How to draw a crane step by step in pencil - the easiest options for beginner artists and children

On canvases of various purposes you can often see a proud crane, which tucked one paw under itself. It is this, a very rare feathered trait that encourages artists to depict the bird.

Also an interesting option is the crane wedge, which shows all the power and beauty of these birds. But, to draw them under the power not only experienced craftsmen, self-taught can also do it without problems.

It is only necessary to heed the advice of this article, then drawing will not seem difficult even to a child and will take a minimum of time.


The easiest version

This drawing of a crane will not take much time and even a child can cope with it.

To do the work you will need the following material:

  • A sheet of paper A 4;
  • A basic pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • A sharpener;
  • Colored pencils or wax crayons as desired.


  1. To begin, you need to arrange the sheet vertically. Then begin to draw the head of the bird. To do this, draw a small oval at the top of the parchment. It will indicate the contours of the head;
  2. Then a large oval in the middle of the parchment is drawn. This will be the body of the bird. Draw the neck with the letter "S". Erase unnecessary strokes on the elements of the neck, connecting it to the torso;
  3. Next draw a puffy tail on the opposite side of the neck. Proceed to draw the bird's beak. It is depicted with a not very long element. It should not be similar in size to a stork's beak;
  4. Continue drawing a crane with drawing its eyes on a sheet of paper. They are depicted with two circles that are in each other (small in a large circle). Dashes depict plumage, highlighting the lines from the beginning of the legs - curved dashes;
  5. Using a pair of lines add a volumetric part for each leg. Draw paws, bending their claws slightly downwards. And add creases on the paws. Wings are drawn as a finishing touch, and if necessary, a clear plumage. Coloring sketch. Picture ready! If desired, the bird can be depicted standing on a marsh bump on one leg. It too will turn out very interesting.

Gray Crane

This drawing is carried out step by step and the crane is made out in gouache. This drawing will not only help to distract from extraneous thoughts. But also a wonderful way to spend time with your child, giving the bird a bright accent using a gray shade of gouache.

What you need to paint:

  • Thick parchment;
  • A pencil and eraser;
  • Brushes of different sizes;
  • Gouache;
  • A small container of water.
  • Apron for children's creativity (at the request of the child).

Step-by-step performance:

  1. The bird can be depicted, as on the entire sheet of paper, and standing in the greenery of the marsh landscape. Here everything is at the artist's discretion. First draw the head, then the eyes and beak;
  2. After that the neck is drawn. It should be long and is depicted by means of two lines coming from the head. They are depicted evenly, without interrupting the drawing. At the bottom of the neck, the beginning of the body is drawn;
  3. Then proceed to draw the paws. They are depicted long, connecting the legs and torso of the crane. Draw parts of the wings. Be sure to highlight the plumage on the bird. And then finish drawing the tail part of the crane;
  4. At the end of the pencil drawing, separate elements on the crane's head and neck. It is necessary for the further image in gouache;
  5. Proceed to work with the palette. Singling out the tail part in gray, the head in white and the beak in bright red. The legs of the bird are also painted in a reddish or orange hue. After that, the picture is given a little dry. And the work is done!

Tip! This drawing can be decorated with a background, using blue gouache. To do this, mix a little blue with a white shade to get sky-blue background.

A stork with its head down.

This type of pattern is done in pencil, where the crane is represented with its head down.

Items needed:

  • Parchment;
  • A simple pencil;
  • Sharpener and eraser.


  1. Begin by sitting comfortably in front of the parchment and getting in a good mood to begin the illustration. In this case, the crane is started from the middle of the paper sheet by sketching an oval figure;
  2. Then draw the head of the bird using a small oval. Connect parts of the head and torso with smooth lines. They try to make these lines resemble the crane's neck. They erase the sketches of the head, drawing its clear lines and slightly tilt the head part. Draw eyes and a bird's beak;
  3. Proceed to tracing the tail part, depicting a rather puffy tail. And draw the paws of the animal. To do this, draw a line from the body, representing the legs with claws bent at the end. Unnecessary details are removed with an eraser;
  4. Begin drawing the wings and plumage of the Siberian Crane. And it is recommended to represent the elements of feathers with small dashes. Again look at the entire drawing, and if necessary add and highlight elements on the bird. The illustration is ready! If desired, you can paint over the crane with the same pencil that was used to draw it. At the same time highlighting each element of this sketch with a clear line.

A bird before flight

A very interesting illustration is obtained when depicting a crane preparing to fly.

Such a sketch can often be seen on banners dedicated to newborns or on greeting cards on the occasion of the birth of a baby. Although storks are believed to bring babies, cranes are also attributed to this activity.

So, the items needed are:

  • Parchment;
  • A pair of pencils;
  • An eraser;
  • Wax crayons or colored pencils;
  • Black felt-tip pen.

Step-by-step creation of the drawing:

  1. First, draw contour lines in the center of the sheet. Then draw an oval for the body. And proceed immediately to the drawing of the crane wings. In doing so, one wing is depicted above the other element. This will give an indication that the bird is preparing to fly;
  2. Draw feathers, trying to highlight their parts with small lines. An obligatory condition is to highlight the wings, and the front element is made much larger than the back wing. From the body of the Siberian Crane lead smooth curved lines, giving them the shape of the neck. Dorisovyvat small head with a beak. At the same time it is depicted larger than the head. The effect of a crane preparing to take flight is obtained;
  3. Complete the sketch, sketching the paws of the crane. He can at this point stand in a pond or on a marsh bump. Here it is possible to show imagination. Color the bird at your own discretion, highlighting the lines of the sketch with a felt-tip pen. The drawing is done!

Flying Bird

This sketch is made with a simple pencil and looks very presentable. Such a drawing can be done for a competition in preschool and school institutions. As another option, for a gift to mom or grandmother on the annual holiday, depicting not even one feathery bird, but a whole flick.

What you need for the job:

  • Thick parchment;
  • A pencil;
  • Eraser and sharpener;
  • Gouache or felt-tip pens.


  1. First outline the strokes for the future drawing. We must remember that the image will be a crane in flight. Therefore, there should be enough space for it. Then draw a small oval, which serves as the body for the crane. After that, the lines that will be the neck are drawn;
  2. Then draw an oval for the bird's head. And draw the beak. It can be depicted in the form of a triangle with a line in the middle. It will be a separating element. Then draw the eyes, using the method of a small circle or just by placing a small dot;
  3. Drawing the wings, highlighting their plumage with the help of dashes. They represent the tail, decorating it with luxurious plumage. Proceed to the drawing of paws. One should keep in mind that legs are especially noticeable by their large size during flight. They erase all unnecessary things. And they start coloring the illustration with gouache or felt-tip pens. This point is very important because it makes you feel, looking at the crane in the blue sky, all the power of its beautiful flight and the flapping of its massive wings;
  4. The work is done!

For your general development

Cranes, or as they are also known, Siberian cranes. They are unique birds, symbolizing longevity and wisdom. In Sweden they are called the birds bringing good luck and prosperity. Japan worships the bird, considering it a messenger of happiness.

China even dedicated one of its martial arts styles, the crane.

The bird grows up to 1 meter and weighs up to 5 kg. It eats grassy food and does not refuse lizards, frogs and small fish.

Cranes live in flocks on three plots of land: the first for sleeping, the second for eating, the third for waking. They lead a nomadic lifestyle, flying away to warmer climes for the winter. They can be found in western Russia, Finland, Scandinavia, and Central Europe.

Photo of a pencil drawing of a crane

















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