How to decorate your apartment for the New Year 2022 - the choice of style, beautiful photo decorating ideas, decorating tips

New Year is a holiday that both adults and children look forward to. On this amazing night, the most cherished dreams come true and incredible wishes come true.

For the holiday get old notebooks with favorite recipes, invent unusual greetings and contests, buy new outfits and sew carnival costumes. And, of course, you can't do without decorating the apartment.

Of course, you can do with the usual tinsel wrapped around the curtains, or you can come up with unusual decorations that create the mood of a New Year's fairy tale.

In most cases, you do not need to buy expensive accessories: all decorations can be made your own hands from whatever materials you have at hand, or you can take them out of the attic, where they have been stored for several years.

But also just hanging tinsel, balloons, garlands will not be interesting. Decorations should create an aura of warmth and coziness, without clashing with the trim and furniture.


Choosing the color scheme

Red and green are usually considered to be the New Year colors. They make an apartment bright, smart, cheerful and bring back memories of childhood, a green Christmas tree and the indispensable red star on top.

But lately, hostesses are increasingly choosing calmer shades. The charm of a winter fairy tale is gracefully emphasized:

  • silver;
  • blue;
  • delicate purple;
  • Gold and yellow shades.

Such colors will give the rooms a light mood of sophistication and elegance, suitable for any interior.

The influence of colors on the mood

There are no restrictions on the use of colors, but professional decorators do not recommend using more than three colors, one of which will be the main, and the other two will be a bright contrast or gently complement the chosen color.

For those who like calmness, you can choose a monochrome scheme, which does not tire the eyes and gives room to the imagination.

To choose the most appropriate color scheme will help some features:

  • Green colors. These shades create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. It does not tire the eyes, so green shades can be used without restriction. In addition, it is associated with the Christmas tree and creates a sense of celebration.
  • Reds. Elegant and saturated colors elevate the mood, but the excess of this color may cause aggression or depression. So do not use scarlet as the main color of the decoration.
  • The blue and blue colors bring a feeling of coolness into the room and make the interior more profound. Such shades will remind of a dark night sky, blue frosty shadows from the trees, purple shimmers of snow in the lowlands.
  • White Colors. Universal color is perfect for any interior, bringing freshness and purity. However, against the background of light finishes, such decorations will lose all their appeal.
  • Yellow colors. It is believed that these cheerful or austere colors attract money, so they should certainly be present when the year changes. More often than not, these shades are used as complementary: they will perfectly complement any color, increasing the appeal of the decor.

Cozy browns and dainty grays can also create New Year's Eve charm. But they will have to be diluted a bit with brighter decor items.

The main decorative element

After choosing the future color scheme, you should think about the main element of the New Year's composition. This may be: a Christmas tree, a fireplace or a festive table. But you can slightly depart from the canons of the holiday and make an accent on the mountain of gifts, the window or the entrance area: there are no limits to the flight of fancy.


The festive Christmas tree or pine tree is still the most favorite accessory of the New Year holidays. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself.

There are now a lot of options for such crafts, so pick the right one will not be difficult.

As a "tropical Christmas tree" look unusual ordinary houseplants decorated with tinsel and balloons. They will fit perfectly into a party in the style of the Mediterranean and will suit hostesses who do not want to spend time on the installation and disassembly of the traditional winter beauty.

And a charming poinsettia does not need to be decorated: an unusual combination of red and green leaves will already create the right mood.

Instead of the usual trees you can use pine garlands that wrap around the headboards of sofas, doors, cabinets and curtains.


A cozy New Year's composition will exquisitely complement the fireplace. But usually they are installed only in spacious private houses, so owners of apartments have to buy artificial models or make imitations of fireplaces from cardboard boxes.

The technology is not difficult, but the finished product is able to bring a real Christmas spirit, especially if you place on the top shelf of massive candlesticks and vases with tangerines.

Holiday Table

This holiday accessory should come last. The dinner table, coffee table, or even a nightstand may well play the role of such a decoration. Bright tablecloths, napkins, chandeliers, and fruit baskets can add a festive touch to this piece of furniture.

