Handmade boat craft: the most original and unusual products in simple master classes

Who in his childhood did not launch a homemade boat into the stream? What a pleasure it was: first to make a boat from paper or wood, and then send her on a voyage to the nearest creek or puddle and trace the entire navigation path of the toy captain-soldier.


Materials for work

To create crafts in the form of boats and ships need the following materials and tools:

  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • hot glue gun;
  • colored cardboard and paper;
  • plastic bottles;
  • cereals for applique;
  • natural materials: wood, seashells, walnut shells, etc.
  • office knife or sharp kitchen knife;
  • acrylic paints.

In an interesting creative process of creating crafts involves not only paper material, but also all kinds of improvised means.

Ideas for crafts ship with their own hands

Making a craft is not difficult at all. The main thing is to want to. Children enjoy creating ships from paper, plasticine, cardboard, etc. A little imagination, patience and skill - and the fleet will be ready!

Handicrafts can be stationary, for the joy of the eyes and interior decorations. And they can be toys with a "swimming" function (they can be launched into the water).

Ship made of paper

The simplest and most beloved paper pattern is the origami boat. Many dads and moms still remember how to fold a ship out of paper. And gladly teach their children. For work you just need an ordinary piece of A4 paper or torn from a notebook in a box.

How to fold:

  1. First you need to place the paper vertically on a flat surface.
  2. Then fold it: from top to bottom.
  3. Again fold in half, but horizontally. Iron the fold and turn in the second position.
  4. Now, one by one bend in the middle of the left and right corners and proglaevat finger folds.
  5. The resulting double rectangles under the triangle fold up (one on the front side, the other - the same, but on the wrong side). We got something like a building panama of newspapers.
  6. The next step is to slip your fingers inside the "panama" and open it diagonally.
  7. The resulting square smooth out, tucking in the bottom of one strip of paper over the other (on both sides).
  8. Then arrange the figure as a rhombus, the angle to the top. And bend both bottom corners (from the front and the wrong side) up to the highest point of the lozenge. You get a hat of Napoleon.
  9. Again, slipping his fingers inside the "hat", unfold it in the middle, getting a square.
  10. The upper corners, which are slightly off, pulled in opposite directions, smoothing the folds and get a boat.
  11. The boat straightens, so it "stood.

Now we need to find a brave captain and set sail!

Catamaran .

This model also performs in the Japanese technique of folding. They take a sheet of office paper and make a square of it, folding it in half and removing the extra strip.


  1. Fold the square in half vertically.
  2. And then horizontally, but again, spread out in the first position.
  3. Top and bottom of a rectangle folded to the middle.
  4. First, pull out the top of the internal angles on both sides and spread. Should get a trapezoid.
  5. Then do the same with the lower part, resulting in an inverted trapezoid.
  6. Iron the folds and bend inward in half exactly in the middle.
  7. We got a double boat - a catamaran, which if desired, you can add a sail.

Catamaran and boat - the models for the water, but the paper quickly gets wet, so the age of paper boats is not as long as we would like.

From cardboard

With the help of three matchboxes and thick cardboard it is possible to quickly make a miracle frigate, which will furrow the expanse of puddles on the street.

To create the ship you need to take:

  • 1 cardboard;
  • 3 empty matchboxes;
  • glue;
  • colored or kraft paper for sails and pasting;
  • scissors;
  • A wooden skewer or twig.

Creation process:

  1. The boxes are glued together according to the principle of a pedestal for athletes: first two boxes and then a third on top in the middle.
  2. Take strips of cardboard (1.5 cm approximately) and wrap the boat, forming the narrow bow of the ship in front.
  3. The model is placed on a sheet of heavy cardboard and outlined with a pencil.
  4. Cut out the ship's bottom and glue it to the sides at the bottom (you can use a hot gun).
  5. From a kitchen skewer make a matcha, stringing sails on it from colored paper squares.
  6. On top attach a flag.
  7. To make the vessel beautiful, it is "wrapped" with colored paper, not forgetting the inserts, illuminators.
  8. The final touch will be gluing the sailboat with duct tape (so that when in contact with water for a while not soaked and fell apart).

