Handmade cat: the volume and the flat figurines of the step by step with examples of photos and ideas
From ancient times it was believed that a cat living in the house brings good luck. These animals were worshipped, and accused of connection with the otherworldly forces.
Also whiskers were attributed healing abilities.
More recently, it has been discovered that felines are not domesticated, but have only come to live near humans. They still remain free, but they continue to love their chosen human.
Whatever abilities kitties have, a handmade purr is a great gift.
Symbolism of a cat and a cat
Cats have always been attributed 2 opposite meanings, which have been perfectly balanced in them. Like any symbolism in real life, in a dream or as a totem can have different meanings.
Ideas for flat handicrafts
We present a variety of popular ideas for decorating handicrafts. These are the most unusual and popular ways for beginners and experienced craftsmen.
Paper cat
A cat made of paper material is the simplest option for making.
What is needed:
- paper of different colors;
- Pencils, paints, markers.
- Take a colored square, fold in half diagonally, and again fold in the middle. Thus you mark the middle.
- Bend the bottom tops to the top. The line of flexion should be the middle line. This ears kitty.
- It remains only to bend the top of the triangle.
- On the other side of the picture cat face.
Cat bookmark
For the work you need:
- a sheet of colored cardboard;
- markers;
- scissors.
- From cardboard, cut rectangles 10 cm long and 5 cm wide.
- At one of the narrow edges indicate ears cutting off the excess.
- Markers draw a neat face and two paws.
- To fix the bookmark on the page, you need to cut out the legs, but not cut through completely.
Made of felt.
Any felt products are not difficult to make.
The materials needed are:
- A paper pattern;
- a simple pencil;
- buttons;
- any filler;
- floss;
- felt.
- First you need to decide what size the cat will be. Draw all the elements of the paper pattern.
- Fold the felt in half, transfer the pattern to it and cut out. Each piece should get two pieces.
- Make eyes and nose of the buttons. For a muzzle can also use sequins, mouliné, felt-tip pens.
- Connect details with the body stitch overcasting.
- As you sew the parts with filler.
- You can tie a ribbon around the neck of the kitty.
- Handicraft cat ready.
With cotton disks
Applique from cotton disks - not new, but always relevant area for preschoolers. Depending on the level of possession of scissors, children can make a handicraft on their own or ask for help from adults.
Materials needed:
- cotton disks;
- colored cardboard;
- buttons;
- glue.
- From 2 whole discs form the body and head of the kitten.
- Another one out of ears.
- Paws are made from disk halves.
- Glue the blanks on the base.
- Claws can be drawn with a marker.
- Cut the disk around the perimeter, it will be the tail. If the tail is too long, you can cut off the excess. Place it in its place.
- All you have to do is make a muzzle. Attach eyes and nose of buttons. Elements for the muzzle can also be made from paper or simply drawn.
- Cut one disk into thin strips. Carefully glue them to the nose, forming a mustache.
The applique is ready.
Made of cardboard
Materials and tools:
- colored cardboard and paper;
- pencil;
- markers;
- ruler;
- glue.
- Take a sheet of colored A4 cardboard. Along the long edge, cut a rectangle 7 cm wide.
- If the cardboard has a colored layer on one side only, then do the work on the wrong side. Fold the strip in the middle, press the fold.
- Unfold the rectangle.
- Fold to the middle of the right side. Fold smooth with his hands. Also do the same with the opposite side.
- The rectangle should divide into 4 equal sectors.
- The outermost sector cut lengthwise into 3 equal strips to the fold line. The middle strip - the tail.
- Second sector on the left will be paws. They need to draw on the cardboard marker.
- Return to the strips in the rightmost sector. Connect the outer strip with the leftmost sector on the wrong side, with glue. This should make a triangle.
- Round off the tip of the tail.
- Prepare a blank for the head and ears from another sheet of colored cardboard.
- From light pink paper prepare elements of detailing ears and nose.
