How to draw leaves: variations of colors and compositions, a description of the working process and a collection of master classes
Leaves on trees can be admired almost all year round. In spring we observe the tender green of blossoming buds, in summer we take shelter under their shade from the scorching heat of the sun, and in fall we admire the unusual beauty of a variety of colors.
Teaching your child to draw foliage is one of the first steps in teaching the image of a landscape or still life.
You can read O'Henry's wonderful story "The Last Leaf" to your children before you begin.
Beginning artists will realize that leaves not only bring people the oxygen they need for all living things, pleasing to the eye with their beauty, but a successfully depicted leaf can even save a human life.
The process of work should begin with ensuring comfortable conditions and having at hand all the necessary materials and tools. To depict the leaves, you will need:
- paper;
- colored pencils yellow, brown, red, green, orange;
- a simple pencil;
- Black marker or felt-tip pen;
- rubber band.
Virtually any object of the world around us can be represented in the form of a geometric shape:
- The first step in depicting a leaf will be drawing a circle of medium size on paper.
- Step #2. At the bottom left of the circle draw a triangle - the future tip of the leaf.
- Step #3. At the top right of the circle is drawn tail of the leaf.
- Step #4. In the center of the image drawn a line.
- Step #5. From the central line outline the side branches - leaf veins.
- Step #6. A smaller leaf is drawn on the left side of the paper. Stages of work on its design are identical to those used in the image of a larger version.
- Step #7. The contours of both leaves and internal veins are shaded in black.
- Step #8. The large leaf is colored in green pencil, and the small leaf in yellow.
- Step #9. We give volume to the painted objects. A large leaf is shaded with a pencil of a thick green color, and a small leaf is shaded with an orange color.
- Step #10. The tails of each leaf are shaded in brown.
The drawing is ready. The acquired skill will come in handy for kids when working on more complex paintings, such as a landscape or still life.
Leaf painting workshops
Every tree has its own individual leaf shape. It is impossible to mix up the leaves of trees such as apple and oak, maple and birch, etc. Just as human fingerprints have a unique individual shape, so each leaf on a tree is unlike any other.
However, to draw a single leaf of a tree is not so difficult. The main thing is to properly explain and show kids how to do it.
Consider a few variations on how to draw a leaf of a particular type of tree.
Drawing a birch leaf
To begin work on the image of a birch leaf it is necessary to form on paper an object in the form of a drop.
Then, with the help of small triangles, it is necessary to formalize notches. In principle, the jagged edges should be similar to the miniature teeth of the cutting part of the saw.
Veins are made inside the leaf, and the outside is drawn stalk.
The final stage of the work will be painting the leaf.
Decorating maple leaves
This tree has a very original and unusual leaf shape. Step by step instructions on how to draw maple leaves will look as follows:
- A circle is drawn.
- At the bottom of the image, a small triangle is drawn. The top of a geometric figure "moves in" the area of the leaf, and the base line is erased with a rubber band.
- From the top of the triangle in different sides of the leaf taken five dashes. The sixth line goes down - this will be the stem.
- Around each of the five lines drawn figure, resembling a triangular roof of the house.
- From the bottom two lines to the stalk carried smooth lines.
- We draw the veins inside, and notches on the contour of the leaf.
Drawing of the original leaf is ready.
Picture an oak leaf
Leaf and this tree is not difficult to draw on paper. As always, we begin with the image of a geometric figure:
- Draw an oval elongated to the bottom;
- Give the image "oak" shape with wavy lines;
- Draw the stalk;
- Draw the veins, and the work is done.
Drawing a linden leaf
The proper depiction of the leaf of a honeybee tree should begin with the image of a heart. Then we use the already existing skills:
- Small nicks are drawn;
- The veins are drawn;
- To the leaf is drawn a stalk.
Leaf of a linden tree is ready.
Strawberry trefoil
In this case, a slightly different approach is required, as the leaf of the forest berry consists of three parts. In order for the drawn leaf to be as close to the natural original as possible should:
- On the paper draw a cross.
- On the top three parts of the cross draw slightly elongated ovals. Two of them (parallel) should be the same size, and the third (top) slightly larger.
- Draw the stalk.
- Draw the veins and serrations.
Strawberry trefoil is ready.
Features of the rowan leaf
As with strawberries, the rowan leaf consists of several parts that make it up. First, a long line is drawn on the paper. Next:
- From the main line at a slight slope in different directions take five to six "offshoots". The angle of the lines becomes sharper as you get closer to the top of the leaf.
- From all the dashes draw wavy lines to the stem.
- At the top of make out another leaf.
- Draw serrations and veins.
- Draw a stalk.
Leaf of mountain ash is ready.
Composition .
Having mastered elementary skills in depicting leaves of trees, you can proceed to more complex types of work, such as creating a composition. Draw with a pencil several maple leaves at once in various angles.
A sheet of paper is divided into three fragments. In each piece we will draw three leaves.
Top row
The first leaf is drawn very carefully. Accurately and clearly highlighted veins and all the fine details.
The second leaf is depicted in a simplified version. Locations of veins are marked with simple lines.
The third leaf in the drawing should be depicted in the most schematic way. A similar image principle is used to create a contrasting effect between the dominant object and the background.
Middle Row
The fourth (first in this row) leaf is almost identical to the very first leaf in the picture. The difference can be achieved using a different coloring option.
Picture the fifth leaf as damaged. Draw a few small holes on a leaf, as if some insect has damaged it.
The sixth leaf is depicted with twisted ends. Experienced teachers often have students look for such specimens in the park, in the woods, or on the street. This is great for developing observation, imagination, and drawing skills.
Bottom row.
The seventh sheet will differ from the very first image by the presence of sun glare.
The eighth leaf should be depicted as if it has just come off the branch and is being driven to the ground by the wind.
The last leaf will be different from all the previous ones in its coloring - a celebration of the unusually colorful fall palette.
Variations of color.
Back to the first leaf. Part of the leaf is painted in light green paint. The depth of image achieved by the fact that the veins are painted in pale green color, and the leaf thus would look more realistic.
The second sheet is painted unevenly. The color is the same, but each part of the leaf is painted in a different tone. Veins are decorated with white paint.
The third sheet is also painted without much detail of accents. Those items that are the background for the main object should not be detailed.
The fourth sheet is painted in two colors - the edges in yellow, and the inside in light green.
In the fifth leaf, black paint is used to accentuate the damaged areas. The edges of the leaf are outlined in brown.
The crumpled sixth leaf is painted over with brown paint. The shadows, which give volume to the drawing, are made out in black.
The seventh sheet should be covered in pale green. In two or three places, yellow spots - sun glare - are superimposed.
The flying leaf is also painted in one tone, and then the individual areas are darkened, thereby giving volume to the object.
Finally, the last leaf is the most colorful in the entire composition. Predominant tone of red, mixed with yellow color on the edges of the leaf.
To summarize.
Teaching students lessons on depicting leaves is very appealing to beginning artists.
The beauty of autumn leaves fascinates all people, including little ones. Therefore, they are happy to take on the work, and with the right teaching methodology, which is described above, they quickly achieve success.