Garden handicrafts: easy master classes from tires, pipes, cement, improvised means

For people, the dacha is not just a place where they grow vegetables and make kebabs. For many, it is a place of solitude and a moral outlet.

Work with the land, a little construction - all this unloads the psyche well after the incredible rhythm in the big city. Crafts for the garden and vegetable garden can be considered a real art, available to everyone.


Features of materials for work

There are no specific frameworks and restrictions for dacha crafts. They are made from improvised materials that have been lying in the back room for years and are not used.

The main advantage and interest is to make something useful and interesting out of the unnecessary, without spending money. It is considered a kind of sport when people compete in imagination and talent. What are used to decorate plots:

  1. Old tires.
  2. Used barrels that cannot be used because of their condition.
  3. Rusty buckets and basins.
  4. Remains of materials after repairs - pipes, mortars.
  5. Wood - old beams and reinforcements.

The last option is not suitable for dacha products. It rots quickly, succumbs to the activity of bugs and other insects. If the beams have not been painted, it is better to burn them and fertilize the vegetable garden with ash.

Otherwise, use a fresh and safe material that has not accumulated mold and fungus over the years. Here are some fresh ideas of what kind of crafts to make in the garden from what is already there.

Crafts from containers (barrels, buckets)

Old buckets and barrels are present on any property. These are forgotten containers, not suitable for traditional use, or just not needed. Useful use found for everything, the main thing is to connect your imagination and allocate time to work. Here are stylish and unusual crafts in the countryside.


A type of furniture is made by hand from an old wine barrel. It will not be difficult to find, as many people have it standing in the back room for years and just rotting away. How to make a great table for gatherings in the yard and not only:

  1. The wine barrel needs to be sawn into two parts horizontally.
  2. One part will be a tabletop, the second is disassembled and make comfortable legs.
  3. Be sure to find an extra sheet of plywood or the tabletop itself (you can use old scraps or epoxy).
  4. The table is assembled, it is covered with moisture impregnation and dark lag.

Of the tools to assemble such a table you need only a hammer, some nails and a saw. The main advantage - the table top can be made in a folding version, then half of the barrel can become a place to store table games or utensils.

As an alternative, iron barrels left over from the delivery of fertilizers or other raw materials are used. If it has not previously held strong chemicals, it is treated, painted, and makes a wonderful party rack.


You can make a stylish garden stool using old metal buckets. Additionally, you will need:

  1. A few wooden bars for the legs.
  2. Some foam for the seat and textile for the cover.
  3. A powerful screwdriver, some screws and nuts.

If the bucket is out of shape, it can be corrected with a simple hammer. It is turned upside down with the bottom up, a padded seat is installed, and the legs are attached. It is desirable to paint the bucket in advance in the color of the main tools on the site, so that the chair blends harmoniously with the design.


Stylish vase for plants can be made from an old basin. It is necessary to find the following:

  1. Hot glue and a gun for it.
  2. Wooden bars of the same thickness - there are quite a lot of them left after repairs.
  3. A simple plastic or metal basin.

If the basin has long been cracked, it can be covered with wooden bars. They are covered with varnish, let dry for about 2-3 days. After that, you can fill in the soil and move your favorite plant in a new vase. It looks this option interesting and stylish.


For creativity, old plastic buckets from under construction mixes and paint are excellent. After repairs, there are quite a lot of them left, and it is a pity to throw them away. Options are suggested:

  1. Complex of vases on the site - buckets of different sizes are stapled together. Each one is covered with pebbles and filled with earth and flowers. No guest will guess that the complex is not made of concrete. Practical and inexpensive option for the arrangement of the farmstead.
  2. The original flower bed made of metal buckets - each bucket is welded to a small armature so as to create the impression of balancing. Each one is filled with earth and flowers. It looks very effective and stylish.

This is just a small part of what can be done in a few free hours.

Tire crafts

Tire crafts have long been a favorite thing for gardeners. Old tires lie everywhere, so implementing a once discarded tire is a good thing. Here are actual ideas for the garden from improvised materials.


Tires are often used to grow potatoes or as an easy way to add circular elements to a garden or yard.

However, it is worth remembering that growing food crops in the tires is not the best idea, the material releases heavy metals into the soil, which can affect the quality of products.

