Useful crafts for the cottage and home: step by step instructions and ideas for decorating items from old things, plastic bottles, paper

In every family there are many abandoned things that have been gathering dust for a long time, waiting for a chance to be useful to someone again. With a bit of desire and creative skill, forgotten things will again shine in bright colors.

Armed with proven ideas you can create with your own forces a trinket and a practical thing. In this case, do not have to spend money to buy expensive updates for the interior.

Create the right handicrafts can be made from everything from buttons and coins, to concrete blocks. This process will bring you pleasure, and the trinket you have made will not only be pleasing to the eye, but also beneficial.


Materials for work

What do you make homemade crafts from? To answer this question, you need to carefully examine the place where often piled unused, but very necessary once things: the balcony, attic or other hotbeds for creativity areas.

In everything that was lying around unnecessarily for months, you can breathe another life: a torn jacket, a glass pot, plastic, leftover mortar, beads or tiny glass.

Creating with your own hands from all sorts of stuff for the home is not only fun, but also profitable for the family budget. Let's look at examples of what can be recycled in a new way.

The most convenient and affordable option is paper and all its derivatives: cardboard, wallpaper or gift wrap. Just a little scotch tape and your idea is already realized.

So often we get compact things, such as decor for living rooms, glasses for stationery, notepads or boxes. From versions thicker can be obtained: a Christmas fireplace, doll houses for children, tinsel on the Christmas tree or bird feeders.

Such homemade items do not last long and are small in size.

Cords, whips and even wire are a great frame for lamps, a variety of plant holders, key chains and wall key chains. The essence of them is the same: everything hard - to give shapes and guide ribs, soft thin threads - for finishing touches.

The use of textiles is considered a popular method in the field of handmade, and especially in the transformation of outdated sofas or armchairs. Anything will do: old jeans, worn-out carpets or even un-pair socks.

From fabric you can make all kinds of covers, seats for chairs, thermoses for teapots or mugs, crocheted pots, decorative paintings and much more. All you'll need is fabric, an interesting idea, and a bit of skill.

Recycling disposable tableware or bags is a noble endeavor. In such a way they create furniture, toys, curtains and of course decorations for the interior.

The new use of PET bottles is not only a beauty at home, but also a plus for your karma and the environment. Cut pet bottles are so malleable that when heated they take any shape from curls to volumetric balls.

Metal profile, bricks, concrete, plaster and everything left unused after the repair can easily turn into: a flowerbed, a rack for garden utensils, vases for outdoor plants, barbecues, benches for the garden and many more interesting objects.

Of course, such items take an impressive size - a bed made of water pipes can also outshine a cute pot of plastic flowers. But the main thing in our venture is the usefulness of crafts from any material.

Working techniques

Given that the essence of creating a craft from improvised materials is to use the usual for unusual purposes, then we can say that the techniques of their embodiment operate on the same principle. It is more important to figure out how to translate the idea into reality.

In most cases it is simple: if something can be cut - we cut, if it holds on the bolts - we twist.

Inspiration and creativity are more likely to play a role than the methods themselves. After all, twisting a candlestick out of water pipes is much easier than coming up with the idea itself and seeing the picture in your head.

So take a closer look at things and start imagining.

Handicrafts from old things

A second life can be given to old things by anyone who wants to do it. It takes a minimum of effort, and the result is sure to please.

A shelf from the ladder

Let's take a closer look at something that has been stored for a long time, but not taken out of the garage, for example.

If you have a stepladder, a long high ladder, folding or even rope - this is a great excuse to design the most interesting shelves.

The construction itself is almost created, it remains to securely fasten the ladder to the wall or ceiling with metal brackets, hooks or dowels.

Do not forget that the firm fastening will not allow your things to collapse from the new-found shelf and will not disappoint you in the future.

The design options are as varied as the ladders available in the arsenal - straight, attached horizontally to the wall, turns into a stylish hinged shelf.

You can store books, photos, pencils and markers, vases or pots with potted plants. If the composition is made of wood, you can cover it with a stain or varnish.

The stepladder can make a modern shelving unit if only you attach planks to each step. If you turn it upside down like a "V" and set it against the wall, it will take on a completely different look, and if you take two or three stepladders at once, the structure will grow into a design composition.

You can decorate the exterior by making the boards look like an antique or, conversely, by treating the wood with enamel in fresh colors.

Even the ropes can be hung from the ceiling and put shelves between them. It looks very creative. It is important in this case, to calculate the correct number of shelves: if there are two, then fasteners in the ceiling are enough, if it is a huge rack - it is worth fixing the ropes in the floor, too.