The sailboat is lowered into the water, the sails are raised and you can enjoy the calm stroke of the majestic vessel.

From a plastic bottle

It is very easy to make a ship out of improvised materials, namely out of a plastic bottle:

  • To do this, you need to pour some sand or grits into a clean empty container (for weighting, to avoid overturning the ship on the water).
  • Take skewers, pencils or sushi sticks. Make holes in the bottle for the masts and set them.
  • Attach sails to the masts in advance (by piercing squares of colored paper with sticks or by gluing them on). Frigate ready!
  • If desired, the boat is covered with acrylic paint. Draw illumination round windows on it, etc. In general, decorate to make the craft more realistic.

From sponges

The usual kitchen dishwashing sponges make excellent boats that float well. To do this, all you need to do is give the sponge a boat shape with a sharp knife. If desired and inspired, another smaller sponge is added on top, forming a realistic boat with a roof.

From Styrofoam

From the purchase of household appliances and other household items are often left in foam in a rectangular or other shaped form. This material makes good sailboat crafts.

You need a sharp stationery knife and a kitchen knife (don't let children use the knife so they don't hurt themselves). You also need wooden sticks and paper or scraps of fabric for the sails.

Cut out the boat shape, accurately obtusivaya knife all the irregularities and get almost ready vessel. Then on a sailboat build masts with sails (paper or cloth). And the vessel is ready to sail!

Made of wood

This handicraft will suit those whose dads - handyman. From planed wooden boards collect excellent ship, sandbox, which will please children for several years.

They also carve sculptures of different ships from wood, very realistic and beautiful in appearance. Such masterpieces can be created only by professionals!

Those who do not have the ability to woodcraft, and want to make a boat for his son, will do simple crafts from scraps of wood, wood chips or bark:

  • The bars should be well sanded so as not to get splinters on your fingers.
  • If the wood is raw, it is dried in the sun.
  • A mast is attached to the wood, having previously made a hole for it with a suitable tool.
  • Pour glue into the hole, insert the "pole" and let the product dry.
  • If there is no wooden waste, a boat or even a raft, mastered from the bark of trees.
  • Macha-stick pierce through the bark.
  • On top of glue the paper flags. And that's it - the wooden flotilla is ready!

Wine corks

Wine corks make great ships. To make them more stable on the water, connect the caps (2-3 pieces) rubber bands for stationery (on both sides).

In one of the plugs is inserted toothpick-mast with a colored flag of paper. Pour water into a basin and have a sea battle. Great activity for younger kids, especially on a rainy, boring day.

Out of the box

For home games and entertainment children can make a big ship out of cardboard boxes (from the refrigerator or TV):

  • The boxes are disassembled into sheets and glued together, removing the excess.
  • Do not forget the rectangular stern, narrow bow, porthole-windows and masts.
  • Finally, the vessel is painted with acrylic or gouache and wait until the surface dries.
  • You can paste old newspapers and magazines.

From the nutshells

The shells of nuts do not throw away. Everything will come in handy with children! The shells of walnuts make little boats. Inside attach plasticine ball, which stuck a mast of toothpicks with glued to the top of a cardboard flag.

From floating models of ships, which create their own hands, this handicraft is different in its strangeness and ease of production. To create it, you need a cardboard egg tray of ten eggs (if the tray is large, then cut off the extra honeycomb with scissors).

The vessel is made bright: the top and bottom are painted in different tones of gouache or acrylic, without touching the bottom and the very bottom of the "sides" (the paint will spread).

In the protruding triangles from the egg-cells poke toothpicks with stringed pieces of paper for notes - it will be a ship's masts. The cardboard sailboat is ready for serene sailing!

Original ideas for ship crafts

Ship crafts are created not only to make them float in water, but also to decorate a child's room. Also in the process of creating crafts, children develop muscular coordination of the fingers and improve mental activity and imagination.

Ship on the waves

In the technique of paper applique create cute sailboats on waves, imitating real waves. For the work you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • a set of colored pencils;
  • watercolor paints;
  • paint brush;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • a white sheet of cardboard.