- Assemble the ears. First glue the middle piece to the ear, then the whole structure on the head.
- Secure the spout with glue.
- Eyes are easily made from plain white paper. Cut circles about 1.8 cm in diameter. It remains to finish drawing the pupils and place them in their rightful place.
- Use a marker to finish drawing the missing details of the muzzle.
- Connect the head with the body.
- Cat ready.
Applique from pieces of fabric
Appliqué is the creation of images by gluing materials of other colors or textures onto the base.
Accordingly, fabric appliqué is the fixing of fabric pieces on the base. The base material should be denser than the appliqué.
Materials needed:
- white cardboard;
- remnants of the cloth from the cloth with a pile;
- glue;
- beads;
- brush;
- pencils;
- ruler.
- You can design a template yourself or find a suitable one on the Internet.
- Cut out the body of the cat from cardboard and fabric, using the template. The fabric for this part is better to take with fleece.
- In the same way make a blank head.
- Glue blanks inside out.
- Decorate. Pick beads for eyes and fix them on the face.
- Cut out nose from cotton fabric and fix it securely in place.
- Details of the mouth are also made from CB fabric. Glue it on.
- Make whiskers from threads and fix them to a snout.
- On the pads of the feet pick a suitable material. Cut out elements and glue.
- It remains to glue inner triangles ears of cloth and the cat is ready.
From a Disposable Plate
A disposable plastic plate can be used to make a fun-looking cat face. It is so easy work, even children can do it. And it will take no more than half an hour to make.
The workflow:
- The plate is a ready-made head. For the simplest version, it is enough to draw the details of the muzzle and the cat is ready.
- For a more voluminous version, take a black or pink pompom for the nose. You can make it yourself or, for example, take it from an old hat.
- The chenille wire makes a great mustache.
- Eyes can be drawn, or you can use ready-made from the store.
- For the ears use triangles of cardboard.
- Ready kitty cat.
Weaving with threads
On a sheet of cardboard depicts the silhouette. Along the contour lines are inserted tailor pins. Next weave thread, clinging to the pins. When you fill in the inside of the outline, the cat is ready.
From disks
All ingenious is simple. Cut out details for the muzzle from velvet paper of a suitable color. Glue blanks to unwanted CDs. Make a fun cat face.
Volumetric cat crafts
Volumetric crafts look more interesting. But they are just as easy to make as the flat ones. Therefore, even novice craftsmen and young children can try to make such a craft.
With chestnuts
Materials needed:
- chestnuts - rounded and flattened;
- Colorful plasticine;
- skewers;
- awl;
- quill;
- wire.
- First, make sure the main material is free of holes and dirt.
- For the legs, use 4 flat chestnuts. Make holes with awl, and insert a toothpick.
- From the rounded chestnuts choose 2: larger and medium, for the body and head, respectively. Pinch them together with toothpicks. Using awl, prepare holes for the tail and paws.
- Details muzzle will be plasticine. You can help children in this.
- Assemble the purr.
- From the wire make whiskers. Use a feather as a tail.
- Purr-fly cat ready.
From cones
This is a more complicated version of the handicraft. Children will not be able to cope with this work by themselves. But with joint creativity excellent develops imagination, perseverance and attention to detail.
Materials needed:
- cones of different sizes;
- plasticine;
- dried branch of a spruce;
- black pepper peas;
- glue "Moment";
- brush with stiff hair.
- Select a pair of large cones to make the body and head, a pair of elongated medium-sized - feet, a pair of small - ears.
- The large ones are connected to each other, at the expense of natural coupling. To do this, insert them with their sharp sides into each other. Secure with a few drops of "Momenta" for reliability.
- The middle cones are fastened with brown plasticine. You should have feet. Glue the construction to the body.
- Proceed to the tail of dried spruce branch. Cut off a piece of necessary size. Fix it on the body using plasticine.
- Attach the ears in place. This can be done either with glue or plasticine.
- Make the face of the animal with plasticine. For the nose you can use a pea of black pepper.
