Horseshoe with their own hands: instructions for creating an article of cardboard, paper, wood, dough, twine, metal

Among the huge number of talismans for good luck, the horseshoe has long been valued most of all. It is believed that the horseshoe attracts good luck. That's why everyone would like to have it. Such a talisman you can easily make yourself.


The application of the horseshoe

We often hear: "A horseshoe for good luck. Such belief is present in many nationalities. To place a horseshoe-mascot in a house can be different ways. Some hang it above the entrance to the house, while others place it in the "red corner". And also the method of placement and the material of which the talisman is made are important:

  • The ends up as the bowl hangs inside the room. It is believed that the house will be "full bowl". Be sure the horseshoe should hang straight, so that happiness does not spill out;
  • The horns should be hung upright on the outside of the house, just above the door, because evil will enter the house through the door. So the horseshoe is like a pitchfork, which will stab the evil eye;
  • an iron horseshoe or a silver horseshoe drives away evil spirits;
  • a talisman made of gold is the strongest of all, it brings both happiness, luck, and wealth at the same time;
  • The best of all helps a shabby and rusty, accidentally caught on the road. Rust takes away ailments, so they don't overpower the householder.

Materials and tools for the handicraft

The basis of the handicraft can be made of corrugated cardboard, plywood, wood, foam plastic and even paper and wire.

Plywood is obtained from the desired shape of the basis, but the process of sawing quite time consuming.

Styrofoam is a wonderful material. But it is extremely uncomfortable to work with that constantly crumbling.

For sawing, cutting and other manipulations you will need a jigsaw, a clerical knife or scissors, etc.

How to make a horseshoe with your own hands

To have a real amulet and not just a souvenir, you should make a horseshoe in good spirits and with good intentions.

Nowadays, you can make a horseshoe yourself out of any material. Show your imagination, work hard, and you will succeed!

From cardboard

For work prepare:

  • a horseshoe template;
  • colored tape;
  • cardboard;
  • string;
  • awl;
  • scissors.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Carefully cut out the base of the horseshoe from cardboard according to the template.
  2. Make one hole each on the left and right horns with an awl.
  3. Wrap strips of ribbon around the entire length of the cardboard base.
  4. To hang over the door, tie the ribbon to the horseshoe, using the holes made in it. This will hang the horseshoe with the horns up.
  5. If you want to hang it with the horns facing down, make a hole in the middle of the "cup".


Newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper are in every home.

They can be used for weaving an original horseshoe, a talisman. It is simple in execution, but looks very beautiful.

For work prepare:

  • Tubes of newspaper;
  • wire;
  • stain;
  • PVA glue;
  • Various little things for decorations.

Now let's get to work:

  1. To begin, let's make some tubes from the newspaper. To do this, let's cut the newspaper's fold, cut 10 cm wide strips from it. Smear the upper right corner of the strip with PVA glue. Knitting needle with a length of 20 cm. put it on the lower left corner and twist the newspaper tube on it. A properly twisted tube should have one end thinner than the other.
  2. For the skeleton of the horseshoe you need to pass the wire of the required length through the newspaper tubes. Bend the horseshoe of two arcs: one smaller, one larger.
  3. Each tube of the narrow end of the other glued to the wide end - you get a very long tube.
  4. To braid the frame, you need to get the tip of the tube between the arcs. Lead out the other side, wrap it around the wire and again we dive inside.
  5. After braiding the entire frame, cut off the excess, fix the tip with glue.
  6. Dissolve the finished article completely smeared with PVA glue, diluted with water 1:1. Allow to dry.
  7. Cover with a layer of stain.
  8. We decorate our horseshoe with whatever little things you have on hand.

From wood

To make a wooden horseshoe you need woodworking skills.

For the work prepare:

  • wood workpiece;
  • simple pencil;
  • horseshoe template;
  • jigsaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • tools for woodcarving;
  • varnish.

Having prepared everything you need, let's begin to make a handicraft:

  1. Trace the horseshoe template with a pencil onto a piece of wood.
  2. Saw out the horseshoe with the jigsaw.
  3. Use carving tools to decorate and ornament the work.
  4. Sandpaper the base to make it smooth, without splinters.
  5. Apply your final decorations.
  6. Paint or burnish the piece with wood charger.