How to make:

  1. Cut out a boat or ship from colored yellow, orange or brown paper and glue it to cardboard.
  2. From black/brown paper cut long strips of masts and glue them to the boat.
  3. Sky is painted light blue with dark blue clouds watercolor or pencils.
  4. At the bottom of the sea are marked with the same paint, slightly blurring it and showing the waves.
  5. Cut out a triangle from white paper with a wavy side of the broader part and glue it to the mast on one side only (the sail will be three-dimensional).
  6. The nose of the triangle is attached slightly away from the pole and in such a way that the sail was "blown with the wind".
  7. Likewise glue the red flag to the mast.
  8. From dark blue paper cut strips 1-1,5 cm wide and 5-7 cm longer than the cardboard itself.
  9. From the strips form the waves and attach with a glue gun, dabbing at several points (the waves also turn out volumetric).

The original ship is ready!


A beautiful boat with fabric sails can be made in the papier-mâché technique. Such a craft will decorate the interior of the room of a boy who likes the nautical style.

To make it, you need:

  • newspapers;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cotton or denim fabric;
  • acrylic paint and a brush;
  • wooden stick or skewer.

The creative process is as follows:

  1. Print out a boat template from the Internet and transfer it to cardboard. If this is not possible, the boat is made by yourself.
  2. The parts of the boat are glued together.
  3. Inside, make a bench from a cardboard rectangle.
  4. Cut many, many pieces of old newspapers or tear them with your hands.
  5. In a bowl or other container pour liquid PVA and begin to glue newspaper scraps layer by layer and the outside and inside crafts.
  6. Allow the product to dry until the surface hardens.
  7. Color ship of your choice.
  8. Make sails on the masts. To do this, a triangle is cut out of fabric and sewed to a wooden stick with a sweep stitch.
  9. Then insert the construction into the bench.
  10. If desired, the sailboat is varnished. Hang the anchor, decorate it with ropes, flags, etc.

Applique ship of semolina

"Painting" with semolina is a very unusual type of needlework, available to everyone. To create in this technique crafts ship, the semolina should be prepared, that is, painted:

  • To do this, the semolina is placed in a glass bowl, add to it gouache with a small amount of cold water and 1 tsp of alcohol (vodka, cologne, toilet water will do). The addition is necessary to fix the color.
  • Then the colored semolina is poured on paper and allowed to dry.
  • Flour is made in several colors. Yellow, blue, brown, blue, etc. should prevail.
  • On cardboard, draw a pencil ship, sea, sky - to your liking.
  • Next, grease the drawing with a glue stick and start pouring multicolored semolina over the zones.
  • This should be done very carefully, so as not to mix different shades of grits.
  • Application leave to dry out and after a while remove the excess semolina, gently turning the image down.

Frigate of seashells

Seashells are a great material to work on crafts. They create a style and mood of the sea theme and reminiscent of the sea and vacations. From the seashells you can create a wonderful panel. For the work you will need:

  • sea and river shells of clams, snails;
  • Sea sand with small stones;
  • a glue gun and silicone glue ("Titan", etc.).
  • piece of paper;
  • a sheet of cardboard larger than the paper;
  • watercolor or other paints and a brush;
  • jute or wool (any other thick) thread.

How to make:

  1. A sheet of paper is colored to imitate sand and water (the ship will turn out moored right up against the shoreline);
  2. The dried sheet is glued to the cardboard so that an improvised "passepartout" remains.
  3. Dark mussel shells are glued on the border of the tones - this is the base of the sailboat.
  4. Silicone glue a few ship's masts - sushi sticks (or better culinary "swords").
  5. From sea scallops form a sail, gluing them vertically one after another with hot glue.
  6. Also attach ropes of jute or other threads.
  7. Decorate the "passepartout" with small shells and four larger ones in the corners. The remaining space is filled with sand. The panel is ready!

A new unusual world created by the hands of children and adults. And he is beautiful!

Photo ideas crafts ship

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