A arbor with their own hands - drawings, photo ideas and step by step instructions for beginners
A gazebo is a structure on the garden plot, designed to protect the owners of the plot and their guests from bad weather and pesky insects.
A gazebo can be used:
- for cooking barbecue;
- To mask the worn facade of the house (in the case of extensions);
- for decorative purposes, as an element of landscape design;
- as a support for climbing plants and the like.
Given that the gazebo - it is not a capital construction (in most cases), every person who knows how to use tools and has minimal construction skills, under force to build such an object on their own.
Varieties of gazebos
The gazebo must fit harmoniously into the overall appearance of the site. To do this, it must be constructed of materials similar in appearance to the main structure of the site - the house. The area of the gazebo should not exceed 10% of the area of the site.
In developing the design of the gazebo should be based on its intended functionality and design features. It should take into account:
- seasonal use of the gazebo: summer, summer and demi-seasonal, year-round;
- the main material of the design: wood, brick, metal, polycarbonate;
- shape - can be very diverse, from oval or round to rectangular or polygonal;
- the area of the structure;
- the equipment that is supposed to be installed in the gazebo.
Depending on the material from which the structure will be built, the gazebo can be light or heavy.
In the first case, construction work begins with the erection of a frame for the subsequent finishing, which is erected on a drainage sand and gravel cushion, and in the second - with the construction of the foundation.
Types of foundations
For the construction of a gazebo, a foundation of the type is used:
- brick columnar;
- pile;
- strip
- monolithic.
If the gazebo will be constructed of lightweight materials and will have a small area, then you should choose a pile or post brick foundation.
Pillar foundation
The simplest option is a columnar foundation, which can withstand a load of up to one ton. This is ideal for a gazebo that is used only in the summertime:
- To build a columnar foundation, you need to build 9 columns of red brick or foam concrete. The foundation posts are constructed on a pre-prepared base. To construct the base for the columns dig a hole up to 70 cm deep.
- The lower part of the pit is filled with sand to a depth of 30 centimeters, and the remainder is filled with concrete mix. After the concrete hardens, two blocks are placed on it, on which a bitumen layer and a sheet of roofing felt are applied.
- For strapping the foundation perfectly suited pine beam, which is connected to each other "half-tree". Beams should be treated with antiseptic to prevent rotting and bitumen for waterproofing. The joint is fastened with four self-tapping screws.
- In addition to the beams on the contour, a central joist is installed, resting on the central column of the foundation. In the future, it will simplify the construction of the floor of the gazebo.
Pile foundation
Pile foundation is an alternative to the pile foundation in the construction of lightweight structures. It is suitable for the installation of structures up to 800 kilograms. Such a foundation is well-suited for installation on soft soil (clay, sand, loess or gravelly soil), because hard stony soils are difficult to drill.
The pile foundation is constructed using two fundamentally different technologies:
- bored pile foundation;
- with the use of screw foundations.
Since we are talking about independent construction, the most affordable will be the construction of foundation with the use of screw supports, since the bored method of construction will require the use of special construction equipment.
Screwed supports are metal rods, the surface of which is treated with corrosion-resistant compound, which in their lower part have a screw that makes it possible to easily immerse the support into the ground.
Such supports are sold ready-made. According to manufacturing technology are divided into welded and cast. The first are cheaper, due to the simpler manufacturing technology, but have less strength and reliability.
Screw supports have a length of 2.5 meters, and the diameter is divided into three categories: 89, 108 and 133 millimeters. For a small gazebo (9-16 m2) fit bars with a diameter of 108 millimeters.
The depth of immersion of the rods should be at least 1.5 meters, and the distance between the piles should not exceed 3 meters. Bitumen is used to waterproof the piles, with which the building element is coated even before immersion in the soil. The piles are screwed into the ground using a lever or special equipment.
In the next step the rods are aligned by height using a spirit level and, if one of them is higher than the others, it is cut off. After that, the cavities of the screw piles are filled with concrete mix of M300 grade.
Binding of the foundation is made only after the concrete mixture hardens completely. For strapping a wooden board, bar, I-beam or channel is used. As the rods are made of metal, it is recommended to use metal materials for strapping, which can be securely fastened by welding.
Ribbon Foundations
Concrete foundations are used for structures of a large area or constructed of heavy materials.
The strip foundation is the most popular and frequently used in construction. It is a concrete strip that is poured along the perimeter of the bearing walls of the building.
