How to draw a human face with a pencil: learning to draw eyes, mouth, lips and other details, shadows

To depict a face, you need to know how to draw, take into account the anatomical details and know about the light and shadow. But there is a technique about (how to learn to draw a person's face) that helps everyone to comprehend the art of drawing.

You just have to learn the proportions and patterns of construction, and then practice.


Why apply axes, and teach proportions?

When depicting a face, it is imperative to teach how to apply axis lines. By using axes, you can correctly draw what the artist needs. (Pencil face) should be depicted in order to make the necessary changes, because it is difficult to take into account all the nuances the first time.

It is with the help of the axes, it is relatively easy to portray facial expressions. For example, to portray sadness, you should lower the eyebrows and corners of the mouth and slightly close your eyes. Only someone who understands where they are at rest can cope with such work.

Important: Before depicting a face, a novice artist should practice depicting the parts of the face one by one. This will save a lot of time and resources.

How do I draw eyes?

It is difficult to draw at first, so you should check the correctness of the actions, otherwise you will have to redraw later. To do this, measure the same size sections with a pencil and ruler. Detail of the eyes must be given special attention.

To draw the eyes, it is necessary:

  • Divide the oval of the face into two equal parts horizontally. It is here that the eyes should be placed;
  • Draw a vertical line. It too should divide the face into two parts.

Why do I need to divide the face with lines?

To properly create a drawing, it is necessary to divide the face horizontally. There should be three and a half sections. The upper section should depict the growth of hair, the middle section is for the eyebrows, and the very bottom section is the end of the nose. The space between the hair to the eyebrows is similar to the height of the forehead.

How to draw the mouth and lips?

To create lips on paper, the lower part of the face (from the nose to the end of the chin) should be divided into two areas. This action helps to identify the lower lip.

To identify the area designated for the mouth, you need to further divide the gap from the bottom lip and nose into 4 equal parts. On the lower quarter should be the mouth.

The size of the lips are sometimes different. The lower one is larger and lighter in size. That lip that is on top looks like the letter M.

The lips of the members of the stronger and weaker sex are different. For example, most women have fuller lips.

To draw the lips, you need to:

  • create a lip contour;
  • To make a darkening. During this process, a darker shade must be applied to the lip that is on top;
  • Blending, which is carried out using a tortillion. The skin near the mouth is created by darkening. Applying the eraser, it is necessary to create highlights.

Where to draw the ears?

Drawing the ears, it is worth considering that their top is often at the same level as the eyes, and the lobes should be depicted on the end line of the nose. Ears come in different sizes. In some people they stand out, while in others they are adjacent to the head.

How to place the eyes?

To calculate the width of the eyes and the space between them, the eye line should be divided into 8 sections. They should certainly be made equal.

When drawing, it is necessary to take into account that:

  • There is a gap between the eyes for the eye (2/8);
  • The eyes are usually 2/8 wide;
  • from the corners of the eyes, placed near the temples, to the silhouette of the head, 1/8 (the width of half an eye) must be kept.

The ratio varies with all people. Dividing the axis into 8 areas doesn't have to be done every time, but it's a good way to test yourself. It helps to get your eyes properly sized. Because of this, they will not be too big or too small.

How do I draw the eyes, the wings of the nose and the mouth?

The nose should be depicted using the markings. It helps to create the right proportions. When creating the shadows, they should be marked with a pencil. During this process, the artist must necessarily be aware that its shape is spherical.

And also it is necessary to create highlights at the end and wings of the nose, and at the bottom it is necessary to depict shadows.

To draw everything correctly, it is worth taking into account that:

  • The corners of the eyes are placed on the line with the wings of the nose;
  • The center of the eyes is drawn at the same level as the corners of the lips.

The finishing touches

After the axes the artist draws the proportions, you can give the face the features of certain people. This is the final step.

If the artist is drawing a man with a mustache or beard, he

  • should draw the silhouette lines of the vegetation;
  • Draw the hairs. They are drawn in the direction of growth.

Important! In the process of combining the tones of the pencil with the use of tortillion, it is necessary to leave some amount of white. Mixing should be done from the darker shades.

How to indicate the shape?

To (draw the shape of the face), it should be inscribed in an oval or a circle. Everyone's (person's) face is unique. It, despite the general parameters, has significant differences from others. Vertical line helps to depict symmetry, horizontal - to correctly draw the eyes.

How to outline the elements of the face?

Pointing lines help to draw the face. The axes should be drawn easily. They should be applied almost invisibly, because the lines will then need to erase.

In the beginning, it is necessary to draw the parts of the face almost instantly and effortlessly. There is no need to draw everything in detail. All lines should be drawn easily. Incorrect strokes and lines are corrected later.

Tip! At first, you should learn how to sketch with the correct proportions of facial parts. If you have never drawn a face before, you should learn how and where to draw everything on it.

How to clarify shapes and sizes?

Then the dimensions and shape must be corrected. Now you need to correct everything that was incorrectly portrayed before.

How to add details and shadows?

Using strokes, you need to draw shadows near the nose, eyes, under the upper lip, as well as highlight the cheekbones. Then the hair is drawn. And also it is necessary to depict the neck and the shadow on it.

Tip! The rasterization of the shadows should be done when it is necessary. It is done using a piece of paper or a finger.


If you want to portray a face in full-face or in profile, a two-dimensional image will do. There lines are flat. Drawing other angles, you need to use three-dimensional world.

It is necessary to remember that if the eye of the depicted is directed downwards, then:

  • the features curve upward, and the ears are "raised."
  • The end of the nose is lower than that of a person in a normal pose. To those who look at the drawing, it seems as if it has come closer to the lips. If the person depicted lowers his head very much, his nose will slightly cover his lips. If the artist draws this perspective, he does not need to draw all the details of the nose, because the bridge of the nose and the wings will be visible;
  • The arches of the eyebrows should be drawn flat. If the depicted person tilts his face strongly, his eyebrows will look curved;
  • The upper eyelid begins to look more expressive. In order to hide the orbits of the eyes, it is necessary to slightly change the position of the head;
  • If the initial curve of the main curve of the lips is left as it was, it will appear as if the depicted person is smiling. The curvature of the curve should be changed to create a natural expression.

If the gaze of the depicted person is directed upwards, then:

  • the facial features are downward;
  • the lip which is on top is seen all the way down. If the artist is drawing in full-face, the lips can't be fully seen;
  • the eyebrows curve out more. Also the lower eyelid is raised. It gives the impression of being squinted;
  • the lower part of the nose can be seen. Even both nostrils need to be drawn.

When drawing a turning man, you must understand that:

  • if he is almost completely turned away, of the visible features will remain the brow arches and cheekbones. The neck line joins the chin line and is located near the ear. If the depicted person turns around, the eyelashes are also visible;
  • when turned around, part of the eyebrow line and the protrusion of the lower eyelid will be visible;
  • the end of the nose is visible from behind the cheek;
  • if the depicted person is turned around in profile, the eyeballs and lips can be seen, and the neck line joins the chin line. People looking at the drawing should see the part of the cheek that covers the wing of the nose.

It takes effort to draw a face, but it's sure to pay off. Tutorial on how to draw a face makes it easier to work, so it is worth considering the above tips. For drawing, you need to prepare a sketchbook, pencil, ruler and eraser.

Photo of the drawn face of a man with a pencil

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