The dream catcher with their own hands: unusual ideas on decoration and step by step instructions from the best craftsmen

North American Indians believe that at night the human soul travels to other worlds, which are inhabited by spirits that are not always friendly. To protect yourself from nightmares and not to die during a night's rest helps a talisman called a dream catcher.

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands, we will consider in this article. This talisman will provide a calm rest until morning, easy awakening and vigor.


The meaning of the dream catcher

The amulet is made in the form of a circle in which there is a symbolic web of threads. Its purpose is to catch in the nets of evil spirits that can penetrate into the room when a person is asleep or absent from the house. Therefore, in some cases, the catcher is hung over the front door.

A dense net of threads passes only good dreams and good spirits, which differ from the evil ones in their subtle structure. Nightmares and bad spirits are entangled in the threads, and with the first rays of the sun flow down the feathers into the world of oblivion.

The circle symbolizes the cycle of life, the threads within the circle - the lifeline of a person, the empty center in the circle - the spirit of the person. The feathers adorning the amulet symbolize the element of air.

Where to place the dreamcatcher

This amulet is designed to protect a person's sleep, so the correct placement is the bedroom. As a decorative element, a dream catcher can be placed anywhere in a room.

According to Indians, evil spirits are sure to get entangled in the threads and will not be able to harm a sleeping person. Good spirits are not afraid of the net, they pass through the holes.

Indians place the trap over the bed of the sleeper. According to the method of feng shui this amulet should hang on the window, as dreams enter the house through it.

Young mothers hang the amulet over the cradle, where toys usually hang. It is intended to protect the baby's sleep from the influence of evil spirits.

Meaning of the color of the dream catcher

The choice of tzata for making a talisman should be strictly considered. For Indians, each shade is endowed with sacred meaning and significance.

Color Meaning
White Purification, chastity, success. It cleanses a person from negativity, charges the positive energy, keeps thoughts in purity.
Black Symbol of the Absolute, mysterious powers, pacification and peace. Strengthens intuition, helps to notice and understand the signs of destiny.
Blue Wisdom, intuition, spiritual renewal, inspiration, protection and stability, harmony of body and soul, spiritual balance.
Blue Protection from mental confusion, clairvoyance, psychic abilities. The blue shade attracts positive energies, fills with lightness and makes a peaceful disposition.
Purple Immortality of soul, eternity, wisdom, intelligence, mentality, connection to higher worlds.
Red The power of fire, dynamism, passion, help to choose the right direction, strength of will, activity, courage.
Pink The color of tenderness, kindness, pure love, love of life. Teaches to appreciate every moment, helps in personal life.
Yellow It helps to understand the meaning of life, makes the mind flexible and receptive, heals the soul and body.
Orange The color of joy, sensuality, harmony of femininity and masculinity.
Green The color of the immortality of the human soul. Positive, good emotions, the way to the intended purpose, faith in yourself and your forces.

It is necessary to choose those colors that correspond to your idea of the purpose of the amulet.

Tools and materials

How to weave a dream catcher with your own hands? The technique of weaving is very simple and uncomplicated. Examples of creating an amulet are listed below. Let's talk about what materials it is best to create a trap. Here is a rule: only from natural materials.

If you are making an amulet as a decoration of your bedroom, then the material can be anything. But the basis of a magical amulet can be exclusively natural materials that conduct energies well.

What you need to prepare:

  • The base for the dream catcher - willow twigs for a circle or a wooden hoop;
  • strong threads - jute, household rope, shoe string;
  • thin thread - ordinary sewing thread or iris.

Willow twigs should be thin, which bend well. Sometimes sprigs of rowan trees are used to create a trapper, because rowan trees symbolize protection from evil spirits.

Small details and feathers are suitable for decoration. Often different beads (glass, wood) or buttons on the stem are used as decorations. Feathers can be taken from a pillow or bought in a store (bright, ornate).

Also for work you will need scissors, transparent glue, sewing needle, hook.

