Plastic and polypropylene pipe crafts - creative photo ideas and popular master classes

Plastic pipes are lightweight, durable and practical to use - they are very often used in repair work and plumbing.

And do you know where else they can be useful? If after the work you have left small sections of plastic pipes - find a use for them, making from them an original and useful in everyday life handicraft.


What can be pipes made of plastic

There are different types of plastic pipes:

  • Polyethylene - PE. Do not like high temperatures. Easily deformed even under the influence of sunlight. Such pipes are suitable for crafts, which will play the role of a kind of decor.
  • Polypropylene - PP. The highest quality, have high strength and rigidity. At a cost - the most expensive. Handicrafts of polypropylene pipes can be done, but you should take into account the load they will have to withstand.
  • Polyvinylchloride - PVC. Resistant to chemical attack, have a low flammability. Optimal in the ratio of their cost and quality. PVC pipes can withstand higher loads than those made of polypropylene or polyethylene.
  • Profiled - have a cross-section, other than round (rectangle, triangle, rhombus, star). Square pipes are especially popular today. They are often used in the assembly of air ducts, ventilation, furniture manufacturing, construction, agriculture, etc. Profile pipes have no restrictions in color, which allows them to assemble particularly interesting original crafts.

Ways of connecting plastic pipes

  • With the installation of a rubber seal. A rubber seal made of socket pipes is installed on the end face of the pipes, which allows for a neat and hermetic joint. For this purpose, the socket of one of the pipes and the smooth part of the other pipe are carefully processed from various types of dirt. After that, from the smooth end of the pipe at fifteen degrees chamfered and applied mark, acting as a guide to the depth of the introduction of the pipe in the faucet. After the sealing ring of the bell and a smooth part of the pipe is processed, they are connected;
  • Adhesive. After removing the chamfer from the ends to be joined, they are marked to indicate the depth of the fitting. After that, their ends are degreased with methylene chloride and coated with glue. The tube is inserted into the fitting (or pipe nozzle), turning about a quarter of a turn - this allows the adhesive to distribute evenly over the surface. For a better connection of the elements is recommended to press them firmly against each other for about a minute. Excess glue should be removed from the surfaces immediately after making the connection, and then leave the part until it is completely dry.
  • Flanged - made with the use of additional elements - fittings. The ends of the pipe sections are preliminarily deburred. At the place of the cut, a flange is installed, and after it - made of rubber gasket - on it he then slides in. The connection itself is made by tightening the bolts with the mating flange. The advantage of the structure assembled in this way is that it can always be disassembled.

Once you understand the technology of connecting plastic pipes, you can start making crafts from them. In this case, you should first prepare a sketch of the product or drawing, which you plan to receive as a result and to determine the length of all the segments you need.

Elements of interior decor from pipes

Decorate the interior of your own house or apartment can be homemade crafts. They will look organic and beautiful, and will be a highlight of the interior.

Organizer .

A very simple handicraft. To assemble it you need to prepare a certain amount of pieces of pipe of arbitrary length and either connect them to each other or glue them to a stable base. The obtained construction can be painted in any desired color or left as is.

Frame for a mirror

Take pieces of plastic pipes of different diameters, a sheet of cardboard, a jigsaw, glue and the mirror itself. Marking its contour on the cardboard, cut as many pieces of pipe as you need and lay them out so that the space allocated for the mirror remains free.

Glue the sections where they will touch each other and let the frame dry for 24 hours.

A coffee table

Prepare some pieces of equal length for the legs and some for the base. Carefully think about the size and design of the assembled structure, be sure to pre-image it on paper, and only then prepare the necessary elements and start piecing them together.

Decide what will be made of the table top of your table. Most often it is made of glass or durable plastic.

Remember that the resulting structure must be able to withstand not only the weight of the table top, but also what will be placed on it, so when assembling give preference to the most durable ways of making connections, such as glue or flange.

Clothes rack

Its design can be very diverse. The simplest option - having a support in the form of legs, made of the same plastic pipes. Fasten to the support any number of hooks or partitions, and you get a convenient and useful in everyday life object.

If you install a tubular frame on the base made of metal with or without wheels, you can get a small mobile cabinet, on the top partition which you can easily hang clothes on the shoulders.

And by connecting a few small pieces of pipe together you can get a convenient vertical and compact hanger.

