How to draw a horse with pencil and paint: a quick and easy drawing for beginners and children

Horses are quite beautiful and graceful animals, which from ancient times are the helpers of man. They were used as means of transportation or as farm animals. Very often these animals are depicted in pictures. Children try to draw a picture of a horse.

They do not always succeed, and so they ask for help from adults. But adults do not always get such drawings. That is why in this article we will try to learn how to draw these animals. So that in the future it would be possible to draw without any problems.


Quick and easy drawing

To draw a horse we will need a sheet of paper and a pencil. For coloring we need colored pencils:

  1. First, in the central part of the sheet, let's draw the horse's eye. It has an oval shape, strongly extended at the edges.
  2. Inside the eye we will draw a small pupil.
  3. On the left side of the eye draw a small arc. With a curve towards the eye. This will be the nose bridge of the horse.
  4. And then we continue with a bigger arc with a curve to the other side. That's the horse's mouth.
  5. Lift up the broken line to show the bottom of the muzzle.
  6. At the bottom of the muzzle using a small oval depict the nostril of the horse.
  7. Above the eye, use the complex broken line to show the mane on the head.
  8. On the head, using triangles represent the ears.
  9. Near the ears begin to draw the mane, located on the neck.
  10. From the bottom of the head we draw a long and beautiful neck.
  11. Neck continue front leg.
  12. At the bottom of the leg depict hoof.
  13. Next to one leg draw a second leg, which also ends hoof. The second leg will be hidden so depict it not completely.
  14. At the top of the mane with smooth lines depict the back.
  15. Back continue hind leg.
  16. The second hind leg is also hidden so do not represent it completely.
  17. Between the front and rear legs draw a belly.
  18. Behind draw a lush tail.
  19. On the muzzle and on the body of the horse draw a few spots, which will have a few different colors.

With colored pencils color the picture of a horse.

The entire horse can be painted with one pencil, highlighting only the spots in a different color. The end result is a drawing of a horse easily and simply.

A horse from a cartoon

Studio "Mill" has already released more than one part of the cartoons dedicated to the Three Heroes in these cartoons appears a very colorful character horse Julius. So loved not only children but also adult audiences. Let's try to portray him:

  1. In the central part of the sheet in the form of two circles depict the eyes of this fabulous horse they are close to each other.
  2. Inside the eyes, let's draw the pupils and fill them in.
  3. Above the eyes, with the help of a few arcs add eyebrows.
  4. Starting from the eyes we draw a curved line of the nose.
  5. At the end of the added line on both sides of the line in the form of small ovals show the nostrils.
  6. Somewhat below the curved line depicts the mouth, it will be a bit of a smile.
  7. Dorisovyvivaya contour of the head.
  8. On top of the head in a strongly elongated oval shape depict the ears.
  9. Above the eyes draw characteristic for this horse bangs.
  10. From the head draw two vertical curves that represent the neck. This cartoon horse has a rather thin neck.
  11. The upper part of the neck continues with the back. A horizontal curve is drawn.
  12. The back continues with the hind part of the body in the form of an arc of a large radius.
  13. Let's continue with the hind hooves at the bottom, they should be much thinner than on a realistic horse.
  14. At the bottom of the feet with a small ellipse depict hooves.
  15. At the front of the torso we draw the front legs, they also will not be very thick.
  16. Front legs also end with elliptical hooves.
  17. At the top of the neck finish the mane with a few lines.
  18. In the back of the body lines add a tail to our fabulous talking horse.

Our drawing is ready, the only thing left is to paint it. The whole body of the horse in the cartoon is dark brown. Mane and tail a lighter shade of brown. The hooves and eyebrows are painted black. In the end, we have figured out how to draw a horse for a child.

Drawing a horse in stages

For a correct drawing of a horse step by step and for simplicity it is best to mark the borders on the sheet of the future drawing with light straight lines. Next, think about the position in which you want to draw the horse:

  1. Drawing a horse in the first stages begins with drawing the head. The head of the horse has a triangular shape. So we will depict it as a triangle of not very large size. We place it in the upper left part of our drawing box.
  2. For the image of the head we will draw the front part of the head. First of all draw the protruding parts. Try to keep realistic proportions.
  3. In front of the head with small ovals draw the eye. The second eye will be located on the invisible part of the head.
  4. Inside the eye draw the pupil in the form of a circle with a small radius.
  5. Above the eye trace an eyebrow in the form of a small skin fold.
  6. Light auxiliary lines draw a small arc on top of the head. These will be the ears.
  7. Inside the future ears draw the details of the shell of the ears.
  8. At the bottom of the head add a nostril. The second nostril is not visible.
  9. With the help of arcs smooth out the sharp parts of the triangle of the head.
  10. Bottom draw the upper lip.
  11. Just below depict the lower lip.
  12. At the top of the head between the ears a few strokes show the bangs of the horse.
  13. Then at a small distance from the head and slightly below, draw a large oval, somewhat slanted to the right side of the vertical axis.
  14. To the right of the oval add another oval at the same level only with a slope to the left side.
  15. Connect these ovals arc of large radius get belly of the horse.
  16. From the left oval draw a smooth arc to get the head. One line will connect the top of the oval and the top of the head. The second line runs from the middle of the oval to the middle of the head.
  17. Most difficult is the image of the legs. Front legs will be located at the bottom of the left oval. For the simplicity of the image, we build base points at the bends of the legs. For simplicity, we can use a ready-made picture of a horse.
  18. Connect the obtained points with auxiliary lines. Note that the knees on the legs of the horse are quite high.
  19. Using these straight lines draw the legs of the horse. Front legs have approximately the same thickness along their entire length. Slightly thickened in the upper part.
  20. On the front legs show the knees of the horse.
  21. At the bottom of the legs depict the hooves they are shaped like a trapezoid, where one side is much smaller than the other.
  22. The hind legs are at the bottom of the right oval. At the bottom they are about the same thickness. Towards the top they are considerably thickened. It is worth paying attention on the hind legs the knees are on the outer side thus the knees in horses on the front and hind legs are on different sides.
  23. In the right oval, a thicker line on the left side to represent the croup.
  24. Between the ears add bangs tracing certain strands.
  25. At the neck depict the mane.

Drawing is almost complete, left only to remove the auxiliary lines. Complement the drawing representation of the muscles around the neck and legs. And get a drawing of a horse in pencil.

Horse on the reins

Before you start drawing try to think about the overall picture.

Light auxiliary lines indicate the boundaries and the horizon line, think about what will be the background of the future picture:

  1. In this way of drawing, it is best to put the sheet in a vertical position, as in this position the horse will occupy the maximum position in height.
  2. To draw the torso, draw a big oval in the central part of the sheet.
  3. On the side and a little higher draw a smaller oval. Which will be the head.
  4. Connecting the two ovals drawn smooth curved lines, we get the neck. Our picture will be quite powerful and muscular neck.
  5. In this pose in which the horse is in, special attention should be paid to the thighs on the front legs. They will be in different poses for greater realism.
  6. The lower parts of the front legs will be straight and extended. The hooves that are located at the bottom of the legs will also be slightly extended.
  7. The hips and the muscles of the hind legs will be more pronounced since they carry all the weight of the body.
  8. With thicker lines trace the head as described above.
  9. Let's add more details on the body, let's draw the folds.

For coloring, you can use paint. On the background draw the horizon line. At the bottom you can draw a meadow. At the top of the blue sky.

So we looked at ways to depict horses and now you can show your pictures to all your friends and acquaintances. You can also show how to draw a horse for a child.

Picture of a drawn horse with pencils and paints

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