How to sew a countersewn stitch by hand step by step: the features of the technology with photo examples

What is a countersunk stitch and why is it needed? Blindstitch is an invisible stitch, which is an absolutely versatile helper in case you need to sew by hand a couple of details.

For example, pants, children's toys, pillows, products with filler. Carefully trimmed the edges with a thin cloth will successfully get to sew the above things. If you do not look for a specially sewn place, it is quite difficult to find it.


Peculiarities of the blind stitch

The main feature of the current seam is invisibility. Unfortunately, the beginner in this business does not always manage to successfully implement a sewing seam invisibly. The reason for this failure is often the lack of practice.

Is the quality of stealth so important when stitching a hole? How else would it be. Everyone wants to look neat and reproduce a good impression on people.

But sometimes mishaps happen that spoil our appearance. And these are the cases when it is more important than ever to be able to improve the quality of your appearance independently and quickly.

Perhaps also one of the main pluses is the budget option. Instead of buying a new item, it is enough to learn how to master the countersunk stitching technique well.

Usually initially use fabrics of their cotton, linen, wool.

Due to the clearly pronounced figure when working out the fragments of weaving is extremely visible. It is this that makes it easier to gain experience for the beginner.

Manual blindstitching step by step

The algorithm for hand sewing a blind stitch consists of joining a pair of parts.

To perform blindstitching, the following tools must be purchased:

  1. The main product;
  2. Thread in the same tone as the work fabric;
  3. Needles;
  4. Pins;
  5. Cutting tools;

Consider the algorithm for sewing in more detail.

  1. Initially, the fabric is bent, and later we fix it with pins;
  2. The seam must be controlled, it must exactly have the flatness;
  3. The needle is introduced from the wrong side, fix a small knot;
  4. Make a stitch;
  5. Pull the thread;
  6. Tighten the thread of the current fabric;
  7. Stitches are repeated many times after a couple of parts will not be connected tightly.

Using a countersunk stitch

Often the stitch is tried on in the repair of clothing, mending and creating toys, hemming the bottom of naked clothes, sewing stuffed toys.

To hem clothing without cutting, patchwork and quilting techniques are used. Quilling is the hemming of a product or the embellishment of decorative pieces.

There are also peculiarities of the blindstitch. For example, often the countersunk stitches are laid only on the front side. Consequently, the stitching must be as accurate as possible. The following nuances should also be observed:

  1. To hem the pants, you need to turn them inside out;
  2. The current type of needlework is applied with even stitches, which have the same distance between them. You can make the seam invisible if you tighten the thread. The stitch will lay perfectly and tighten the ends of the pieces well;
  3. You can also use a countersunk stitch to work the bottom of a dress or skirt.

Do not be upset if you do not have a sewing machine handy. With it, of course, it is more convenient, but the work requires, first, to know how to use it, and this is sometimes painstaking work. Secondly, you can use your good hands.

To hem your clothes without cutting.

Consider how to hem jeans beautifully and neatly. This topic is relevant if it is not in your plans to reproduce cutting clothes, but they are a bit long and you need to change the thing you bought into comfortable to wear clothes in the near future.

First of all you need: the garment itself, the planned number of centimeters to be removed, a ruler, fabric chalk, scissors, pins, needle and thread.


  1. We mark the desired length on the product. To do this, turn inside out, measure and mark a line with tailor's chalk. What is good about chalk for marking? The fact that it is quite easy to wash. It is worth only one time to wash the thing, as a trace of chalk "gone";
  2. Turn the desired width of the fabric;
  3. Repeat the previous point about hemming to a certain width again;
  4. Sew and fasten.

Here are some easy and accessible instructions for hemming a garment.

To sew up a hole

In addition to the basic tools, the following listed secondary tools are also in demand. The likelihood that they may be needed is extremely high and almost comparable to the importance of basic tools:

  1. Thread, needle. Ideally, a sewing machine;
  2. Iron. Will come in handy for smoothing seams;
  3. The usual ruler or tape measure;
  4. Chalk for marking;
  5. Perhaps a magnifying glass;
  6. Cutting tools;
  7. Tailor's pins.

Consider several options for fixing a hole in a garment. Current list:

  1. Knitwear;
  2. Hand knit;
  3. Hole on natural leather;
  4. A hole on kapron tights;
  5. Lace, guipure garments;
  6. Clothing made of dense fabric.

Now let's study the instructions for each sewing option.

Since on cotton knitwear, especially on a thin product, to leave a hole is quite a simple phenomenon, the theme of inconspicuous sewing is relevant.

  1. First, we choose a simple one-color thread in the color of the garment.
  2. Then we put a corner in the knitwear.
  3. Connect the first and second edge. В
  4. Finally, we sew the needle to the wrong side and gather all the stitches we missed.
  5. Fix the tack with stitches.

It is the stitches, not the knot! In order to maintain a stable attachment, you should fix the stitch with an iron.

Knitted things are repaired by darning:

  1. A small hitch is made on the torn area and a stitch is passed around the tear. Due to the fact that the fabric has no stretch in the darning process. Our thread can be pulled out at the end of the process;
  2. At a place in the interval next to the loops of any strip of torn place pull the thin threads in the direction across;
  3. Repeatedly perform darning, while at the same time, clinging loops of any warp thread starting from the top and ending at the final bottom of the torn place;
  4. Repeat the previous point, only now changing the direction, namely from bottom to top.

First of all you need to buy a pair of patches to match the color of the leather. Fabric and leather, such a set is necessary. The fabric product should be wider than the tear and will be placed on the inside and act as a lining.

The leather product must be identical to the size of the tear. Materials are aligned around the edges of the tear, and the process of creating a patch is done.

Do not rush to throw away pantyhose that have suffered structural failure and have a disjointed arrow. Take a thread that is as identical in color as possible to the product:

  • Next, knit the edges opposite each other at the base of the hole.
  • Go over the loops on both sides, thus sewing up the tights.
  • In the end, apply transparent varnish to fix the work done.

Perhaps the most difficult product to stitch is lace and guipure. It is pretty hard work and requires a lot of patience. If the hole is insignificant, simply hem the pattern with a thin single thread from the bottom.

In the case of a piece requiring repetition of a pattern, a strong yarn is needed, knit into small bundles and carefully restore the pattern using bobbin weaving with the yarn thrown on.

The skill of sewing is extremely important in today's world. In addition to being able to beautifully repair a ruined item by hand stitching, you can also sew your own item. The most important in the current skill is patience, accuracy and care.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is important to pay attention to the quality of the threads that you use. A thread with a size smaller than the fabric is required. A needle with a thickness of one size with the thread. It is not desirable to use a blunt needle, as it has a poor way of catching the thread.

If you follow all the necessary requirements, the perfect stitch will not be long in coming!

Photo examples of blindstitching

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