- In the plasticine cheeks insert fluff from a synthetic brush. You get a great mustache.
- Kitty ready.
Polymer clay
This craft can interest older children as well. Try to make an ornament for the Christmas tree - a kitten.
The necessary materials and tools:
- polymer clay;
- board for modeling;
- toothpicks;
- saucer with water.
- Roll a ball of polymer gray color not smaller than the size of a chicken egg. From the same color mold 2 triangles for the ears, 4 oval sausages for paws, 2 balls for the cheeks, sausage - tail.
- From the white polymer make two peepers, adding to them black dots - pupils. Use pink polymer for the nose.
- With your wet fingers and help toothpick, connect the blanks together.
- The cat should turn out quite "thick", so you do not need to make the details miniature.
- Use a toothpick to make a hole for the string and press out the fingers on the paws. Make a moustache out of wire.
- When the figure is completely dry, thread and use!
From toilet paper sleeves
This material makes simply adorable cats.
- Fold the edges of the cylinder inward. You should have "ears". Round the free corners of the body.
- Use the next tube for a muzzle. On both sides make slits to form ears.
- Connect the head with the torso.
- Color your kitty.
- It remains only to add the missing details: tail, eyes, nose. Doris mustache and mouth.
- Almost a Cheshire cat ready.
Origami paper
To make a matryoshka cat need 5 colored leaves a square shape.
Each next leaf has a square side smaller than the previous one by 2 cm.
- Fold the leaf diagonally in half.
- Then bend the right corner so that the top reached the opposite side of the triangle.
- Do the same with the left corner.
- Wrap the folds 1 layer protruding "ears".
- Second sticking out ears bend into the "cup".
- Turn the resulting billet.
- Slightly pressing your fingers concave bottom, to get the ears kitty.
- It remains only using a marker to draw a face and paws kittens.
From the glove
Materials needed:
- Unwanted gloves;
- Glue gun;
- Filler;
- Markers;
- Thread;
- Needle;
- Details for the muzzle;
- Satin ribbon.
- Take a glove and stuff it with filler. Especially the fingers.
- Finished stuffing, distribute the filler and sew up the glove.
- Thumb and pinkie stitch together.
- Fold the middle finger to the back and sew to the body. We got the tail.
- Tape the head and body of the glove.
- Use a glue gun to fasten the details of the muzzle into place.
- Draw the whiskers with a marker.
For a change, you can decorate the cat with sequins, beads, or attach a greeting card.
From plastic bottles
What you will need:
- Brown plastic bottles - 3 pcs;
- duct tape;
- scissors;
- text proofreader;
- ribbon;
- white tissues;
- gouache.
Step by step instructions:
- For the torso and neck, you need a bottle with a high neck.
- Cut off the bottom of the remaining bottles.
- Cut out the ears from plastic and bend slightly.
- Insert the bottoms of two bottles into each other and fix the ears on them.
- Secure everything with masking tape.
- Using the same tape, attach the head to the neck.
- Cut out circles of different sizes from napkins. Make incisions in them.
- From plastic cut out a strip - tail.
- To trace the details of the muzzle, tail and paws, use corrector for the text.
- Give color to the muzzle of the cat with gouache.
- If you are making a cat and not a cat, tie a satin ribbon bow around the neck.
Vegetable Cat
A lot of different crafts cats can be found, but the vegetable is not often seen.
Materials needed:
- potatoes;
- carrots;
- plasticine.
- Using wooden skewers, connect two potatoes to each other.
- Cut out paws, tail and ears from carrots. Attach them to the blank cat with toothpicks.
- Make missing parts of the muzzle of plasticine.
- Kitten ready.
Only this set of vegetables is not limited to the production. Use your imagination and you'll see that a vegetable cat can be made from anything.
Crafts in the form of cats always look beautiful and do not lose relevance. Just like the living prototypes, your crafts will bring only positive emotions. Do not stop, and continue to create from everything your imagination prompts.