Handmade beaded rose - step by step master classes for beginners and original photo examples

Gifts and small souvenirs created by hand have always been more appreciated. Especially interesting look those crafts that were made with the use of beads.

After all, it resembles a gem and shimmers beautifully. Flowers made of it are very beautiful. Therefore, such a gift will please any woman.

And to learn how to make such unusual flowers is easy enough. After all, there are many schemes and techniques for beginners. Having mastered them, in the future face no problems during the work exactly.


Getting ready to work

Beading is a very exciting and interesting process. But approach it correctly and thoroughly. Only in this case, the work will bring pleasure, and the result will please.

Therefore, you do not need to rush and buy the first material you see, not paying attention to its characteristics. After all, such in the future may be the reason that the crafts will not be as beautiful as we would like.

Tools and materials

Before looking for schemes for work, you need to take care of the purchase of those tools that are sure to need in the process. Spend a lot, of course, do not have to. After all, they are all very affordable and can be found at any specialized store for needlework:

  1. Beads - you should take care to buy beads of several colors. Because it is wrong to use only one color in the work. The finished work in this case does not look too beautiful and realistic. The amount of beads directly depends on the size of the future craft. The bigger the rose, the more material is used.
  2. The wire for weaving - it should not be too hard or soft. It can be a real challenge to work with it. Wire thickness should be no less than 0.3 mm and no more than 0.7 mm. But its diameter depends on the size of the beads.
  3. Copper wire - replacing it with wire is not recommended. Because the stem will be made of it. And since the base must necessarily be dense and strong, it is better to give preference to a wire with a thickness of 3 or 5 mm.
  4. Tape tape - it can be replaced by ordinary floss, but only necessarily in green. Tape is used only for wrapping the stem to give more resemblance to the real flower.

Of course, it is necessarily necessary to have ordinary scissors at hand. It is better to sharpen them beforehand, so that there are no problems with cutting not only the ribbon, but also the wire.

Selection of beads

This is the most important stage of preparation. Because beads are the main material, the quality of which determines the success of the work.

Beads can be used not only in any color, but also in any size. Here we must remember about the need to match the size of the beads and the diameter of the wire.

The bigger the beads, the heavier they are. A thin fishing line will simply bend too much under their weight, making the work harder. This nuance must be taken into account.

No less important is the country you decide which beads are made by. If we are talking about beads made in China, they will have one peculiarity - an uneven surface. Usually when working it does not interfere too much, and in some cases even gives the finished work an unusual appearance.

But when planning to make a rose out of beads, it is better to refuse to use Chinese beads. After all, this will be the reason that the shape of the product a little distorted.

But buying Czech or Japanese beads is the best solution. Such beads have a perfectly flat and smooth surface, and their color is richer.

You can even buy beads whose surface is additionally covered with sequins. It looks more interesting and festive.

Types and forms of the flower

Rose is a very diverse flower, the form of which can be both simple and quite complex. Of course, masters who have no experience and are just mastering this craft, it is better to refuse to use complex schemes.

To begin with, you can learn how to create small bush roses. The consumption of beads in this case will be minimal, but the appearance of the finished craftsman will surely delight. In addition, it can be used for decoration, if, for example, to ground the artificial bush in a pot and set it on the window.

The color palette also creates a huge space for the manifestation of imagination. After all, you can use a variety of shades. And the brighter the color, the more interesting the rose will look. Therefore, in choosing a color palette, you can not strive to choose only one particular shade.

Step by step instructions with examples

Once all the necessary materials and tools are prepared, you can start directly to work. As mentioned above in the article, you should not immediately try to choose some complex scheme.

Consider those options that are ideal for beginners in this craft. All of them are quite simple, but that does not mean that the handicraft is not too beautiful. Quite the contrary, such a handicraft looks beautiful and really resembles a real flower.

Weaving a rose

To create a rose out of beads, the popular technique of French weaving is most often used. Beads can be not only rounded, but also pointed. In this case, everything depends on individual preferences of the master.

But it is important to remember that when using exactly pointed beads it is necessary to change the angle of the arcs located on the axis. Otherwise the shape of the product will be ugly:

  1. In order for the rose to turn out lush, it is necessary to use petals not one, but several sizes, changing at the same time and their shape.
  2. The smallest petals should be set on a wire 0.5 mm, gradually increasing its length to 15 cm.
  3. For a voluminous rose, we recommend weaving 6 outer petals, 5 medium petals, and no more than 4 small ones.

The number of petals may vary. It depends on the size of the handicraft. Therefore, the bigger the rose, the more petals you have to weave to make the flower have the right shape and look voluminous.

Petals of the bud

Although visually it seems that the petals have some complex shape, this is not the case. In fact, weaving them is not so difficult:

  • Cut a wire length of 50 cm;
  • Measure from its edge at least 10 centimeters;
  • At the measured distance make the first small loop;
  • On the tail, which is shorter, string 5 beads;
  • make a new loop, but leave the tail free;
  • String 6 beads on the long end;
  • lay the strung beads parallel to the first row;
  • Wrap the small end around the working section and put 6 more beads on it;
  • put the beads on the other side and fasten.

Making petals for the bud, you should remember only that the small ones must consist of 4 pairs, but the large ones, at least, of 9. Then the flower is more beautiful.

Weaving large petals

If you need to weave just a large petal, you should use a slightly different technique:

  • take two identical pieces of wire. For example, 20 cm;
  • Twist both sections to half;
  • The ends, which are free, let go in different directions, so that they do not join;
  • On the three axes we thread one bead each;
  • The 3rd wire, which is the working one, is cut to 130 cm;
  • then fix it on one of the two remaining axes;
  • Make 12 simple circles.

Important! The number of beads on the circles depends entirely on the size of the flower. For larger roses you need to string more beads.

Creating the sepals

In an effort to make sure that the flower turns out beautiful and similar to the real prototype, you can't forget about such an important element as the sepals. For a standard rose, you will need three to five of these elements.

You can use the same technique for weaving as described above. But you have to remember to sometimes change the length of the arc itself. After all, the sepals of the rose are known to have a pointed shape.

Leaves of beads

Now it's time to take up the making of the very toothed leaves. To do this, it is necessary:

  • make one arc;
  • Make a return arc and fasten it to the previous one;
  • Make an arc at the bottom, making sure that the second half goes around the first half;
  • complete the left arc, which is a return arc, in the same way;
  • The next arc begins on the right and again fix it on the previous one.

This should continue until the required number of arcs are obtained.

Assembling all the elements of the rose

When the hands of the master will have all the elements of the future craft, you can begin assembling it. This will take very little time, because you only need to:

  • connect the two petals that will be located in the first row;
  • twist the ends of the wire, giving them a regular shape;
  • Attach the third leaflet to the first two, fixing it securely;
  • Consistently attach all the leaves to the bud.

Now you need to use ordinary threads to attach sepals to the leaves, and then on the stem to arrange the branches. Of course, it is better to have leaves on these twigs, and then the rose will really look like a real one.

All you need to do now is to wrap green thread around the stem so that it won't stand out too much. If you have no thread of the right color, you can use corrugated paper.

So, the handicraft is ready and it can be used for decorating the room or even presented as a gift. Such a gift is sure to surprise and delight you with its timeless beauty. After all, real flowers will wither, but the rose from beads will enjoy their appearance for a very long time.

Photo ideas of homemade beaded roses

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