Autumn bouquet crafts with their own hands: beautiful compositions of leaves, berries, twigs and other natural materials

Exhibition of autumn bouquets and handicrafts - one of the most beautiful events at school or kindergarten. And if you put such a creation at home, it will delight the eye for a very long time.

Autumn flowers and other seasonal plants retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time. By color, the gifts of autumn almost always perfectly combined, dominated by muted warm shades. In this regard, it will not be difficult to make a nice composition.


Materials for making autumn bouquets

To make autumn bouquets first of all it is worth collecting plants. A lot of different plants bloom in the fall. In addition to flowers, branches with beautiful foliage, seasonal berries and fruits are also suitable. Consider the most common of them.

A variety of varieties of chrysanthemums produce bright flowers that bloom in the fall and fit perfectly into any bouquet. If you want to create a striking accent, use white, pink or yellow chrysanthemums.

For softer combinations with other fall materials, choose orange, bronze or red flowers.

Cheerful little flowers, popularly called September flowers, are also easy to get for an autumn composition. They are essentially fall asters.

Because of their unpretentiousness and resistance to cold, they grow everywhere. Pink, purple, violet or white flowers go well with other fall materials.

Velveeta is one of those plants that perfectly captures all the colors of fall. Yellow, orange, red shades of these flowers will fit perfectly in any composition. The velvety surface of the petals makes the colors muted, which perfectly characterizes the autumn color scheme.

In addition to flowers, branches of shrubs and trees are perfect for autumn compositions. Most of them have yellowed leaves. If you want to use red leaves, you can find them on rowan, cranberry, barberry, maple.

Use fruits and berries, twigs, cereal ears, nuts, acorns in your bouquets. Seasonal vegetables will also come in handy. For example, from a zucchini or pumpkin you can make a vase for a bouquet.

You may also need skewers, ribbons, twine, and wrapping paper. The bouquet can be set not only in a vase, but also in a bottle or jar. If you have a basket, it will look especially good. Having decided on a set of materials, proceed to creativity.

Autumn leaf bouquets options

One of the easiest fall crafts can be considered a bouquet of leaves. According to the combination of colors, they can be both monochrome and contrasting.

Monochrome leaf bouquet

If you take branches of trees with leaves of the same color, such a composition will be called monochrome. But if you simply put the same leaves together, your bouquet will look more like a broom.

To avoid this, use some tricks. Use leaves from different trees, which differ in shade. Combine different textures, such as velvety leaves with smooth leaves. Add sprigs with berries or flowers of the same color as the leaves.

Contrasting leaf bouquet

If you have red leaves, the contrasting combination to them will be green elements. Therefore, you can safely add all kinds of greenery to a red bouquet. Yellow leaves will go well with purple flowers, such as September flowers.

Bouquet with similar shades

Similar colors are colors that are adjacent to each other in the color wheel used in the composition of the palette.

Maybe that's why autumn landscapes look so harmonious. After all, yellow, orange and red belong to a similar color scheme. Feel free to combine the foliage of these three shades.

Wreath of leaves

Using the color combinations described above, you can make a leaf wreath. Take several flexible twigs and staple them together in the form of a wreath.

The diameter depends on where you are going to use it, as a headpiece or for room decoration. Between the twigs place sprigs with leaves. You can add rowan or cranberry berries.

Roses from leaves

Large leaves, such as maple and grape leaves, can be used to make roses. To do this, fold the leaf in half and then wrap it around a skewer or branch, secured with string or narrow tape. Make several layers as well, until you have a rose.

Autumn bouquet on paper

In order to make a paper-based fall applique, it is advisable to dry the plants beforehand. There are many options for decoration. For the work you will need a cardboard base, colored paper, autumn twigs, leaves and flowers of small size.

From colored paper, cut out a vase. Glue it to the cardboard, smearing glue only around the edge, leaving the neck of the vase unglued. Insert the prepared plants into the vase.

Another option is to glue the plants to cardboard in the form of a bouquet, and instead of a vase, attach a bow to the stems. You can make a bow from satin ribbon or cut out of colored paper.

Autumn bouquet of fruits and vegetables

To perform a composition of fruits and vegetables, the best solution is a basket. You can take a ready-made wicker basket, or you can make it from a pumpkin or zucchini. An autumn bouquet in a pumpkin is a great craft for school or kindergarten.

At the bottom of the basket or prepared pumpkin, place a piece of foam rubber. Insert sprigs, flowers, leaves into it. Vegetables and fruit can be planted on skewers. In the empty spaces place grapes or other autumn berries.

You can make a similar bouquet without a basket. On the skewers, fix apples, pears and other fruit that you have. Add twigs, leaves and flowers and scrape with twine or scotch tape. Then wrap the bouquet with pretty paper.

Autumn bouquet of berries

Autumn berries are great for creating bouquets because of their bright colors. Red berries go well with leaves of all shades, as well as white, yellow and orange flowers.

Edible bouquets of sweet berries are popular today. For example, you can make a delicious bouquet of different varieties of grapes, decorate it with wrapping paper, place it in a vase or basket.

Autumn bouquet craft in kindergarten

Autumn bouquet as a craft for kindergarten should be simple to perform, so that the child can easily cope with it. The most affordable option is to find twigs with beautiful leaves and make a bouquet out of them.

Well, with the help of adults, children can make a topiary. You will need a blank of a small flower pot, a branch that will be the trunk of the tree and a styrofoam ball. If there is no foam plastic, you can make a ball of crumpled paper, securing it with masking tape.

Pour the plaster solution into the pot and insert the branch after the plaster dries, fix the ball on the branch. Glue the selected materials onto the ball. These can be leaves, flowers, chestnuts.

Autumn bouquet paper composition

Handicrafts on the theme "Autumn" can be made entirely of paper. In order to make beautiful leaves, first make a stencil. You can print ready-made or draw yourself.

Cut out the leaf blank, now it can be applied to colored paper and traced with a pencil. This makes beautiful leaves that can be used in applications.

Paper flowers for bouquets can be done in the technique of origami or corrugated paper. Another interesting technique is quilling. Details of plants are made from narrow strips of paper, which are shaped by twisting them into a spiral.

Autumn bouquets made of natural material

To the already considered options for fall bouquets from flowers, leaves, berries and paper is worth adding other natural materials. An interesting idea for a craft is an autumn bouquet of cones.

In this case, they can be added as in the bouquets themselves, fixing them on branches, and apply as a decor. For example, cones can decorate a vase, gluing it on the outside. Or you can fill them inside a transparent vase or jar, and place dried flowers on top.

Another interesting natural material is chestnuts. They can be used to decorate vases, as additional elements of a bouquet, as well as they look great on topiaries. Chestnut skins are easy to pierce, so you can attach them not only to glue, but also to skewers or branches.

Nuts or their shells are most often used to decorate baskets or vases in which bouquets are placed. At the same time, edible bouquets of nuts are popular. They are often supplemented not only with different varieties of nuts, but also with various dried fruits.

So, showing a little imagination and collecting seasonal natural material, you can make beautiful handicrafts and bouquets. They reflect all the beauty of autumn, sung by poets and writers of all times. Making bouquets is a useful activity not only for children, but also for adults.

Photos of autumn bouquets made of natural materials

1 comment
Svetlana 10.10.2021

Thanks for the useful information))

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