Original handmade crafts: step-by-step master classes on creating things for decorating the interior of the house

If you want to make the house cozy and give uniqueness and uniqueness, pay attention to handicrafts, which are implemented with their own hands. They give a unique charm and aura to any home.

Try to perform at least one of them and immediately feel that with your own efforts you can transform the space.

How to make interesting handicrafts with your own hands - we will tell in detail in the article and give some of the most original examples.


Materials for making crafts for the house

The first question that arises inexperienced craftsmen - what material is suitable for making a particular design. It all depends on the initial idea and the effect that is needed in the end. May come in handy:

  • Wine bottle stoppers made from cork material.
  • Old forks and spoons which have already served their time and can be used to make original interior items.
  • Old pots, plates, pans which have outlived their useful life.
  • Old things - they can be knitted, woven or crocheted.
  • Shoes that still retain some appeal, but are no longer suitable for everyday wear.
  • Cardboard, paper, metallized foil.
  • Boxes, board cuttings, pallets, coasters, old boxes.
  • Threads of different thickness, structure and coloring.
  • Paints (oil, acrylic, other synthetic paints that dry quickly and well). It should be expected that these compositions must dry quickly and not be poisonous, that is, they should be allowed to apply in closed living rooms. To such a material should pick up stencils, brushes, foam sponges of varying degrees of hardness.

Of course, this list is not complete. To get beautiful crafts, you can take absolutely any object. The main thing is to apply imagination and an unconventional approach.

Interior decor items

From the list presented, you can perform a large number of necessary interior items. These can include:

  • Pillows of different sizes and shapes.
  • Hooks that serve as a hanger in the kitchen, in the corridor, in the bathroom.
  • Panels on the wall. They can be large or compact.
  • Paintings.
  • Coasters for shoes, newspapers, hats and umbrellas.
  • Pots for plants. They can serve as decorations, both indoors and out on the balcony, forming a kind of patio.

You can also come up with even more original ideas how to decorate the interior of any room in the house. It is enough to look around the apartment and understand what can be transformed or what is missing for comfortable living.

Map of the world on the wall

If the room has a large unoccupied plane of the wall, you can place an image of the world map or an individual country on it. This can be done:

  • With the help of a ready-made poster, purchased in a special store.
  • Cut out a stencil yourself and recreate the contours of the continents with paints. It is better to choose acrylic compositions. They dry quickly enough and they are easy to work with for beginners.

Where you can place the map on the wall:

  • In the living room, you can perform a full-color image and two-colored. It can be an outline or with a filled background.
  • In a child's bedroom, it is better to perform the right image of the map in terms of boundaries and shapes. In this case, it serves not only as an element of the interior, but also as a source of learning.

Lampshade from cardboard

Interesting handicrafts can be made of ordinary cardboard, if you apply a certain skill and patience. So, make affordable lampshade for the lamp. It will be necessary to observe the following steps:

  • The easiest way is a geometric object. It is necessary to cut strips of equal or different thickness. In the second case, you will need to do different sizes with a certain pitch. The lengths of the strips must match the diameter of the lampshade.
  • Divide the strips into a certain number of sections, for example, 5 or 6. Make a pronounced bend on them. Put the ends together and glue.
  • Collect a certain number of these 5 and 6 angles and fasten them to each other with thread or thin strips of paper to hold them in a vertical structure.
  • Attach the resulting product to the base of the chandelier.

Decoupage furniture decoration technique

Decoupage technique perfectly complements interiors in the style - Provence, eclectic, colonial. Perform a similar decoration on the surface of furniture is easy, it is enough to follow the following steps:

  • Find a suitable image, cut it out.
  • Carefully using a special brush and glue to fix the resulting image in the right place.
  • Cover the final stage with a special transparent coating, so as not to break the integrity of the figure in use.

Cloth Painting

Funny handicrafts are made of fabric. From a variety of scraps can make a picture is done as follows:

  • First select an image. It can be more realistic and contain a story, or it can be simply geometric, abstract.
  • Take a cloth of the desired color and texture. Cut pieces of the desired shape.
  • Arrange them on a base in the form of plywood or wood. Then fix the elements with a special textile glue. You can not take any other, as it will leave traces and the craft will be spoiled.