The stand made of wine corks

Wine corks are formed from the bark of cork oak - it is an environmentally friendly wood, it has antimicrobial properties and is hypoallergenic. Such properties are very useful for the atmosphere in the kitchen, so such a stand will come in handy on your dining table.

To prepare for the creation of a cork mat, it is important to decide what you want it to be, what thickness and what it will be used for. With the form, everything is simple - we'll make it the way we like it.

There can be different thicknesses: made from whole cork, cut in half, sliced into strips or circles. How hot the dishes that you will put on the mat will be depends on how the corks will connect to each other.

For cupholders, glue, with which the parts are glued together or glued to the formed base, is suitable; for very hot food and drinks, you should take something instead of glue, for example, you can sew them together with awl and thread.

Combine beauty and practicality in your product, so that no more wet dishes will be left on your table.

Cardboard box organizer

Creating an organizer is a special field of activity. On the one hand it is very simple: take a box, cut it, add appropriate dividers or additional boxes, glue it together and that's it.

But you can decorate it endlessly - use anything you like: you can glue colored pastes, sequins, lace, you can decorate the cardboard with ribbons or wrap it with plaited cord.

A shelf made of tin cans

Used cans from coffee, tea, condensed milk or cans are great for recycling, especially in the hand-made sphere. Shelves from them are easy to create - staple the cans together.

Now you can glue everything with ribbons, lace ornaments, harnesses, or just paint them.

Such shelves are good for cutlery, screws, beads or beads for weaving.

Bring order to your space is easier than it may seem at first glance, for this you do not have to spend extra money from the budget, it is enough to allocate just a little time and effort for painstaking work.

Upholstering furniture with old clothes

Another opportunity to dispose of old stuff and thus update the interior is decoration of furniture with outdated clothing. It is better to choose it thicker, so the upholstery or cover did not have to cut again in a week.

Small samples can be made from a single piece of material, for example, for the seats of chairs will be good strong pants or even a coat with a fur lining.

If your skills allow you to upholster a pouffe or an armchair, you can safely implement the style of "pechwork" and sew the necessary cut cloth from separate pieces.

Handicrafts from plastic bottles

This material can also be extremely useful. After all, a lot of unusual crafts can be made from it.

Colorful plafond

The plastic bottle shades are a godsend for needleworkers. They can be sculpted over and over again and each new one will not resemble the previous one.

The scheme is as follows: the top of the bottle is used as a base for the cartridge, the rest of the tube is cut, melted, twisted, bent for a beautiful element of the lamp or one of the lamps.

The decor itself, choose whatever you like. This or a simple plafond from the top with a neatly finished edge, painted in your favorite color, or assembled from the many tiny parts that are connected to each other.

From it you can make: flowers, stars, volumetric balls and flounces, just tubes or fringes. If you let some light through all this riot, then the homemade plafond will play with thousands of lights and shimmers.

Watching the play of light and shadow from such a fixture will be a pleasure not only for you but also for your loved ones, and to realize that you did not just throw away a long decaying element in nature, but breathed new life into it is doubly pleasant.

The original storage container

Another way is to separate the bottom halves of two bottles and put one on top of the other. Such a tiny container is suitable for small things. In addition, plastic can not only be cut and melted, it can also be stitched with a needle and thread.

Very practical containers are made of large 5-liter bottles with the top cut off and trimmed with fabric edge. You can sew handles or laces to tighten the fabric like a bag.

If you connect a few pieces together, you will get, already familiar to us, organizer. You can put there children's toys, yarn, construction lego or something from the food, such as food for pets.

Paper crafts

These crafts can be done even with children. After all, for them too, creativity will be extremely useful.


All things paper - bend, twist and curve. It is very pleasant to work with it. In addition, such products very beautifully convey the play of rays of light, so such lampshades are especially impressive.

The basis for them can be, for example, simple Chinese lanterns, which glued small paper rhombuses or triangles, curled or bent petals, or stripes of the patterns. In general, the technique of origami in such a performance is very useful.


To put together a paper organizer - it is not difficult, if a little effort, then cope and child. So you can do organizers for stationery, cosmetics, sewing supplies and other things. They look like folded rectangular or round sections, which are glued together.

The organizer itself can be done in the form of small boxes, glasses or accordion - it all depends on the items that you are going to store in it. It can be: costume jewelry, coins, needlework glasses, nails, bolts, nuts, or even candy.

If you're still undecided about what you're ready to make, look at the photos of ready-made ideas. There will always be something you would like to remodel your home or decorate it yourself.

Remember that a useful craft is not only your creativity, but first of all the philosophy of consumption of resources around you.

In addition to personal use you can create beautiful souvenirs as gifts for your friends and family and share your warmth with them. Give a second life to everything you find, make use of unnecessary things and develop your imagination.

Photo ideas of useful crafts for home and garden

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