Handmade crafts for grandfather: original photo ideas for the holidays and step-by-step master classes

When children begin to master drawing, creating crafts and similar creative activities, they have a desire to make unusual, original products in order to then give them to someone. The child expects the recipient to be very happy and excited when they receive the gift.

That's why, on holidays and not only holidays, kids try to do something with their own hands. But sometimes the question arises: what to create as a gift for a loved one? In this article, you can learn what to give your grandfather and how to create this or that thing.



A beautiful postcard can be both the gift itself and an addition to it. The only thing you need to do is to use your imagination and put your heart and soul into this craft.

This can be a very rare and unforgettable holiday card, no matter how elaborate it is, even the simplest gift made with your own hands will be the best, because it was created with love.

A volumetric greeting card-cake made of multicolored paper

This paper craftsman will be a delightful gift for your grandfather and will definitely make him happy. Especially since it is not at all difficult to make. For work take:

  • Double-sided cardboard blue, blue or purple shades;
  • A simple pencil;
  • A ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Heavy white paper;
  • Glue (glue pencil is best).

Once everything is prepared, you can begin to make it:

  1. First you will need to cut a rectangular figure of 15x11 centimeters of cardboard. This will be a blank card and it should be bent in half.
  2. Now you have to cut the same figure from white paper, but of a different size - 14x10 centimeters. This element is also folded in half.
  3. On the part made of white paper to make four small cuts at the same distance from each other. They should be located on the side of the fold. The first pair of cuts should be equal in length, the next - less by one centimeter, and the very last - even shorter.
  4. After that, the cut strips are unrolled and bent inward.
  5. Now you should take colored paper and cut out three rectangular shapes, which will be the layers of the cake. Their height should be slightly more than the white strips. The elements-layers are folded in half and glued to the sheet.
  6. Now the white sheet is folded and unfolded - so the lines of the cake will be clearer. It's time to add details, so you can start cutting out candles, small ornaments and similar decorations from colorful paper. All this is attached to the cake with glue.
  7. Now all that is left is to glue what you get to the cardboard blank, well oiled with glue. You can write sweet wishes on the card and leave your signature.

With a picture or applique

Such a card is probably one of the easiest to make, and any child can do it. You can depict anything, such as a portrait of a grandfather.

To create such a creation, you need to take a white sheet of heavy paper and fold it in half.

On the front side a child can draw anything his or her imagination allows, using a variety of materials: paints, pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens, and more. But inside you can write congratulations, warm words or a small congratulatory poem.

With a photo

Such a craft for grandfather, received from a grandson or granddaughter, will be a great gift. You can make it the same way as the previous one, but instead of a drawing there will be a photo. It is worth trying when looking for the one that is most memorable.

It can even be a joint photo of the grandfather and the child, or maybe the whole family. It is glued to the front of the card and can be supplemented with painted details as desired.

A frame for a photo

Such a handcraft is versatile and can be presented on absolutely any holiday, whether it's an anniversary or a birthday. It is not difficult to make, and you can take anything as a material.

A simple boring frame can be decorated with anything you can find at hand. Here are examples of products made from some materials.

From buttons

Every home has a pile of unnecessary buttons that are great for decorating an ordinary frame. They can be attached with glue, but to make sure everything sticks well and doesn't fall off, it's best to use a glue gun.

The child should be careful in its use, because they can easily get burned. That is why the baby will need the help of parents. Together creating a gift for a relative will be much more interesting and fun.

From pencils

A photo frame made of pencils will be a unique and unforgettable gift:

  • Here, too, you will have to use a glue gun, as in the previous option, so the help of parents will be required.
  • Pencils will need to be placed on the frame horizontally and vertically.
  • For the beginning, the composition is thought over, and only then everything is glued to the base.
  • It is possible to think of unusual, but beautiful combinations of colors and to show imagination when making such a creation.

From coffee beans

Older kids can try something similar. It is much harder to frame with coffee beans than with buttons or pencils, because all the elements are quite small.

