Cocktail straw crafts with your own hands: simple and unpretentious ideas for children and novice craftsmen

From simple and insignificant things, such as cocktail straws, you can make a lot of original products. In creative hands, ordinary straws can be transformed into toys, wall panels or unusual jewelry.

Easy and unpretentious crafts, which you will find in our material, will bring you creative inspiration and help you create unique things with your own hands.


Materials and tools for work

When creating homemade crafts from cocktail straws use such a standard set of materials and tools:

  1. Straws. Straws of different sizes are used. Color and material are chosen depending on the product. These can be ordinary plastic or paper straws.
  2. Scissors. With this tool prepare parts of the required parameters.
  3. Super glue or glue gun. They are used to glue the individual parts of the craft.
  4. Wire, thread and fishing line. They are used to fasten the made product.

As additional materials for creating unusual and original handicrafts use;

  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • rhinestones;
  • beads;
  • florets;
  • ribbons.

The list of necessary elements is supplemented depending on the needs of the future creative process.

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts

Cocktail straws are a great base for many crafts. The strong and durable material, as well as the variety of colors attracts the attention of creative people. Homemade products from simple straws can make even preschoolers.

Decorative star

From plastic cocktail straws you can make a beautiful decoration for the Christmas tree. Volumetric decorative star according to an elementary scheme, will be an original decoration for your favorite winter celebration.

Necessary materials:

  • cocktail straws;
  • hot glue;
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • satin ribbon.

Straws are sorted by color and size. In our case, we use yellow straws.

Step by step making:

  1. Lay out 4 straws in the shape of a diamond, fastening the ends with a glue gun.
  2. Glue a fifth straw in the resulting figure, inserting it obliquely.
  3. Make in a similar way 4 more of these blanks. Join the pieces together with hot glue to form a star.
  4. Attach a loop of thread or pretty ribbon to one end. On it you can hang a star.

The golden toy is used to decorate a Christmas tree or to decorate the holiday table.


Colorful collage for school from colored tubes any child can make with their own hands for a couple of minutes. For a funny handicraft you need to prepare:

  • a package of colored tubes;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • marker;
  • glue;
  • small decorations.

To simplify the process of creating a craft, you need to print out a drawing or sketch with a pencil. Then the child will be able to glue elements on the base of the outline.

Creative work is done in stages:

  1. Draw a pencil sketch of a hedgehog on heavy cardboard. Draw a marker outline of the animal.
  2. Cut multi-colored tubes of different sizes. Glued them to the back of the hedgehog. We get rainbow needles.
  3. Prepare thin rings of different colors from straws. Glue them around the outline of the picture.
  4. In place of the nose and eyes glued buttons.

Cheerful applique ready. From the cut "springs" you can make three-dimensional flowers and decorate the picture with them.

Christmas tree toys

Unusual geometric figures from straws can be hung on the Christmas tree or decorate the room with them.

Materials for the craft:

  • straws;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • fishing line;
  • wire.

To make the original designs make blanks from plastic straws of the same size, cutting "springs". Triangular shape is collected from three straws. Put them on a fishing line and on the end tie a loop, for which the toy can be hung from a tree.

In the same way you can make a square or any other multi-faceted geometric shapes. You can glue the joints between the tubes. For weight toys instead of using fishing line using wire.


Cocktail straws can be used to create original decorations on the hand. And if you add a few decorative elements, these bracelets will be happy to wear not only kids, but also adult girls.

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • colorful cocktail straws;
  • ribbon;
  • String or wire;
  • scissors;
  • decorative elements.

Bracelets can be made in different ways:

  1. Prepare small multi-colored parts from straws, cutting them into pieces 1-1.5 cm long. They are strung on a strong thread or wire, like beads. Fix a simple bracelet on your wrist with a ribbon.
  2. Multicolored cocktail straws are cut lengthwise. The length of the product depends on the girth of the wrist. Make holes at the ends with a hole punch. Thread a ribbon through them, which will fasten the bracelet.
  3. Plastic straws are cut into small sections. Hold them alternately over the flame for a couple of seconds. The parts are deformed a little, forming fanciful figures. String them on a thread. The ends are tied together. Bracelet ready.
  4. Divide the tubes into 3-4 parts. Threaded on a needle thread, making holes at the top and bottom. We get rainbow bracelet of mini straws.

For additional decoration use ribbons, beads, pendants and a variety of shaped blanks.


Decorative wreath of cocktail straws is used as a frame for a mirror or photo. They decorate the clock or used as a New Year's decor.

