Halloween costume with their own hands at home from simple materials - the best ideas for boys and girls

If you like to have fun and creativity is your strong point, then creating Halloween costumes will be remembered by you no less than the celebration itself.

Skillful hands and a stream of fancy sometimes create incredible things.

Delight yourself and your children with spectacular outfits of the dead and vampires, and the process of creating them will plunge you headlong into the holiday atmosphere.



What do we know about this holiday? Halloween, a holiday that originated in Northern Ireland, is celebrated on the last day of October and precedes All Saints' Day.

Early in its history, the holiday was considered a day to talk to the dead and should remember your ancestors. With each year, new modern attributes were gradually woven into the tradition: the costumes became more and more colorful, and the holiday turned into a show.

Few people know about the purpose of the costumes of zombies, witches or mummies. It is believed that on this day all sorts of evil comes out on earth and messes with people. In order not to be a victim of evil forces, people themselves dressed up in costumes and pretended to be dead, to take away the attention of evil forces.

And the famous pumpkin with the evil face carved into it symbolizes the lantern of Jack the drunkard, who accidentally managed to negotiate with the devil that he would not take him to hell.

Nevertheless, after his death, Jack did not go to heaven either, leaving him stranded on earth with a charcoal that he hid in a dry pumpkin, like a lamp.

Halloween paraphernalia today does not follow any canon, people dress up as dead people and showbiz personalities, and fairies. Choose a costume for the holiday can be any, and if you make it with your own hands, then nothing but your imagination is not limited.

Materials and tools for making

Deciding to make a Halloween costume with your own hands, take out all your old clothes - this is the basis of most dark costumes.

You need to take what is not sorry to shred on rags or smeared with glue.

Furry things will come in handy, pieces of which can mimic the wool of werewolves.

Old hats, capes, and various cloaks will come in handy.

And, of course, you'll need bandages, paper, paint for things and for scary makeup.

Halloween costume for a girl

You can dress up a girl for this holiday in anything you want. But we'll break down the most popular and unusual costume ideas.


The bride costume for Halloween, first of all, should be scary (well, or scary beautiful). It is customary to portray dead brides or killer brides, but either way the image should be dramatic.

The plan to create a costume is simple:

  • We take the dress, get it dirty, tear it in some places, add blood stains and the basis of the plot is ready. Couldn't find a wedding dress at home? No problem, but in that case you'll have to work a little longer.
  • To make a bride's dress yourself, you need to take, for example, a corset as a base.
  • To it you need to sew a skirt - it's not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. Gather the fabric in a circle with an overlap in the folds at the waist or, if the amount of fabric allows, cut the skirt in the form of a circle and gather it on a ribbon-belt.
  • If there is no corset, use any old dress, add to it scraps of fabric as a skirt, and it doesn't matter what kind of fabric: thick cotton, purchased organza or tulle removed from the window.

The fascinating thing about this process is that the image should be quite shabby, because our heroines have risen from the other side of the world. So the more tattered ruffles, squirming holes and dangling flaps, the better.

Note that a zombie bride or killer bride's dress can be not only white, but also gray or black and white.

Add appropriate makeup with simulated open wounds, abrasions and bruises and the look is stunning.


To create a costume you will need to sew the main attribute of all vampires - a black cape with a high collar or hood.

This is easy to do, you just need to cut a semicircle radius equal to the height of the person - usually use a fabric width of 1.5 meters.

To make the costume brighter, you can cut two semicircles: of black (for the top) and red (for the lining) fabric:

  • In the middle you need to cut another half-circle as a neck.
  • Both parts are sewn together, turned out so that the seam is inside, and ironed on the seam. Cape-cloak is almost done.
  • It remains to cut the hood - it may well be in the form of a large rectangle sewn to the neck, or more round shape.
  • Of course, a more complicated version with a red inside will make the image more sinister.
  • But once you have completed the vampire cape, you can consider that the costume is done, and all you need to do is to match the rest of the clothes.

So, a vampire can appear in public in an evening black dress or in a tight latex suit; pants and a black corset will also harmonize with a black and red cape; a white lace blouse stained with scarlet paint can add spice to the image.

Fake fangs, pale makeup, red or black lipstick - the image of a daring vampire is ready.

Angel of Hell

The costume of a fallen angel can be created with your own hands. Even the wings do not need to buy in the store. But about everything in order.

The traditional color of the costumes of hell characters is black, so first of all you need to take care of the base of the costume - it can be an elegant black dress, a short trapeze skirt or a costume with a black lace corset.

When your little black dress is ready, move on to creating the crucial accessories:

  • You will need thick wire, kapron or thin elastic fabric, black paper or store-bought feathers to create the wings.
  • From the wire, create a frame to the shape of the wings, then cover the shape with a thin fabric (black kapron stockings are great) and sew the feathers to the blank.
  • If you make the feathers yourself, then you need to cut rectangles of black paper in the shape of feathers, cut a fringe along their edge and twist it with scissors.
  • It is better to make wings of small size, then they will be well kept on the costume.

Of course you can also buy ready-made wings, they also come in different shapes and sizes.

The main thing is to image your character - your costume should be feminine and dangerous at the same time.


The main element of the costume of a cat is the ears and tail. To sew them from fabric does not require much work.

The ears can be fur or can be made from pieces of leather or leather substitutes:

  • Cut triangles of white and black fabric, sew together the white and black parts, finished ears sew to a hoop for hair, which can also be trimmed with fur or leatherette.
  • The tail is also easy to make: we sew a long ribbon into a narrow tube, the end of which we trim with fur.
  • Attach the tail to the belt and you can safely use it to create a full-fledged image of the Catwoman.


