Bouquets of nuts with their own hands: the peculiarities of the choice of colors, the creation of a bouquet for women and men

Nuts carry a huge benefit for the body. Bouquet, made of nuts, will be suitable as a gift for both men and women.

The indisputable advantage of the composition of nuts is the edibility and durability. The bouquet can last for a long time, forcing the owner to periodically remember the giver.


Features and Benefits of Nuts

Antioxidants contained in nuts help strengthen the immune system. Nuts have a high content of vitamins and trace elements, thanks to which the body easily recovers from diseases.

Hazelnuts have so many useful microelements and minerals that they can be compared to meat. It has the ability to reduce cholesterol and increase hemoglobin. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. It is able to restore the nervous system.

With regular consumption of hazelnuts restores sleep, reduces anxiety levels. Can improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract. With regular consumption of hazelnuts slows down the aging process.

Walnuts have a positive effect on mental processes, help to reduce blood pressure. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of walnuts increases resistance to flu and acute respiratory infections.

Peanuts have the ability to improve memory and promote good and healthy sleep. The advantage of peanuts is that they have no cholesterol. It can be used in diseases of the stomach or intestines.

Pistachios contain a huge amount of iron. Suitable for those who watch out for a figure, as they contain a lot of fiber and have low calories. It is recommended to use at acute respiratory infections.

Almonds hold the record for the amount of protein in them. Recommended during acute respiratory infections and the flu. It improves kidney function and helps the digestive system.

Cashew has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system because of the large amount of magnesium in its composition. Improves metabolism. Recommended for acute toothache.

Pine nuts help the intestines, especially useful in adolescence because of the large amount of vitamins and trace elements. They improve potency.

Despite the obvious benefits, nuts have a number of drawbacks, among them a large number of calories, frequent allergies.

The choice of colors for men and women's bouquets

The choice of colors depends on the gender of the future recipient. For a girl is suitable color scheme, which includes red shades. As a gift will suit a bouquet with berries. Green twigs can be used to decorate the bouquet.

For romantic women will suit bouquets with nuts and lavender. The assembled bouquet will need to be wrapped in lavender or light lilac colored paper.

For men's bouquets, you can use paper of darker shades. If the recipient of the bouquet is a man of age, it is appropriate to add a jar of honey to men's bouquets as a supplement. It is better if the wrapping paper will match the shade of the color scheme of the composition.

More often than not, three color palettes are used:

  1. Orange. Created by adding apricots, papaya, peaches.
  2. Pink. The composition includes dried berries.
  3. Brown. For it will be appropriate to use dates and prunes.

Bouquet of nuts with your own hands

To order such a bouquet from professional florists is not necessary at all. As it can be made with your own hands.

From walnuts

Bouquet with walnuts will look very original and stylish. The advantage of walnuts is that they can easily be fixed on sticks or skewers. To create the composition you will need:

  1. Walnuts.
  2. Wooden skewers or sticks.
  3. Wrapping paper.
  4. Cotton.
  5. Ribbon.
  6. Glue.


  1. Nuts need to be pierced and inserted into them skewers. It is desirable to fix the nuts with glue.
  2. From the resulting "flowers" you need to make small bouquets. A sprig of cotton is taken and connected to several sprigs of nuts. They are fixed to each other with scotch tape.
  3. The resulting blanks are fastened together into one bouquet.
  4. The gaps should be filled with dried flowers. The result should be a luxurious and beautiful composition.
  5. A bouquet should be wrapped in Kraft paper of light lilac or bright purple shade. Felt is also suitable for wrapping.
  6. On top of the packaging, fix a ribbon in the color of the bouquet.

From a mixture of different nuts

There are many options for creating bouquets from a mixture of nuts. The most common option - all the nuts are strung on skewers and fastened together:

  • It is necessary to prepare a mixture of nuts in the desired amount. All the ingredients are fastened on toothpicks.
  • Next, it is necessary to choose a suitable container. This can be a basket or a box.
  • On the bottom of the box, you need to lay a cloth or paper from the departments for creativity.
  • Fix a special sponge or foam plate on it.
  • In the foam plastic you need to stick ready skewers in any sequence, it all depends on your imagination.
  • You can try the variant "milky way" or "maze". The basket can be decorated with decorative elements.