Step by step instructions for creating a dream catcher

Stages of creating an amulet:

  • Prepare all tools and material for the amulet;
  • tightly wrap the wooden base with strong threads, so that there is no gap;
  • now it is necessary to fill in the space inside the circle in any way;
  • To weave a spider's web, it is necessary to make equidistant marks on a circle and to tie a thread to them;
  • starting from the third row, weave beads into the cobweb (they are threaded in advance);
  • the end of weaving fix tightly tightened knot;
  • If you make a base of branches, they should be tightly fixed with tape so that they won't unravel.

If you make a base from branches, they should be tightly fixed with scotch tape so that they won't unravel.

If you decorate the amulet with suspended leather cords, then the feathers can be fixed not with wire or thread, but with beads. You simply thread the feathers into the beads attached to the cord.

Ideas for creating a dream catcher

Amulet for dreams can be made in different techniques:

  • classic - with feathers, beads, cobwebs;
  • with a star inside instead of a cobweb;
  • with various figures and buttons instead of feathers;
  • in the form of a merry-go-round with many pendants with beads, feathers and buttons;
  • in the form of an owl - two small circles form the owl's eyes, and large feathers form its body.

Made of cardboard and thread.

This is a very simple amulet, to create which you will need cardboard, ordinary and thick threads, beads, and bright feathers.

Dreamcatcher - step by step instructions:

  • Cut out a circle from heavy cardboard (from a box);
  • Wrap it with thick thread, leave the end of the thread for a loop (to hang it from);
  • thread the beads through the thin threads;
  • tie the threads with the beads on the circle on opposite sides;
  • Tie the feathers to the finished circle.

Feathers can be taken from a down pillow or bought in a store. They are tied either to thick threads, or to a chain. Creativity in creating an amulet for dreams is welcome.


Amulet for dreams can be made from improvised materials, which can always be found in the house. Consider the master class of the craft. For a base, you can take a circle from a child's spring, fasten the ends with scotch tape.

Fix the end of the thread on the circle and begin to wrap it tightly around the ring, making knots. When the circle is ready, make a loop from the end of the thread - to suspend the amulet.

Now take thin threads and weave a cobweb of them in a circle. Try to make equal spacing. If you are not sure about it, make marks on the circle beforehand.

Weave two circles of spiderweb, and from the third, start threading the beads through the thread. At the end of the weaving fix the thread so that it is not untied.

Now you need to decorate the amulet with pendants with feathers and beads. To do this, cut three strands of equal length and fold them in half.

Thread tied to the edge of the circle at an equal distance from each other. String the beads on the thread, tie feathers with a thin wire - it's better to hold.

To keep all elements of the composition tight, you can fix them with transparent glue.

After that, you should hang the amulet in the sun, so it can be cleaned and charged with solar energy. Periodically cleaning repeat once a month or on days of power - 2 equinoxes and 2 solstices.

Cobweb .

Cobweb for dreams is very simple. The basis can be bent in a ring willow twigs or a wooden hoop, bought in craft stores. This hoop should be wrapped with thread (for knitting or crafts) so that the wood is not visible.

Now you need to divide the circle into 8 equal sections, tie the thread at each of the selected points. You will have an octagon. Now you need to make 5-6 more circles with threads to get a tight web. After that you need to make 5-6 circles of loose spider web.

The workpiece is decorated with glass or wooden beads, which are threaded in advance. The beads can decorate the loop, which pinned the amulet.

For children's rooms

A dream catcher for children is characterized by a combination of bright colors. It performs two functions - protection from nightmares and decoration of the room. The amulet must be liked by the child, so that he is included in the work.

To create an amulet you need to take a wooden circle and a strong thread made of jute, hemp or linen. It is necessary to take a natural thread, polyester is not suitable.

If the basis of the amulet is small, you can weave a cobweb of mouliné thread. To the thread attach the buttons wrapped in fabric on a foot. Various decorative elements in the form of glass beads, figures, feathers, ribbons are attached to the trap.

Threads are stretched in the form of spokes on wheels - connecting the opposite sides of the circle. Weaving can be in any order or strictly according to the planned scheme.

The finished amulet is hung on the wall above the child's crib or on the window.

Conclusion .

No matter what method you created your amulet, you need to put your thoughts and intentions into it. Only then it will reliably protect from nightmares and stand on guard of dreams.

Photo of self-made dream catchers

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