Everything will come in handy for a witch costume: old dresses, tattered capes, questionable wigs and, of course, hats.

If the creation of a general image of a mad sorceress does not cause questions, then the creation of a hat will have to sweat.

So, if you can't find a suitable hat with a wide brim in your closet, you can make it yourself.

The easiest way is to cut out a cone or a cylinder from paper, to the brim of which glue the wide brim of the hat. Then paint the hat in black and add sequins or designs in the form of spider web.

Such a witch hat is very easy to create, but, alas, short-lived.

A witch's dress can be solemnly dressy: made of lush black tulle with lots of lace, flaps, ribbons and black sequins. Or it can look mysteriously old, shabby, and tattered, in the form of a gray hoodie.

In any case, do not forget to bring with you to the party a magic wand, or a broom, then the image will be complete.

Halloween costume for a boy

Boys love this holiday as much as girls. And they also like to dress up. Therefore, parents should talk to children in advance about what kind of costume they want to wear.


To create a bat costume, you will need black fabric, wire and thread and a needle:

  • First of all, we need to measure the wingspan of our young man - the length of one wing is equal to the distance from the spine to the wrist.
  • Fold the fabric in half and cut out something similar to a triangle-wing, the lower part of the triangle is cut with notches.
  • You can make the jagged edges sharp or semicircular - in such you can sew a wire to better hold the wings shape.
  • Finished wings are sewn to the clothes in the shoulder blades and on the cuffs of the sleeves.

When you wave your hands, the fabric of the wings will spread out and take on the appearance of a natural counterpart. The ears on the headband and the butterfly on the collar of the shirt will complete the image.


Making a zombie costume for a boy is very simple. Often a little frolic on the street with friends, the boys themselves create images of characters that have risen from the earth:

  • So, take clothing that you do not regret to spoil, cut off, or better tear off some part of it, such as a sleeve or pocket.
  • Some part of the costume should be stained, some part should be deliberately covered with scarlet paint, somewhere should be torn, and somewhere should be tied into a knot.
  • To all this beauty add makeup: abrasions, wounds, translucent bones, teeth and other human insides.

You can enhance the image with soiled bandages or funny children's patches.

The Mummy

For the mummy costume you will need tight clothes, preferably gray or white, which can be thrown away after the party, bandages or old sheets, tea, scissors and a needle and thread.

The essence of making a costume is to cover the clothes with torn strips from old sheets or bandages:

  • By notching the sheet in increments of the desired width, we tear it into long strips of bandages.
  • Then, to age the fabric, soak it in a solution of boiling water and tea bags - so the future mummy will acquire its natural color.
  • Dried bandages are sewed to the costume.
  • Finish the image by wrapping the head and arms with bandages.
  • Face can be made up in dark colors, so the eyes will seem more sinister.

Add some black or yellow spots to the costume and your mummy will look especially ancient.

Freddy Krueger

A Freddy Krueger costume can be one of the scariest costumes at a party.

The basis of the costume is, as always, uncomplicated: a wide-brimmed sweater, preferably in red and green (but any other striped sweater will do), and black classic pants. To go with all this, pick up a brown hat, add intimidating makeup and a glove with blades.

To create Freddy's weapon, take an old leather glove as the basis, tape a wire to each finger of the glove in the shape of the blade. Then frame the wire, cover the foil, and attach the entire structure to the wrist of the glove with duct tape for security.

Freddy Krueger makeup is a separate story. Try simulating burned areas of skin with glue and soaked wipes, forming scars and burn wounds on your face.

When the glue dries, cover your face with foundation and add brightness to the wounds with paint or simple lipstick.


To make a werewolf costume, you'll have to try a little harder. Of course, you will need glue, fur, foam rubber, and old clothes. First of all, decide where the fur, sorry, werewolf fur, will be visible.

First, let's figure out how to cover your feet with fur:

  • We will need large socks or knee socks.
  • To socks glue parts of the muscles of the fantastic character: fingers and pads of the feet, extra muscles on the shin - so as to imitate a wolf's paw.
  • Then sock, together with foam padding is covered with fur, it is better to cover a foot with fur, at least to the knee.
  • The hands can be covered with fur with curly gloves or long sleeves with a hole for the thumbs and also, glued with fur.
  • On the head, it is better to wear a shaggy wig or a hat of matching fur.
  • The makeup should connect the furry head to the face, for example by depicting very bushy eyebrows or a beard.


The costume of the devil himself is created in much the same way as a vampire costume. We will need fabric, this time also in black and red:

  • From the fabric we cut two semicircles, with a radius of the length of the future mantle.
  • Cut the neck and sew the mantle cape.
  • The collar is better made in the form of a stand, for this we sew two strips of fabric together with paper or cardboard inside - so the collar will hold its shape. Sew the collar to the cape.
  • Shape the horns out of foil, trim them with red fabric and sew them to the hoop.
  • We twist the tail out of wire and also cover it with fabric.
  • The wire will bend the tail as you wish.
  • At the end of the tail you can sew a pike of fabric, as well as cut out of cardboard and glue foil trident.


Everyone knows the familiar character from childhood - the pirate. Such a costume for young boys is very simple.

We start from the basic clothes: undershirt and trousers-pants or just shorts.

Add to this image a pirate hat or bandana with the image of sinister skulls well, and, of course, the weapon of all pirates - a toy sword.

Add zest to the image may flask with pirate rum or lemonade and a bandage on one eye.

Whatever costume you have not chosen for the party All Saints' Day, remember that the main thing to try to enter the image to scare your outfit as many friends and have fun on this night at the glory. Create costumes and bring to life, this time, your scariest fantasies.

Photo Halloween costume ideas

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