The apron pattern with their own hands - sewing instructions for children, women and men's models

Apron has long ago and firmly entered the life of people. No housewife can do without it. He is needed at work and at home to protect clothing from stains. And in some cases, even parts of the body from the harmful effects (in the X-ray room or in laboratories).

Factories sew all kinds of aprons, but for domestic needs (for the kitchen and garden) it is quite possible to sew this thing yourself.


What aprons are

If you list by purpose, you can conditionally divide the products into the following types:

  • kitchen home aprons;
  • medical protective;
  • For work in the workplace (including with chemicals);
  • special or corporate (for waiters, kitchen workers, sales clerks, hairdressers, cleaners).

By appearance are divided into the following:

  • Breast aprons (cut-off or solid-cut);
  • aprons (without a bib);
  • Japanese "sundresses" with straps;
  • vests.

Breast models and products without bibs can be made with different forms of hemlines.

What to sew from

For sewing products using different materials: calico, cotton, calico, canvas, denim, nylon, polyester. Make a combined model or sew with certain target inserts.

A child for drawing lessons

A pupil/student for art school or for labor lessons in secondary school needs a protective outfit for clothes - an apron. It is absolutely easy to sew.

You can use a ready-made template pattern, or you can make your own drawing.

To work you will need:

  • any suitable fabric (cotton, calico, calico, sateen, denim) - 1 square meter;
  • a piece of soap or chalk;
  • sharp scissors;
  • bias binding - 2 meters;
  • measuring (centimeter) tape;
  • sewing machine (or needle with thread in the tone of fabric for sewing by hand).

Manufacturing steps:

  1. The pattern is made at once on the fabric or first on paper, and then transferred.
  2. Soft "centimeter" measure the length of the entire product, hem and bib.
  3. The width of the bib should be about 1/4 of the width of the skirt.
  4. The fabric is folded in half and draw a chalk (soap) made measurements taking into account the folded material.
  5. Therefore, if the width of the bodice 16 cm, and the waist - 40 cm, respectively, measure 8 cm and 20 cm. from the fold line (for a child 6-10 years measurements).
  6. Connect the outer edge of the bib with the outer edge of the hem curved smooth line (if difficult, then first hold a diagonal from the center of the waist line up and put a point, and then connect the three points).
  7. A hem, on the contrary, is formed with a semi-circle.
  8. Cut the workpiece on the planned lines.
  9. Cut from the fabric two long pieces of 25 cm for ties or make them from the sash (stitching).
  10. Ties for convenience you can do on the Velcro, then they will be shorter (you need to measure).
  11. Beginning to sew on the edging of the hem. The work starts with the top edge of the hem, where you will tie. But first leave the sash (25 cm) in a free "flight" (ie, indented from the edge and sewn to the fabric only after 25 cm). If there is no sewing skills, then the saddle stitching first, and at the end of the work of these threads removed.
  12. Sew with a border stitch in the direction of the bib.
  13. Reaching the top, leave the sash (20 cm) is not sewn. This will be a strap to put on the head.
  14. And again sew up to the waist. Cut off again with an allowance of 25 cm. (Or less, it all depends on individual measurements).
  15. Sew the skirt at the top and sides.
  16. Now all that is left is to process the skirt.
  17. If there is a desire, then sew a rectangular pocket. It can also be bordered. Or just bend the edges and sew on.

Apron for the classroom is ready. By it a set of the same fabric sew sleeves on elastic bands and kerchief (for girls).

For work in the garden

From an old raincoat will turn out a wonderful apron.

How to make:

  1. From the jacket, cut the sleeves, collar and the front part.
  2. Fold the fabric in half.
  3. Chalk the outline of the apron and cut with scissors. If oblique sashing will not be used, then leave allowances for bending the edges.
  4. Tape the edges.
  5. To sew the ties, cut a 50-60 cm ribbon 4-5 cm wide. from the front side of the cape (vertically) and 40-45 cm for the top strap, through which you will stick your head.
  6. Sew the double tapes together along the edges on the wrong sides and turn them out through the hole left. It is tucked in and stitched.
  7. Fix the ties to the apron.
  8. At the bottom of a cell phone or small things sew a pocket or pockets.

Instead of ties use old belts or belts of leather and leatherette, which have lost their original appearance. But with a tight belt to work "on a slant" in the garden will probably not be very comfortable.

