How to weave lace with beads, thread, mouliné, elastic bands: kinds of knots and step by step schemes for beginners

Beaded garlands are an interesting and unusual decoration, which you can easily make yourself. They are woven in different ways, but the result is always an original accessory. The braided with your own hands, you can wear it yourself, or give it to someone.


Materials from which you can braid pigtails

Most often braid them using different threads. Mulin, iris, acrylic and woolen knitting threads are suitable.

You can choose any pattern and color - it all depends on your imagination.

Frankincense can be named and with intricate patterns, simple monochrome and multicolored. Figure on it you can make up your own, or seek help from the Internet, which is full of a variety of schemes.

But the first thing is to learn how to knot. To do this you will have to have patience and perseverance.

There are also beaded necklaces. Make a similar one is more difficult than the previous one. Beads are taken in a variety of forms, and complemented by beads, sequins and similar materials.

The hardest thing in the weaving of the beaded braid to pick up the right shade and build a combination with others. You can use the pattern on the Internet, but it's more interesting to come up with your own pattern. Then you get a unique creation that no one else has.

You can also use ribbons as a material. These bracelets are very simple to make. It is enough to buy any ribbon to your liking, adjust its length and decorate it with any beads, sequins, buttons and the like.

You can also take thin ribbons and weave from them, following the scheme.

You can take and other materials for weaving such interesting and original bracelets. You can supplement them with beads, sequins or buttons. The main thing - use your imagination and not be afraid to experiment.

With beads

To weave beaded fencettes the first thing you need to choose a good material of decent quality. All work depends on the beads.

Buying it, you should pay attention to the fact that the material was of high quality, the beads did not differ in size and shape. If everything is alright with beads, then the accessory will come out beautiful, even and neat, without any defects.

For stringing the beads, you will need fishing line, and sometimes you may even need elastic. Instead of fishing line take kapron thread, but before making a braid, you need to check their reliability.

You will also need a thin needle. There are even special needles for beading, which you can buy in creative stores.

Unnecessary, but greatly simplifying the work will be a machine for weaving beaded braids. It does not even need to buy - it is not difficult to build a similar one out of a box.

There are a lot of techniques for braiding braids from beads. The most commonly used are the following:

  • Mosaic. An old and uncomplicated technique that is great for making braids. When studying the patterns, it is important to remember that the rows here are counted diagonally. Weave begins with the lower left corner, and ends with the upper right corner.
  • Bricks. Another popular technique, reminiscent of brickwork. The advantage of brickwork over mosaic is that it is more flexible and durable.

From the threads of mouliné

Weave a bracelet out of mouliné thread is very easy and does not take much time. To learn how to weave such braid is not difficult at all. The disadvantage of these bracelets is their small width, because of which you have to put several bracelets on your hand, so they look more organic.

You can weave from mouliné thread using diagrams found on the internet or by your own ideas. It is much more interesting to include imagination and experiment with colors and thickness of the product.

With rubber bands

Weaving from small rubber bands is incredibly popular. All because the method is very simple, and it turns out a beautiful and original accessory.

To weave a bracelet out of rubber bands, you need to think about color combinations and choose the right material shade. Then you need to choose a way to make bracelets. After all, you can weave from rubber bands in several ways.

Most often, rubber band accessories are made using a loom. Using it, it is not difficult to weave a thick and intricate bracelet. In addition to the machine often use a hook, but there are other ways - you can make a rubber bracelet on a fork, pencils, or even on your own hand.

From ribbons

To make a simple braid, you will need to take a pair of ribbons, the length of which does not exceed a meter. It is important to choose such shades that match each other well. To create your first bracelet, do not take thick ribbons - those with a width of less than a centimeter are enough.

To create your own accessory from ribbons you need:

  • Take the prepared ribbons and put one on top of the other;
  • Tie a knot as close to the edge as possible;
  • The ends of the ribbons should be threaded into the loop formed from the knot;
  • A loop of about ten centimeters in diameter is made on both ribbons;
  • The loop of the first ribbon is put through the loop of the second ribbon, and then the first is carefully tightened;
  • The procedure is repeated, but the ribbons change places;
  • Thread the loops into each other and tighten them until the lace reaches the desired length.

At the very end, simply tie a knot and connect the ends of the resulting bracelet.

Kinds of knots

Before you start braiding feshkas, it is worth to learn the knots that may be needed in the work:

  • Left (straight). It gets its name from the fact that the left thread is tied around the right;
  • Right (reverse). Similar to the previous one, but here everything is done the other way around;
  • Frivolita right (reverse right/right-left). Freewolite knots - a combination of right and left knots.
  • Frivolite left (reversed left/left-right). Similar to the previous one, but all in reverse.

Scheme of braiding feshkas for beginners

If you do not want to come up with a pattern or pattern yourself, you can use the schemes. The Internet is full of them, so everyone will find something to their liking. There are several weaving techniques, and their schemes differ slightly.

Straight weave

Straight weave is based on right and left-hand knots. The rows in this technique are arranged horizontally, and their direction changes from row to row.

In the straight weave threads can be of three types:

  • Main (leading). This is usually one thread, which is the longest of all and similar in color to the background of the image. It is attached to the weave, not separated from the ball. It is recommended to take the main thread that is at least five meters long.
  • Main (background). They can be many, depending on the width of the future bracelet. By length, they are from forty to eighty centimeters, but it all depends on the pattern.
  • Auxiliary. These are all the other threads whose shades are found in the pattern of the bracelet. Auxiliary threads can be introduced into the product during the work and cut off if necessary.

By oblique weaving

For oblique weaving, you need to take four colored threads, which will be more than a meter and a half long. They should be folded in half, tied in a knot and attached with a piece of tape to the table.

Here the working (leading) thread is always on the left or right, depending on your leading hand:

  1. The threads are distributed by color (the same ones should be next to each other), and then the work begins with the one on the left (for left-handed people, the one on the right). Use it to tie a knot around the neighboring thread.
  2. The knot is tied again in a similar way - it is a double knot.
  3. The leading thread is tied in a double knot with each of the threads to the right. The procedure is repeated until the leading thread reaches the right end.
  4. The working thread is now changed. It too should be tied with a double knot around each neighboring thread.

Everything is repeated until the bracelet is the right length.

With a pattern

These braids look even more attractive, and to create them you will need colored threads, scissors and tape.

You can weave such an accessory by straight or oblique weaving, but the first option is used more often.

When creating such a product, it is worth using schemes, so as not to make a mistake and get a beautiful result.


With a large number of colors

To perform work with such products is difficult, so beginners often should first strike a hand on simple fenches - containing a couple or three colors.

However, if desired, you can try to create a bracelet with more colors. To do this, you need to pick up your favorite scheme and buy threads of the right colors. Then it is sufficient to follow clearly the selected picture, and then everything will turn out.

Braiding pigtails - an interesting activity that can grow into a unique and exciting hobby. Made accessories can be worn and worn on their own, or given to relatives and friends.

Photo of braided necklaces

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