Materials for the craft:

  • straws of different colors;
  • thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • Decor (ribbons, flowers).

You can experiment with colors - use in the composition of monochrome, two-color or multi-colored straws. Also a beautiful product is obtained from paper straws with a print.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Cut out a circle of the required size (depending on the purpose of the product) from thick cardboard. The middle part is removed, forming a ring.
  2. Take straws of two sizes. Glue them to the circle one by one, alternating long and short tubes. Fill the entire circle with the elements.
  3. Turn the product and do the same procedure on the back side.

The finished wreath is decorated with bows, balloons, ribbons, tinsel and other decorations.


Straws are used to create functional crafts. Luminaire from straws, created with their own hands, will be not only an original decorative element, but also an additional source of light.

For this handicraft you need to get an old cloth floor lamp and a couple of packs of straws. You may also need some wire. It all depends on the density of the fabric on the lamp. The process of creation is quite time consuming. But the result justifies all the expenses!

The creative process is performed step by step:

  1. Bend the straw in half.
  2. Thread the ends of the tubes from the inside of the floor lamp, bringing them out. If the fabric is dense, pierce it with an awl or wire.
  3. Do the same with all the other elements. Plastic parts are inserted tightly around the circumference of the lamp.
  4. The inside is glued with a cloth, hiding all the bends. Unusual lamp is ready.

The original creation will be a decoration of any room.


The leftover cocktail straws after the party should not be thrown away. Such material can be used for beautiful flowers or even whole bouquets. With these floral compositions, you can decorate a vase or decorate the room.

Materials and tools needed:

  • Cocktail straws in different colors;
  • scissors;
  • cotton sticks;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

From multi-colored tubes make a variety of flowers: forget-me-nots, asters, daisies, dahlias and many others. Here are some master classes on how to create aster and bouquet of daisies.

Master class on creating aster:

  1. Cut tubes of white, red, blue and yellow into small pieces of different sizes, making incisions obliquely.
  2. Cut small circles out of cardboard - the base for the flower head.
  3. Grease the circle with glue, put the tubes in a circle on it, filling the entire space.
  4. Fill the central part of the flower with hot glue and insert the tubes, giving the aster a volumetric shape.
  5. Similar actions are carried out with the rest of the cardboard circles, creating multicolored flower heads.
  6. We have got great asters. Leaves can be made from colored cardboard, and the stem from green tubes.

Master class for creating daisies:

  1. For the middle, we take a cotton swab and paint one end of it with a felt-tip pen in yellow.
  2. Cut the white tube lengthwise.
  3. At one end of the blank cut a fringe.
  4. Wrap the end of the cut tube around the colored cotton stick, fixing it with glue.
  5. Next, wind the ribbon from the tube around the central part of the flower. The edge is well smeared with glue and fastened.
  6. We have a delicate flower. On a similar principle, do the green blank of the tube, forming a leaf.

Make another similar flowers in white and pink colors and add a bouquet of daisies.

The panel .

A beautiful panel is made of cocktail straws. This large-scale handicraft will decorate the living room or come in handy for a school exhibition.

Materials needed:

  • Multicolored plastic straws;
  • glue;
  • thread;
  • decor.

The panels come in different shapes, sizes and ways of making them. It can be a small picture, framed or large compositions on the entire wall.

Step by step performance:

  1. From monochrome straws lay out a rectangular frame, gluing the ends of the tubes.
  2. Make a base, weaving monochrome threads into a beautiful cobweb. The ends are fastened on the back side of the frame.
  3. In the central part are placed large flowers, made of tubes.
  4. Decorate the floral panel with rhinestones and other small decorations.

Using your imagination can create unusual compositions on various subjects.


Creative vase of colored straws will decorate the kitchen or nursery. You can put artificial flowers or pencils in it. Such a homemade item child can give as a gift to grandmother.

For the craft we will need:

  • tubes of colored plastic or paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

The basis can be any empty jar or box.

Step by step implementation:

  1. Cover the container with colored tubes.
  2. Tie with ribbon for durability. It also serves as a decorative element.
  3. If you use a sleeve from a roll of toilet paper, then the basis for gluing on a plastic plate.
  4. Decorate the vase with a bow and other elements.

A simple and cute handicraft will not take much time and can please you with its appearance.

From such, primitive at first glance, things like cocktail straws, you can make a lot of unusual and useful products. Diversified home-made items will delight you with their practicality and original design.

Cocktail straw crafts photo

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