Small decorative objects

In apartments that can't boast of large sizes, and in tiny rooms, where such bulky items will take up too much space, preference is given to small decorations. But they must be used quite carefully: an excess of decor will make the room too difficult to perceive.


A nice Christmas wreath is usually placed on the door, but no one forbids to arrange a fluffy circle on a nightstand or a desk, decorating a lamp or alarm clock in this way.


Another original holiday accessory appeared in Russia relatively recently, so it may well attract attention. Especially if you replenish the Christmas cobblers with sweets or other surprises every day.

You can hang them in absolutely any room and even in the hallway, but this accessory is most loved by the little inhabitants of the apartment.


Of course, the real sleds will hardly fit even in the spacious house, but small children's sleds can be placed in almost any apartment. You can decorate them with the same Christmas garlands and tinsel, bright pillows and a themed mattress.

Cute and original look very tiny sledges made of cardboard or bent lollipops. Put such a decor can be on a bookshelf, desk, windowsill.


For those who are not ready to stumble on the sled, it is advised to place skis. For this purpose, you can use the oldest copies, dug up in garages or in attics.

To bring them back to a pretty appearance, the skis are painted in smart colors and tied tinsel. It's quick, easy and unusual, and the household and guests are sure to experience the surprise and delight of such an unusual decoration.


Temptingly sparkling Christmas tree lights do not have to be used on the Christmas tree. They look good on shelves, cabinets, windows.

For those who like order, they are placed in the form of strict geometric shapes, while everyone else draw words and Christmas figures from them, turning a boring room into a light and airy room.


Windows provide a huge field for unbridled creativity. On the windows you can:

  • draw snowy pictures with ordinary watercolor paint or diluted toothpaste;
  • Make patterns with special paints on glass;
  • pin up funny, but a little forgotten, paper cut-outs;
  • Hang light Christmas wreaths;
  • Create original images with the help of electric lights.

By the way, the latter option will not only cheer up the family, but also "warm" passers-by, who are on the street in the evening.

On the windowsill place whole snow-covered villages of cardboard, magic snowballs, bright Christmas cushions. Such accessories look especially good on low windowsills, inviting you to wrap up in a blanket, pour a cup of mulled wine and watch the snowflakes fall outside the window.


But the simplest apartment decoration remains textiles, especially since stores offer a huge selection:

  • napkins;
  • tablecloths;
  • gloves; tablecloths; tack;
  • plaids;
  • decorative pillowcases.

You can place pillows and plaids on beds, sofas, chairs and even on the floor, creating the mood of a cozy old hut in the woods.


Another unconventional way to decorate for New Year's Eve would be Gifts.

A solid pile of boxes and packages, neatly or deliberately carelessly stacked near the wall, attracts attention and causes a desire to open them immediately. By the way, so that the housewives did not open their gifts before time, some hostesses put empty boxes, changing them for prepared surprises at the last moment.

Fans of minimalism will prefer a single Santa Claus bag. You can create a volume in it with the help of old newspapers or boxes. And the decoration will be a large bow.


The mysterious light of candles is always associated with mystery and magic, so the candlesticks are another good option to create an atmosphere of New Year's Eve.

An unusual variant of such accessories can be tall glasses or even faceted glasses. The latter are pre-painted with toothpaste or coarse salt, applied with glue.

Those who adhere to the ecological style use saw cuts of trees or small twigs to create an original habitat for candles.


Scents are also meant to create an unusual atmosphere. New Year 2022 is most often associated with the smell of freshness, melted chocolate, tangerines.

Special fragrances or citrus slices, placed in different rooms, can be a good decoration to excite and remind the approach of the holiday.

By the way, the second option will also help to lift your spirits after a hard day's work and reduce stress levels. You can complement such fragrant accessories with cinnamon sticks, cones, and bright bows.

Decorating your apartment for New Year's Eve 2022 will be the very first step to creating a festive mood and meeting the magical night. All family members can (and must) take part in this creative process, and those who are not able to hang decorations, can at this time draw pictures for decoration of the entrance area, or sew and knit Santa Clauses, Snowmen, Mermaids and mascots of the coming year.

Beautiful photo ideas for Christmas decoration of the apartment 2022

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