Useful crafts for the home

Do not stop in your plans and products only on decoration. Handicrafts can be used as functional items that make life easier. Consider such ideas for crafts.

A pillow from old sweaters

Cutting out individual parts from old sweaters, you can sew a pillow from them later. To be able to realize it, you need to observe the following recommendations:

  • Cutting out parts from knitted things, immediately dial down the loops on a thread or a needle, because if this is not done, the fabric can begin to unravel.
  • Make a cushion cover from the pieces. If the element does not cover the entire cushion, you can sew 2 or more parts together, and then use them to create the front and back of the pillowcase.
  • To make the seams not visible, you need to use a special stitch and thread of the same thickness and color as at least one of the elements to be joined.

Shoe rack with pebbles

Interesting handicrafts can be realized with your own hands, if you take advantage of such unpretentious gifts of nature, such as pebbles. For such an element of the interior take a tray with beautiful edges and fill it with pebbles.

It is desirable to fix them. For this purpose, superglue is suitable. Arranging the pebbles, it is necessary to lay them out so that they form a plane.

Holders for small objects from tennis balls

Want a little humor in the hallway, use a bright green tennis ball to make a key holder out of it. It's easy to do:

  • The ball is cut on one side no more than 1/3 of the entire diameter and slightly below the midline.
  • Insert any shape of hook, bent upwards, into the cut. Glue it or sew it on.
  • Fix the ball in any convenient way to the wall at such a height that it is convenient to put the key on it.

Basket of wooden clothespins

Cool crafts can also be made out of clothespins. It is best if they are made of wood, although plastic ones will do. True, with those you get a basket more modern.

And wooden products allow you to get a basket, as it used to be in the backyards of peasants - because they quite often used wood chips to make the interior and household items.

Master class on how to make a basket:

  • The clothespins need to be disassembled into separate halves. Wire, their fastening is not needed.
  • Take a heavy cardboard. Roll it in the form of a cylinder. Its diameter should correspond to the size of the future product. And the height should be less than that of the clothespins.
  • Carefully glue the individual pieces of wood in a vertical direction, the inner surface.
  • When the whole circle will be passed, take the twine and from the top and bottom tie it around the cylinder. It turns out the imitation of a barrel.

Shelves from drawers

Cool crafts that will not only help to decorate any room, but also make it more ergonomic and usable, can be made literally from drawers. True, they will have to work on them so that their appearance is quite aesthetically pleasing. Perform:

  • Sanding with a sandpaper.
  • Painting the surface in any suitable tone.
  • Realization of the shelves themselves - think about their length, width and height. Superfluous elements can be cut off with a hacksaw. And if the parameters are not enough, you can connect 2 drawers together.

Bench with storage niches made of hollow concrete blocks

If you use old crates or pallets, you can also make a full-fledged bench and niches departments for storing shoes.

The sequence of actions in this case will be almost similar to that of making shelves from crates. The only point in terms of technology is the preparation of the pallet, which will have to saw, giving it the right size.

Such cool crafts from old wooden crates and stands will fit in many styles of interiors, except for classic. High-tech, Provence, colonial, postmodern, post-industrialism, loft are in harmony with such products.

Master class of making a bench:

  • Measure the size of the pallet, cut off part of the width.
  • Pick up the right size drawers.
  • Sand all wood surfaces.
  • Paint the prepared parts.
  • Assemble them with self-tapping screws and nails.
  • Make a good sized seat. To make them more comfortable, you can lay them inside with foam rubber. On the edges sew the ties, which will help fix the seats. As the fabric is recommended to choose a well-cleaned.

Realizing an unusual handicrafts for your home, it is worth starting first of all from the needs and increasing functionality. Before you get down to execution, is to make a preliminary sketch, and for more complex items - drawing. This will allow you to avoid miscalculations and rework.

Photo ideas for original crafts

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