The wood horseshoe is now complete.

Made of salt dough.

For the work prepare:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • plastic knife;
  • gouache paints of different colors;
  • pencil;
  • utility knife;
  • scissors;
  • acrylic paints;
  • toothpick.

Work algorithm:

  1. Prepare the dough: mix in a deep bowl of small size flour (10 tablespoons), salt (1 tablespoon), add PVA glue (1.5 tablespoons) and a little water to make a tight dough.
  2. From the paper you need to cut out a horseshoe template of the size you need.
  3. Make a cake 1 cm thick from the dough to the size of the future horseshoe. Trace the template with a pencil on the dough or cut it out with a box cutter.
  4. Make holes in the horns or in the center to hang the product.
  5. Make flowers, berries and leaves from the rest of the dough to decorate the horseshoe. Attach them, using a brush dampened with water.
  6. With a sharp toothpick trace the contours of the flower petals and veins on the leaves.
  7. Already decorated put the product on a tray and dry in an oven at 180 degrees Celsius with the door open.
  8. After drying, you can paint the handicraft with gouache and varnish, or use acrylic paints.
  9. With the ribbon threaded through the holes in the horseshoe, you can hang it in the house.

From twine

A horseshoe made of twine, decorated with seeds and flowers, is a great decoration for your home.

For the work prepare:

  • thick cardboard;
  • twine;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • real dried flowers, legume seeds, garlic clove, spicy peppers, corn cob, spike of wheat
  • a simple pencil.

Making Process:

  1. From cardboard, cut out a horseshoe base.
  2. Wrap the whole length of the twine around it.
  3. Secure the ends with glue.
  4. Decorate the horseshoe with dried vegetables and seeds. Secure them with glue. Allow to dry.
  5. On the underside of the souvenir, fasten a loop of twine to hang the horseshoe on a nail.

Made of Metal

A little more effort and time will have to be spent to make a metal horseshoe.

For the work prepare:

  • pieces of brass wire of different diameters (from 0.5 mm to 2.5 mm);
  • metal beads 2 mm in diameter;
  • anvil;
  • pliers;
  • needle-nose pliers;
  • hammer;
  • gas torch;
  • file;
  • sandpaper;
  • patination container;
  • ammonia;
  • container for descaling;
  • felt wheel;
  • citric acid;
  • GOI paste;
  • engraver.

Making the handicraft:

  1. First you need to anneal a wire with a diameter of 2.5 mm with a gas burner.
  2. Annealed wire with the help of pliers bend in the form of a horseshoe.
  3. We remove the excess piece, leaving a small reserve.
  4. We beat off a piece with a hammer, annealing occasionally a couple more times to make it flat.
  5. Anneal the strip again and bend the base symmetrically. Then bend with a pair of pliers, using ground-grippers, at both ends of the horseshoe. Remove the excess.
  6. A little rebound billet to make it stronger. Work out the contour with a file and clean with emery paper.
  7. Coil 1mm diameter wire in the middle of the chainwheel to serve as an ear for hanger, a couple or three turns on both sides. We beat off and finish it a little bit with a file.
  8. Also anneal 0.5mm wire and wind it on both sides.
  9. After every 5 turns we thread a bead. It will look like a nail or a hole for a nail in a horseshoe.
  10. When the winding is finished, place the horseshoe in citric acid dissolved in water, wait 30 minutes, then remove the scale and soot from it.
  11. Wash the horseshoe with a soapy solution (degrease), place it in ammonia for 4 hours to patinate.
  12. After that, grind the entire surface area with an engraver.

The horseshoe is ready!

A horseshoe cushion made of fabric

Horseshoe can not only serve as a decoration, but can also be used in the household, for example, as a pillow under the neck when traveling.

For the work prepare:

  • fabric;
  • thread;
  • sintepon;
  • sheet of A4;
  • scissors;
  • safety pins;
  • ruler;
  • pen;
  • needle.

