of the knitted fabric. The pattern can fill the entire sweater, be only on the shelf and back, sleeves, usually made with a simpler technique.

Classic Designs

Classic aran patterns consist of interlacing and braids, it looks good on the background of the seam or tangle, in a layout with flagstones, rhombuses, braids. If you decide to knit a hat with aranas, then stock up on 95 grams of yarn and knitting needles #5.

The estimated knitting density can be on average 10*10 cm or 20 loops*20 rows.

To knit a wide scarf with aranas, take 335 g of yarn, needles and a hook.

On your products you can use volumetric weaves according to special schemes.

For example, a voluminous aran pattern inside and two paths on each side, connected by crossed loops - will look exquisite and modern.

Please note that the yarn for crocheting arahns is coated with natural lanolin and is water repellent. All Irish families had their own special patterns and ornaments handed down from generation to generation.

Crocheting arabesques is a rather laborious work, show skill and care to embody your favorite pattern. The result will not keep you waiting, because the clothes, knitted with the usage of faran patterns, always look very actual and expressive.


For men's sweaters and pullovers are perfect for braids on the back side and structured arabesques.

Very naturally such a pattern looks on interior things, brings a touch of coziness and warmth to every home.

Also often used thick harnesses, create as a result a voluminous relief pattern for thick yarn. Braids hold the fabric well so that it does not stretch, is used for:

  • plaids, interior pillowcases;
  • sweaters, vests;
  • hats, scarves;
  • handbags, designer mittens.

Celtic Braids

Handmade fashionistas strive for beauty and elegance, knitting constantly with a face-smooth pattern becomes uninteresting and boring. Knitting braids with aranas is a regular detail of knitted clothes and interior items.

And the Celtic patterns can be considered a special kind of art, this interesting interweaving of braids and unexpected motifs, connected by different joining of arans by needles - just beckons and fascinates, you want to embody this beauty right now.

Consider each beautiful pattern can, literally, for hours. To use such a pattern, you need to correctly read the corresponding scheme, well know the basics of knitting with needles in practice and theory. Be patient and diligent, then everything will work out!

You can also aran model yourself, show your imagination and creativity, and then with pride and pleasure wear your favorite sweater, what can be better?

Openwork rhombuses

Openwork rhombuses usually belong to a variety of categories of ornaments:

  • relief weaves;
  • zigzags;
  • Openwork mesh, etc.

This pattern will serve as an excellent choice for making women's clothing, bags, accessories. If you take a yarn of dark colors, you can safely knit men's clothing.

The lozenge fantasy pattern can be used for knitting women's and children's clothing, as well as a variety of things for the interior.

The asymmetric design of the asymmetric arabesques is also very popular. On the sides you can arrange the usual plaits 2 on 2, and the central part can be knitted according to the scheme or modeled by yourself.


Patterns of hearts by spokes are always delicate and romantic, the ideal choice for a young girl. Symbols of love are wonderfully embodied in our hobby - knitting things. Variants of hearts - a huge variety. You can model a sweater with large hearts in the center.

The heart is great for decorating a hat and mittens, a scarf. Knitting this pattern is easy even for beginners. Patterns can be placed in a vertical stripe from top to bottom of the piece - one piece above the other on the background of the seam. You can also run the pattern down the sleeve.

Aran knitting originated on the island of Aran near Ireland. Applying the fine patterns of aran knitting you can create unique models of women's, men's and children's clothing, comfort items.

Products connected by this method are rather complicated in manifestation, as well as take not a little time, a significant advantage is that in the Aran sweater will be warm and comfortable in the cold season.

Volumetric weaves

This fashionable pattern will be a great addition to the autumn hat. It can be knitted both on circular needles and on stockings. Equally convenient and effective. Whatever is convenient, as they say!

The pattern raport is 32 rows high and 20 loops wide. In one row, the pattern will be repeated about 6 times.

Crocheting arans is an amazing creative process and an irresistible result. Lovers of this business will understand, and beginners, we hope, will soon feel and be inspired. New ideas and motivation to create beauty to everyone!

Photo of crocheted scroll arches

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