But the result is definitely worth it. The product turns out delightful, will make your grandfather happy, and then will be a joy to the eye, decorating the house.

Genealogical tree

Creating a genealogical tree is fascinating and exciting in itself. But again, the help of parents will be needed. After all, for a genealogical tree, you need to know your relatives, and mom and dad will just be able to provide the necessary help and tell more about them.


After learning all about his relatives, the child will be able to make a genealogical tree on his own. In order to draw it, it is worth thinking about how and where each person will be located.

You can sketch with a pencil, and then circle everything with a pen or felt-tip pen. It would be great if the kid would draw little portraits of each of the family members and sign their names underneath them.

Such a craft will prove to be an incredibly valuable gift and will find its place in the house, where it will please the eye of everyone who sees it.

With pictures

If the family has old photos of each relative of the older generations, the family tree can be made with their use. To do this, take:

  1. Wallpaper;
  2. A frame for it;
  3. Paints and brushes;
  4. Glue;
  5. Photographs of all family members.

The first thing to do is to draw a large tree with a big crown and branches on a piece of felt paper. It needs to be painted, and then, when the paint dries, place the sheet in a frame. Now that the main work is done, it is necessary to glue each photo of relatives in its place.

The older generations are placed at the top and the younger ones at the bottom. The genealogical tree will be a wonderful gift for grandfather on absolutely any holiday.

Original craft ideas for grandfather

It will be great if the gift in the end turns out to be not quite usual, and it is much more fun to make an unusual thing. To make a handicraft turned out as original as possible, it is necessary to use all your imagination and fantasy. But the result will undoubtedly surprise and delight your grandfather.

Painted T-shirt

Such a thing, of course, will find its place in the grandfather's closet and add creativity to it:

  • You will need the most ordinary white T-shirt and special paints for clothes, which can be bought at any art store.
  • After that, it is worth thinking about what to depict on this piece of clothing. Once the idea is thought through, you can proceed to the application of pictures or labels on a T-shirt.
  • In order not to make mistakes when applying the colors on the fabric, you can use a simple pencil, making sketches with it.

Painted mug

This children's craft is just as unusual, and it is incredibly fun to create. You'll need to find a white or solid color mug and acrylic paint. Before you paint, it is worth wiping the dishes with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol - this will achieve a better application of paint on the surface.

On a mug you can depict any picture, write a variety of wishes and nice words. The only thing to do is to wait until the paint dries, and a unique, wonderful gift is ready.

As you can see, the creation of things will not take much time, and the result will be quite interesting.

Knitted socks

Those children who can and love knitting can try to create such an item of clothing. Tie socks are not easy, but if you try, it is possible to achieve a good result.

On the Internet is not difficult to find the necessary schemes and instructions on how to make such a thing. If there are adults in the family who know how to knit, you can ask them to help. A gift for grandfather will be not only nice, but also useful, especially in the cold.

Homemade slippers made of felt

It may seem as if to create something like this incredibly difficult and nothing will work. But it is not so. Make slippers of felt with their own hands is easy enough, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the size. For this you will need:

  • Dense sheets of cardboard;
  • Dense felt;
  • Thread and a needle;
  • Scissors;
  • Beads, sequins, beads and other decorations.

To make these slippers, follow these steps:

  • The first thing to do is to cut out the blanks for the slippers from cardboard sheets. You can take as an example other regular slippers or shoes.
  • After that, the pieces are cut out of felt, and then each is stitched to the blank. To make the slippers look even better, you can make a sweep around the edges, using a zigzag stitch. And with the help of jewelry, you can make them unique and unusual.
  • In case you need help, you can call your parents right away. Creating together is much more fun and enjoyable.

Embroidered shawl

Here again you will have to use your imagination, working out what to depict. It can even be a simple little inscription. And those guys who already have experience in embroidery will be able to do something more complicated.

Now that you know how to make a craft for grandfather with your own hands, you can safely get to work and create something amazing for your loved one. It should be remembered that whatever the gift, the relative will in any case be happy, because the child made it himself, and therefore, with love.

Photo of holiday crafts for grandfather

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