For flowers and just decorative plants - it is ideal. What options for flowerbeds can be made:

  1. Tiered - if there is not much space on the plot, it is recommended to concentrate small tires in a staggered manner.
  2. Perimeter decoration - the soil at fences is usually not of high quality, so you can pour fertilizer into each tire and grow a beautiful hedge.

There is another important recommendation, before painting, the tires must be washed and primed. In this case, the coating will last longer.


Making a table from a large tractor tire is a great option for hospitable hosts. What is needed for a craft for the plot:

  1. A thick sheet of plywood or a tabletop.
  2. Sealant and construction adhesive.
  3. Paint.

The sheet of plywood needs to be cut in a circle. It is glued to the tire, which must be painted or covered with fabric in advance. The height of the table is enough for table games or just sitting around. Small tires can be used to make mini chairs or pouffes.


These poufs are perfect for the stylish table above. You need to treat the old tires, paint them and let them dry. The inside is filled with construction foam and the outside with foam.

The seat is lined with ordinary fabric, but you can buy inexpensive mini cushions that can be washed and handled. Such poufs will withstand any weight.

Garden figures

Walking around the village or private sector, you can notice that many on the plots have beautiful figures from old tires. Having on hand a sharp knife and a few old tires, you can make such beauty on your dacha as well. What are the options:

  1. A dart rack - great for parties or just relaxing. The cover can be hung on the fence or made a rack of several pieces. The inside is filled with foam or foam sheet and painted. Will last more than one year, looks great with modern landscape design.
  2. Animals from the tires - boring flowerbeds can be performed in the form of figures of swans, fairy tale characters.

On a clean tire, spray paint works well. It is not expensive, there is a wide range of palettes. The figure will not fade even after the rains and the influence of sunlight.

Handicrafts from pipes

Trumpet handicrafts are in high demand, since after the repair there is a lot of unclaimed material. It is easiest to work with PVC material, it is easy to cut and bend. Now it is proposed to explore the variety of options for the site.

Decorating the fence

Making a completely PVC pipe fence is not the best idea, since its main function is to protect the owners from unnecessary eyes and damage to property.

However, if the question is about decorating the fence by the vegetable garden or flower beds, or simple zoning, there are ideas for implementation. As an example, we can highlight an option:

  1. It is necessary to measure the area to be fenced.
  2. Make holes in the ground, where the base will stand.
  3. Then pour it with concrete and install wide PVC pipes.
  4. Next, you can assemble the fence according to standard engineering technique.
  5. Special adapters are used for the connection points.

The main thing is to make sure that the main pipes are stably attached to the mini foundation. Connect the pipes, and make holes, you can use an ordinary burner. The advantages of such a fence: will stand for 10 years, does not rot, broken parts are cheap and can be quickly replaced.


A planter is a decorative vessel for flowers, which can decorate any garden. In stores for such a product give a decent amount of money, but you can make it with your own hands. The manufacturing process is very simple:

  1. For the product take wide sewer pipes.
  2. Cut them into equal parts.
  3. They are decorated with stones or simply painted the same color.
  4. Pots with flowers are placed on top.

This is a classic and simple option that can be done in an hour. Assemble a whole nursery using connections.

Installation is made on the wall or fence. Such decor will definitely surprise passersby and friends.

Decorating paths

Garden paths for many people become a real problem. Especially if the surrounding landscape is uneven and there is no money to fix it. It can be solved with old PVC pipes and a small amount of cement. How to do it:

  1. Determine an area to serve as a path.
  2. Next, level it with a shovel.
  3. After that, you can fill everything in with pebbles or just make a small layer of cement.
  4. The sides that look like protrusions - can be laid with PVC pipes.
  5. To keep them firmly in place, keeping the earth and sand out of the path after heavy rains, you can use tile glue or cement.

At the end of the pipes are painted brown, they will look like wooden beams. This is one inexpensive way to make the site attractive and stylish.

Garden creativity does not limit the owners. Using all the materials left in the garage or utility room after construction work and cleaning.

Materials can be mixed, and the ideas presented can be refined and shared on social media with other gardeners. Highlighted recommendations will help to gain inspiration and make the site more attractive and safe.

Photo ideas of crafts for the garden


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