Husband for the garage

Men like to mess around in the garage with the car or do some carpentry home work. Therefore, clothes after garage activities are often very dirty.

Part of the problem can be solved if you sew your husband with his own hands protective equipment in the form of an apron. To work take a thicker cloth pogrue.

Cut or whole cloth or cut from two squares. The height is approximately 100-107 centimeters and the width is 100-109 centimeters. Sew straps. Stitching oblique stitching edges.

Sew a lot of pockets at the bottom of the hem, so they stowed small tools: screwdrivers, tape measures, etc. The husband will love it: everything will be at hand in the apron.


Every hostess, who prepares daily dinner for the family, needs a kitchen apron, so as not to get dirty with splashes of oil and other products home clothes.

To sew any appropriate beautiful colorful, printed fabric or re-stitched old clothes (jeans, robes, dresses, skirts, jackets).

Breaststitching from old denim clothes.

Used jeans can be given a second life by making a kitchen apron out of them.

How to sew:

  1. First, you need to cut off the top with the waistband from the pants. Peel off the pockets as a whole.
  2. Each pant must be ripped on one side. From this sew either one apron by sewing them together, or two aprons.
  3. To get a wide comfortable apron, cut the product from two cloths.
  4. Hem the edges by hemming method.
  5. Sew sewn ties and two back pockets from pants.

The simple apron is ready!

Apron from improvised means

If you have left at home used oilcloth from the kitchen table and old clothes, then from them you can safely sew an apron for cooking in the kitchen.

The process of creation looks as follows:

  1. From the fabric and oilcloth cut identical rectangles.
  2. Sew them together, the fabric closer to the body.
  3. Stitch the edges with a bias binding and from the same make ties.

If desired, make one or two pockets.

Beautiful apron with ruffles

From the bright chintz with a floral print turn out a wonderful kitchen apron, in which and in front of the guests is not ashamed to show up.

To sew an elegant apron with ruffles will need:

  • calico (calico, cotton) with flowers - 1.5 meters;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • Thread to match.

How to sew a chest-cut apron:

  1. Take measurements of the OT, but not the entire circumference, but to the hips.
  2. About 1/3 of this length - this will be the size of the bib.
  3. From the fabric make a pattern of two parts - the bodice and skirt.
  4. Do not forget to leave a little allowance (2 cm) at the edges.
  5. Tuck the edges of the bib and hem and hem.
  6. Sew the parts together.
  7. From chintz cut a long piece (1.5 - 2 times the length of the hem) a width of 8 centimeters.
  8. Fold in half on the wrong side and sew.
  9. Turn back to the front side of the product, hem the edge and ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut.
  10. Then stitch in the folds, forming a ruffle. The length of the assembly should be identical to the hem.
  11. Further you sew on the machine and remove unnecessary threads.
  12. Sew to the edge of the apron skirt, attaching either at the top or at the bottom.
  13. Also from the chintz ribbon or stitched oblique stitching make ties on the belt and neck strap.

Elegant apron for the hostess is ready!

Japanese for homemaking

Very beautiful and as an item of clothing looks apron in the Japanese style of a sundress. To work take any suitable fabric - 1.5 - 2 meters.

Sew in this way:

  1. Stitching oblique sash or piping, or folding a rectangular piece of fabric. The size should be such that when worn an apron came to his knees (to make measurements in advance). And at the waist the fabric wrapped around almost completely.
  2. From the same fabric sew two straps for the shoulders. They are sewn on the front like a sundress and on the back obliquely, overlapping to the edges.

In essence, you get a sundress, but not sewn on the back. Such aprons are convenient to work in. They are long and well protect your clothes. In addition, they are still very stylish.

In front, if desired, sew a long horizontal pocket united or with compartments.

More ideas

Very original aprons are obtained from the usual women's square large handkerchiefs. They are arranged in a rhombus shape, and the upper corner is cut off. Stitch with a slant of a suitable color and use it to make a strap and ties.

Now on sale there are a lot of interesting models of this simple, but necessary in everyday life, item of clothing. But if you have everything you need at home for your own sewing, then why not? Such things are always closer to your body and heart than a purchased one.

Diagrams and photo ideas for a kitchen apron pattern

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