Finger theater with their own hands: popular themes and templates for work
Finger games for the development of children have always been popular. Even our distant ancestors performed various toys and figures to entertain and teach young children.
For a period of time, various finger theaters were unreasonably forgotten. Now the popularity of such fascinating and useful developmental activities has resumed.
Finger theaters serve as good entertainment, expanding the imagination of children, have a positive effect on fine motor skills.
Create a toy on this principle is not difficult to own. There are different ways to achieve the result, and it is not unreasonable to get acquainted with each of them.
Popular Themes of the Finger Puppet Theater
Since ancient times, the heroes of miniature theatrical performances have been the heroes of popular fairy tales. Children know and love well-known characters. They are perfectly receptive to a simple plot.
The Teremok
A successful theme for finger theater will be everyone's favorite fairy tale about the adventures of animals in the teremok. There are no evil characters here, only the unexpected turn of events arouses emotions.
Like any fairy tale, the story is instructive and helps to form a correct perception of reality and style of behavior. To create a performance in front of a child will have to make more than 5 different characters.
This may be the main difficulty. Each game unit must be made beautiful and realistic. Additionally, the game should have a house.
Another good and understandable theme for children is the play based on the fairy tale Repka. There are as many actors here as in the Teremka, but many agree that it is easier to perform them. There are many options for creating sets and participants.
You can choose not only the convenient technique for work, the available material, but also the size and appearance of the product. Usually there are no difficulties in making this option.
Creating a finger theater, as many will confirm, does not take much time. The handicraft will not entail noticeable costs. No professional skills for the manufacture of everything necessary also do not need. Everything is very simple, and the result is impressive.
Such a homemade toy is easy to take with you away from home, and the components can be made together with the kids. The Kolobok theme will appeal to the youngest children, but older children will not refuse to play this fascinating tale, demonstrating their knowledge.
Other fairy tales
For a finger theater performance, you can create not only actors, but also a whole stage and impressive scenery. Such a full-fledged concert will definitely be appreciated by kids. Staging can be done on any theme.
Popularity belongs to the familiar and understandable to all fairy tales. In addition to the main three of the favorite folk stories of children often choose themes:
- Mashenka and the Bear;
- The wolf and the fox;
- The Snow Maiden.
For each individual production it is not necessary to make their own characters. You can stock a universal set. Many characters are used in different fairy tales. If simple options are no longer interesting, you can try something else.
It is not necessary to use a fairy tale theme. Today's children love cartoons. An entertaining action on the fingers with the participation of favorite characters will not leave kids indifferent.
The choice of theme, design, method of making everything you need is always individual.
Finger puppet theater with their own hands: templates, patterns, schemes
Making a finger puppet theater can be done in different ways. Usually mastered from improvised materials, and in the work use simple technology.
The principle of action can be invented independently or perform everything according to the instructions, which are easy to find in the public domain.
From colored paper
It is easiest to create from colored paper. This is the most accessible material, and the technology does not require any complicated actions. The work can be done together with children. To create finger characters for a theatrical performance does not require much time.
If you work in the technique of origami, even additional materials and tools are not needed. It is enough to use ready-made base folding schemes, to make hats on the fingers.
For a more expressive and recognizable appearance of the parts, they can draw faces. Despite the lack of extra steps, kids will be difficult to cope without adult help.
In origami is important to the correct sequence of folding the paper. Theater of this technology is more suitable for demonstration to small children. Older children such a performance runs the risk of seeming boring.
Figures can be cut out by gluing the details. This option is not difficult, and the result looks more natural. For work, you will need simple stationery, which, for sure, can be found in every home.
Figures of characters can be drawn, using your own imagination. If desired, it is easy to use ready-made templates. The whole character is assembled from paper of different colors, achieving a recognizable figure. Each actor is made as a kind of thimble.
It can be universal in size or created for a particular puppeteer. To complete the set, a stage can be made from cardboard or a ready-made box (from shoes, chocolates, etc.). The base is decorated, achieving the desired appearance of the playing field.
Made of felt.
By analogy with the composite figures of colored paper make game characters for the puppet theater on the fingers of felt. In this case, to bind the parts is acceptable to use both glue and needle and thread:
- The performance of the work begins with the creation of patterns. To do this, on a simple sheet of paper draw the components of the future figures.
- All elements are cut out, and their contours outline details on felt.
- The cut out parts are joined together to form each active character. They can be one-sided or two-sided, flat or volumetric.
For adults, the whole process is not difficult. If there are children involved in the work, they will have to help reach the goal.
From dense fabric.
It is not necessary to use flat templates, colored paper or felt to make finger theater figures. The use of classic sewing technology is available. You can take fabric as the material. This can be a variety of scraps and scraps.
Interesting characters of fairy tales can be obtained by working with pieces of fur, denim, drape. To make additional details, cotton, satin, mesh will do.
As in previous cases, the work begins with the preparation of a template. According to the pattern cut out details from the fabric. The component parts are sewn together. It is easier to do by hand, given the small size of all the elements.
To give some parts of the figures volume, you can use sintepon or any other suitable filler.
One of the best options for finger theater will be the one that is crocheted. It is easier to create small details when knitting with this tool. Using this technique, you can make holistic or composite, realistic puppets to represent on your fingers.
Heroes of fairy tale productions in this style will look like real toys. You can create them in any form. It is easiest to use ready-made schemes.
This option of making theater dolls is not suitable for kids. It will be difficult for children to work with a crochet hook, doing fine work. The children in this case are usually involved only as helpers.
With the help of a crochet and yarn, it will be possible to fully create everything you need. Additionally for decoration you can use mouliné, beads, fabric and other materials.
Tie you can not only the actors of the fairy tale, but also a scene depicting a forest glade, a house or other suitable placeholder for the performance.
It is convenient to perform a set that can be stowed away for storage, transportation in a special bag. It can also serve as a place for the unfolding of the action.
Making a wooden finger theater with your own hands, as in the store, is difficult. To do this, you need to have skills in working with this material and have at your disposal the necessary special tools.
If, nevertheless, wood is chosen as the basis, you can stop at a simple version of the craft. These are templates made of plywood, which are supplemented with wire in the form of a ring for fastening on the fingers.
The product of wood can be colorfully decorated, bringing the toy to a form well perceived by children.
From Plastic Mass.
Excellent finger theater can be created from the plastic mass. This can be ordinary plasticine, salt dough or polymer clay. From the selected material, mold the bases for the figures.
In the work, it is convenient to use special boards, rollers for rolling, stacks and even ready-made forms. The character for the theatrical performance should be attached to the thimble, which will be put on the finger.
If the work used a monochrome material, the product can be additionally colored.
Finger theater with your own hands is not difficult to do. There are different ways to achieve the result. For a better understanding of the process, you can watch an educational video.
For kids, a performance created based on a fairy tale will be a vivid impression. Older kids can participate themselves in the creation of the production, as well as the characters for it.