Once all materials are prepared, you can begin to create a handicraft:

  1. First, let's make a pattern of a pillow for the road. To do this, we measure the neck in circumference, so that the pillow turns out to be the right size, and therefore comfortable. Draw half a horseshoe on a folded sheet so that after we cut and unfold it, we will have a horseshoe-shaped cushion template. The width of the horseshoe will be 10-12 cm.
  2. To cut the horseshoe cushion blanks out of fabric, you can trace half of the paper template onto a double folded fabric. Repeat these manipulations twice. And you can apply the unfolded horseshoe template to the folded fabric in two layers. And cut out two parts of the future pillow. Be sure to leave on seam allowances for 1.5 cm on all sides of the workpiece.
  3. To sew the two halves, you need to add them together face-to-face, fasten with pins. When stitching leave one horn of the horseshoe unstitched. From here we will fill the pillow with synthetic material.
  4. To do this, first turn out the blank. Fill it with synthetic stuffing - the pillow should be stuffed evenly and tightly. Sew the hole with a blind stitch by hand.

The horseshoe cushion will be equally useful for children and adults.

Decorating a horseshoe

Decorate the product with all sorts of elements, and it will give your handicraft not only decorative, but will carry a semantic load. Floral, fruit or seed decorations point to feelings or traits. Such gifts turn out to be filled with secret wishes.


Horseshoe can also be decorated with a variety of flowers: natural dried, made from ribbons, beads, corrugated paper and more. Beautifully place them on one side of the horseshoe or along the entire surface of the product, or maybe attach them inside the "bowl" of the amulet.

Fantasize and make your fantasies come true.

Ribbons .

You can use satin ribbons to wrap the base of the amulet. The wider the ribbon, the less time you will spend on the work. Ribbons can be used as the same color, and different colors (wrap the workpiece in parts, alternating ribbons of different colors).

The finished horseshoe can also be decorated with homemade flowers from ribbons.

Natural materials

You can decorate the amulet with different magic symbols:

  • cloth bags with cereal increase prosperity,
  • A hot pepper is a symbol of men's strength,
  • The cob of corn supports children's health,
  • Garlic to ward off evil spirits,
  • the cone is a symbol of hard work,
  • sunflower seeds bring happiness into the home,
  • nuts are symbols of intelligence,
  • Coins attract wealth,
  • The laurel leaf is good luck.

It is necessary to decorate the horseshoe in moderation, not overloading it with decorations.

Coffee beans.

The modern and very refined will be the product, decorated with coffee beans.

In addition, the aroma of grains will be invigorating in the morning and create comfort in the house all day long.

For work prepare:

  • a horseshoe blank of any material of any size;
  • glue gun;
  • coffee beans.

Instructions for work:

  1. The workpiece with a glue gun glue coffee beans.
  2. On the underside glue a magnet (if the workpiece is small) to place the horseshoe on the fridge or tie a string to mount it on the wall.
  3. It is possible to paste the entire surface of the horseshoe with coffee grains, and it is possible to combine such decor with other elements.


For work, prepare:

  • glue;
  • cardboard workpiece pasted with gold colored paper;
  • varnish;
  • Various cereals.

Let's proceed to decorating:

  1. Put glue on the horseshoe around the edges, glue a row of beans. The next row will be a pea row.
  2. Smear the central part of the blank with glue, fill it with poppy seeds.
  3. On the cones, in the same way, fill with buckwheat and millet.
  4. After drying you can write with glue and millet any wishes.
  5. Polish everything.


It is believed that handicrafts with coins attract money. And a horseshoe, decorated with money, will be doubly effective to protect and attract financial prosperity in your home.

Coins of different denominations for the craft should be cleaned with baking soda until shiny.

The coins for decorating the mascot can be real, or you can take joke money "Fun Bank". Roll them into tubes, fold them in a fan, in the form of a flower, etc.

Using a glue gun, attach the money to the horseshoe. But do not glue too many bills and coins, so as not to overload the decor.

Such horseshoes can be mounted on a stand or made as a pendant. The main thing is to place it with the horns up.

An excellent amulet for the house is a horseshoe, lost by the horse, but nowadays it is not so easy to find such a horseshoe.

You can, of course, go to visit the horses at the racetrack or stables, but it is possible to create a horseshoe - a talisman yourself.

Prepare all necessary materials and tools and start creating. Good luck to you!

Photo of a horseshoe, made with my own hands

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