How to draw an oak tree - easy step-by-step instructions for beginner artists and children

Draw a beautiful oak tree with us!

Do you like to draw landscapes, but you don't know how to depict realistic trees? Now you and I are going to learn how to draw a beautiful, real green tree, the oak tree. Generally, the oak is one of the mightiest trees. It is very attractive and fascinating with its interesting structure.


Drawing an oak tree with paints

To work we will need:

  • Watercolor paper
  • Pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Brush size 4;
  • Paints;
  • Palette;
  • Water.

Follow the steps, do the tasks, and you will be sure to succeed.

  1. The first thing we begin with - this construction. We take a sheet of paper and below the middle mark the line of the horizon, also mark the center of the tree. The form itself should be spread out. That is, it should not be like some kind of ball or rectangle.
  2. The trunk should be wide enough, because we are drawing an oak tree. His trunk has a small waist and expands closer to the ground. At the top it already expands and divides into branches. The same branches can also branch into smaller twigs.
  3. Next directly we distinguish the crown itself. Curly strokes draw areas of foliage. Remember that the tree should not have a perfect shape.
  4. At this stage of the pencil work we have, in fact, done. Now we can more clearly trace some details on the oak tree. Somewhere we can clearly trace the outline, and somewhere not so much. Also on the trunk of the tree we should add a few lines, wrinkles, to make it look like a real oak bark.
  5. Next, we will paint our picture with paint. We will start with the crown, we will use at first yellow paint and then it will gradually add green paint. This is necessary in order to make the tree looked volumetric and as if glowing. Wide masks are going over the top of the oak and a little bit on the side (relative to sunlight). Then we add a little green to the yellow palette and apply it to the paper. It is desirable to apply it to areas next to the yellow, and that they blend together even a little bit. Somewhere it is worth leaving white spaces, holes, so that it was clear that through the crown you can see the light, the sky.
  6. Now we add a darker green to the palette and we will paint the side that is more in shadow. After that, we need to take an even darker green and paint the space between the branches closer to the trunk. Also with the same color we can add shadows on the foliage throughout the crown.
  7. Come to the main and basic part of each tree - the trunk. We take the brown and lightly stain the side on which the light falls. The opposite side can be filled with a darker brown, creating a shadow effect. The branches that are under the crown, we paint also a darker shade.

Here we have a beautiful and quite realistic oak.

Instruction how to draw the oak tree step by step with a simple pencil

We will need only:

  • A sheet of paper;
  • A pencil.

With what steps should we start drawing?

  1. First, in the center of the paper we draw a vertical line as the center axis. We add to it the horizon line. We draw the outline of the entire crown.
  2. With smooth movements we draw the roots going into the ground. They should be of varying lengths, widths, and shapes in general.
  3. From the roots we move on to the trunk. We make it wide. Above it is divided into twigs. After all this, we can begin to add foliage, to fill the tree. We mark them with light shapes. Do not forget to work in detail the bark.
  4. It is worth adding branches, which will be visible to us behind the leaves. Excessive details must be erased.

How to paint it now with colored pencils (or any other materials)?

  1. You start with lighter shades of green. Again, most of the lighter shades should go where the sunlight hits it the most. Gradually, we add darker and darker shades, where the light falls less. Visually, this will add volume and lushness to our oak.
  2. Branches closer to the crown are shaded in dark brown. To get the darker color you need to put more pressure on the pencil. Make the trunk light on the light side, and darker on the other side.

At the end, all that's left to do is to trace some outlines of the greens and trunk to accentuate them. And voila! Your mighty, drawn oak tree is ready.

A painted oak with acorns on the branches

So, we already know very well how to draw an oak tree. We start according to the principle, with the trunk, a volumetric and mighty oak. From it go a lot of curved branches, the closer to the edges of the twigs, the thinner they are. After building a skeleton of a tree - fill it. Sketches of lush foliage.

We represent it in different curly curly lines or curls. Somewhere you can add branches visible behind the leaves, on the trunk itself, too, put curves. If you wish, you can show birds sitting on the tree at some point. And many other small details as well.

Acorns, by the way, will be a very good addition to your work. They will create a natural impression of the picture itself.

But how to represent acorns in the picture? Below we are going to tell you about it:

  • Draw small thin twigs on the paper, on which our acorns will hang.
  • Next you need to place some acorns. For their shape we use ovals. Draw the torso evenly.
  • Curved semicircular lines draw an acorn cap. Such actions are repeated with all the ovals.
  • Next draw the leaves (this is optional). The long curved lines around the edge of the leaf. Then we add all sorts of veins on it.

Done! Now that you can draw acorns, you are free to represent them as you wish.

Oak, for those who are just beginning to learn how to draw, with a pencil step by step.

The tools we need:

  • A sheet of parchment;
  • Pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Watercolor (crayons, pencils, gouache, felt-tip pens, and more).

Whatever the size of the trees, huge or small, we can put them on plain A4 paper. We just need to position it correctly and build it. It also depends on your imagination.

  • Action 1. Place the paper horizontally. On all sides, leave an absolutely equal distance. In the center of our paper, in a frame outlined by lines, mark the location of the leaves of the tree and its trunk.
  • Action 2. A distinctive feature of oaks is the presence of a thick and strong trunk and a rich, spreading crown.
  • Action 3. Draw the trunk of the tree. The crust layer of the oak tree is wrinkled and angular, with noticeable small depressions and voluminous convexities, with knots. Draw these characteristics in your drawing.
  • Action 4. After the done steps, proceed to the branches.
  • Action 5. Oak branches, the main branches from the trunk, are quite dense, strong, large, knotty, often have an irregular shape. A few of these branches will suffice.
  • Action 6. Then draw the outline of the oak tree crown. In some places in it should be visible branches, so the tree will turn out very plausible.
  • Action 7. Imagine where the darker areas on the top will be and where the much lighter areas will be. Pay attention to the location of the shadows.
  • Action 8. Think about what will be depicted on the background of your oak tree? It could be a flower meadow, a forest, a mountain, a village or a city, all at your discretion. Picture the background in detail.
  • Action 9. To make it look more like a true tree, draw around this plant - strong roots sticking out in some places.

When you are completely satisfied with the result, it's time to get down to the paint job:

  1. Use a variety of shades of herbaceous coloring to create a beautiful oak crown. Apply a lighter shade to the lighter areas of the leaves and darker tones to areas in the shade. Adding blue to the shadows and yellow to the highlights will directly reveal a bulky crown.
  2. It is best to brown the trunks and bark of the oak tree in different ways. Draw lighter and darker grooves on the ridge. Similarly, you add depth and dimension to the drawing by mixing in yellow and blue. When the leaves approach the stem, add greens.
  3. Emphasize the fact that the figure of the trunk should be the lightest on one edge and the darkest on the other.

To color the oak in the fall - instead of a greenish color, take a shade of yellow crown mixed with light brown. If you like, you can paint acorns on the tree.

The grass beneath the golden fall oak should also be withered and yellow in the fall, trampled by the wind and dull.

To show the oak in the period of snow, you can apply bluish with blue shades to denote snow on the branches. By the way, oak leaves do not fall for a long time and sometimes remain on the branches all winter.

When painting, keep in mind the possibility that the withered leaves will rustle in the icy wind or catch the first delicate snowflakes.

Draw the trunk of a snowy winter oak tree. It can also be a picture of snow or a frowning blizzard. This will give the drawing a special, winter atmosphere.

Picture of an oak tree in pencil and paint

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