Shoe rack

When it is assembled it is recommended to use a pipe with a diameter of at least 150 mm. Cut 25 to 30 centimeters long pieces (a little longer than the length of your shoes) and mount them on a wall or stable base with glue.

Flower pots and vases

You can adapt pieces of pipe of various diameters for these. "Revive" their self-made pot or vase with unusual labels or colorful drawings, and they will give the interior of your home a special "highlight".

Handicrafts out of plastic pipes for children

Masters with children different crafts are not only fun, but also important. After all, in the process of making them, children acquire new skills and learn important basics.

Children's playpen

To assemble such a craft is very simple. However, for this you will need a large number of small pieces, because it is easier to pre-purchase whole pipes and cut them according to the scheme you have devised.

Once all the necessary parts are ready, you can begin to assemble, connecting to each other vertically placed partitions horizontal sections at the top and bottom.


To assemble the swing, it is better to choose a reinforced plastic pipe that can withstand such a heavy load. Before you start working on the craft, it is better to practice on something simpler.

Swings, assembled from pipes, can be very different. Their most common version - in the form of small hanging sofas is often found in stores of dacha furniture. The price of them is quite high.

Familiarize yourself with their design, take the dimensions you need, come up with and draw a sketch and proceed with the assembly.

Soccer goals

This handicraft will suit those who have space at the cottage to create a small soccer field. Handicraft consists of a number of elements, collected in a rectangular frame. For more realism, you can buy a grid and pull it over the finished structure.

Handicrafts from pipes for dacha

Every owner of a dacha plot tries to decorate it beautifully. Some people with this purpose buy special decorating elements. But it is not necessary to do this at all. After all, you can make the decor yourself.

Garden arch

Assembling an arch for the garden involves bending some of the elements that form it. We suggest doing this by heating the pipe at the point of bending with a gas burner. When heated, plastic is quite easy to deform, allowing you to give yourself the desired shape.

If you do not want to spend time on bending the pipes, you can perform the connection at an angle. Having assembled two arched openings, fix between them horizontally placed pieces - on them later will hang greenery. The finished arch is sure to be firmly fixed in the soil.


To minimize the number of connections when making this craft, it is advisable to choose longer sections of pipe. Make two pipes of a suitable length in the shape of an arch and fix them on the ground.

The distance between them, choose such that the gazebo freely fit a table and other items of furniture that you plan to establish in it. After that, you will need only to cover the arcs with awning fabric and the gazebo is ready.

You can assemble a gazebo in the form of a house, but then you have to bind the individual elements of the design.


Build a greenhouse out of pipes will undoubtedly be more difficult than the arbor or pergola, and the material required for it will be much more. The size of the future construction you choose yourself, while the procedure should be as follows:

  • Determine the location to install the structure;
  • Level the ground in the area, which will serve as a floor to the greenhouse or make a planking from boards. Boards in this case it is recommended to choose a width of 20 centimeters, necessarily impregnated with antiseptic;
  • Along the long sides of the improvised floor fix pieces of rebar, the height of the elevated part above the ground should be 50 to 70 centimeters;
  • Put a pipe on the rebar, and, giving it an arched bend, fix it on the opposite side on the same piece of rebar. Choose a distance of 70 to 80 centimeters between the frame parts to be installed;
  • When all the arcs are ready, install the central stiffener - it will allow the structure to stand evenly, without collapsing on one side;
  • Determine where your greenhouse will have doors and windows and prepare openings for them;
  • Cover the structure with the chosen covering material;
  • Doors for your greenhouse can also be assembled from pipes.

Vertical beds

They are made from scraps of pipe by cutting large holes in them, designed to accommodate the seedlings, and small - for the outflow of water.

After that, you will only have to fill the "pots" you have made with soil and place them one above the other on a stand. It, by the way, can be made from a similar material.

Longer pieces are suitable for sprouts of garden strawberries. Place them vertically, having previously made holes for planting seedlings and put a tube with a smaller diameter inside.Having small holes in it will ensure regular watering of the strawberries.

Watering system

Putting together a watering system is very simple. Assemble the craft out of several pieces of plastic sewer pipes, giving the construction any desired shape. Once assembled, make small holes in the pipes and connect a watering hose to the system.

The above options for crafts are only a small part of what can be used not useful to you in the work or repair of plastic pipes.

Of course, there are many more options for assembling the items. Try to imagine, create, create and please your family and friends with useful handicrafts.

Pictures of trumpet crafts for home and country

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