To construct the foundation, a 30-40 cm deep trench is prepared, in which a wooden formwork is installed on a level, protruding from the ground to a height of 20 centimeters. The bottom of the trench is filled with a small layer of crushed stone and sand to a depth of 1-2 centimeters, after which the trench is filled with concrete mortar.
After 10-14 days, after the concrete hardens, the formwork is dismantled. After that, you can start erecting the gazebo.
Monolithic foundations
Monolithic foundation is the most reliable, massive and expensive foundation for the construction of a pergola. It is a solid reinforced concrete screed.
This type of foundation is justified for the construction of brick pergolas with a stove complex.
Varieties of roofs
The roof of the gazebo is designed based on its shape.
Rectangular and square gazebos are most often built with a flat, one- and two-pitch roof. If the budget allows the design can be built with a hipped or hip roof, but this option requires professional building skills and experience.
Gazebos rounded rotunda type ends with a dome.
If the gazebo is closed type and it is supposed to use the furnace - a chimney should be provided. It can go out through an opening in the wall, the center or the slope of the roof.
The most common roofing materials used are:
- shingles;
- corrugated sheeting;
- polycarbonate;
- tarpaulin.
All these materials are lightweight, accessible, easy to dismantle in case of failure with the subsequent replacement.
The easiest and most affordable option is a flat roof.
The first phase of construction of the roof is the installation of the roof trusses on the top - these are wooden boards that are located on the trusses evenly at right angles with a pitch of 9 centimeters.
In the second step is built lathing with boards installed perpendicular to the rafters, evenly spaced at 30 centimeters.
All elements of the roof are fastened to the upper strapping and to each other with self-tapping screws and metal corners. The result is a strong and reliable structure that can withstand the weight of the roof and winter precipitation.
In the third stage, the structure is covered with a layer of waterproofing and then - roofing material.
Building materials
As materials for construction, the most commonly used are:
- wood;
- metal;
- brick;
- polycarbonate.
When choosing materials, as mentioned earlier, you should be guided by the material from which the main structure of the site is built.
The main criteria for selecting the material:
- The type of gazebo (determines the seasonality of use): open or closed;
- with or without the grill - the materials for construction must be fireproof in the case of installation of stove equipment, and the floor material must withstand its weight;
- decorative qualities of materials;
- the shape of the gazebo.
Wood is the most environmentally friendly material and will fit into almost any landscape design. The main advantages are ease of processing, lightness, low thermal conductivity, and relative cheapness. Among the disadvantages: resistance to moisture and pests, fire risk, the need for constant care.
Gazebos from metal are characterized by high strength and durability, do not require a massive base, provide unlimited possibilities in terms of design.
For the manufacture of a metal gazebo can be used profile pipe, rods, sheet metal or forged structures. All elements are easily connected to each other by welding.
Among the disadvantages of metal structures: strong heat in the sun, susceptibility to corrosion, the need for constant care.
Brick as a building element is chosen for structures of a capital nature. Such buildings are reliable and durable, but require the use of concrete foundations, as very massive. They can be used at any time of the year, are fireproof and environmentally friendly.
The main disadvantages are the heavy weight of the structure, the complexity of construction, high cost.
Polycarbonate - a modern material that has found application for a variety of structures: fences, greenhouses, sheds and, of course, gazebos. This is a flexible material with which you can create structures of many different forms.
Has a small weight, high strength and durability, easy to install, fire-resistant, resistant to moisture, transparent, which allows you to use in the gazebo of natural light.
Construction stages
Regardless of the type of design, choice of foundation, roofing and materials, the construction of a gazebo is carried out in several stages:
- Drawing a sketch design - allows you to determine what kind of result is needed.
- Drawing on the basis of the sketch - will help to choose materials, determine the size and location of the structure, calculate an estimate of work.
- Clearing the site - the preparation of the site is an important stage. It involves the removal of vegetation, stumps, stones, leveling the ground.
- Construction of the foundation according to the chosen option and the execution of the bottom strapping.
- Installing the grill or oven if necessary and if the materials of the gazebo allow you to observe fire safety rules during the installation.
- Installation of the vertical supports of the structure on the strapping of the foundation.
- Making the upper strapping.
- Roofing: rafters, purlins, waterproofing and roofing material.
- Finishing of walls.
- Installation of doors and windows, if they are provided by the project.
Construction of a pergola - a matter with which any person with basic construction skills can cope. The structure, the creation of which was approached in compliance with all the rules and procedures of construction will serve for many years and will be a decoration of the garden plot.