From dried fruits and nuts

The composition of dried fruits and nuts will be suitable for those who love healthy food, and for creative people. In the center of the bouquet you can put a jar of honey, tea or coffee. It all depends on the preferences of the recipient and imagination.

As dried fruits can be used:

  1. Figs.
  2. A dried apricot.
  3. Barberry.
  4. Dried citrus slices.

When composing a bouquet, it is necessary to adhere to some rules. It is better to use several kinds of dried fruit, otherwise the composition will look boring. If you plan to model flowers, it is worth picking dried fruits of different shades. (kiwi, lemon or banana slices).

Before assembling the bouquet, it is necessary to decide what the finished work will be. It is desirable to find a similar pattern before starting. All components need to be put on skewers. Then you can choose one of the options for assembling the bouquet:

  • Skewers with dried fruit are fixed to each other with scotch tape. Next, it is necessary to pack the entire structure in wrapping paper.
  • A square is cut out of dense material, and the bottom of the composition is packed in it.
  • Parts of the remaining wrapping paper are glued to the bottom to create a volume effect. In the end, the whole work is packed in a special film.
  • The second option. Wooden skewers with dried fruit and nuts are inserted into a foam plate or sponge.
  • You can place the skewers from the edge to the center, or you can fill in rows.
  • The result is better placed in a basket.

The basket, if desired, is decorated and wrapped in floral film.

From candy and nuts

Candy and nuts are perfect for a winter composition. For it you need walnuts, foam plastic, tape, green paper, sisal, scissors and a box. Styrofoam should be covered with Chinese corrugated paper. The resulting construction should be placed on the bottom of the box:

  • A toothpick must be inserted into each nut. It is necessary to form flowers from the corrugated paper in advance and place a candy in the middle of each flower. As a result, you should get 9 flowers and 9 skewers.
  • In prepared foam plastic need to stick 9 flowers from the center to the edges. Fill the voids with skewers of nuts. There is no need to glue the skewers: after the nuts are removed, you can leave the composition with the flowers.
  • Take artificial sisal, fold a little askew and decorate the bottom of the box. In the remaining voids, you can insert any ornaments on toothpicks. Stars, droplets or snowflakes will do.

From fruits and nuts

Apples or pomegranates are great as fresh fruit. It all depends on the taste preferences of the recipient. They should be fastened on skewers, as in the previous options. Also on skewers are attached any nuts, preference can be given to walnuts, peanuts or hazelnuts.

In addition to fresh fruit, you can add marshmallows or dried orange or grapefruit slices to the bouquet. The main thing that from all components turned out a complete composition.

When making a presentation of fresh fruit and nuts, it is better to take several kinds of nuts, otherwise the bouquet will look boring. It is desirable to use at least 3 kinds.

Once the fruit and nuts are ready, you need to think about the packaging. You can use a box or a basket. A sponge is placed in it, in which toothpicks or skewers with fruit and nuts are inserted. It is desirable to think in advance about the composition, so that the resulting bouquet does not look tasteless.

From the nutshells

For the bouquet you need: pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts:

  • Using a glue gun, glue hazelnuts to skewers, creating the desired silhouette. The resulting sprigs can be formed into small bouquets.
  • Walnuts are large, so you can put them each separately. For strength, you can fix them with glue. Do the same with peanuts.
  • From the pistachios you will need only the shells. The halves of pistachios should be glued to the skewers so that you get shapes that resemble puffy dahlias.
  • To make the bouquet not look boring, it is advisable to fill the gaps with dried flowers or herbs.
  • Decorate the resulting bouquet with wrapping paper. The gift is ready.

A gift decorated as a bouquet of nuts, with the addition of fruit, dried fruit and candy combines not only beauty but also usefulness.

Such a gift is suitable for all kinds of occasions, for both women and men. Bouquet contains many vitamins and trace elements, so it will be appropriate in any situation.

Photo ideas of homemade bouquets of nuts for men and women

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