Handmade clock: the most original options for decorating with unusual materials (133 photos)
The clock is a symbol of the flow of time. In the interior - it is not only a device for determining the time, but also a decorative element. The stores are filled with a variety of clock models.
Most of them are from Asian countries, they are cheap but are made of plastic and their appearance is not very attractive.
Good clocks are expensive, but you can replace them with clocks that are made by hand. They will complement the style of the interior, will be a decoration, will carry some idea.
Such a clock is not ashamed to give to friends, handmade is now very well appreciated. A paper clock craft made together with a child will be a good gift for any holiday for relatives.
Materials for work
Clocks are mastered for children as learning props. Older children are able to make real specimens from improvised materials. Old clocks, from which the crafts will turn out original, will serve as an element of decor in the house. The material for the dial can be:
- cardboard;
- paper;
- disposable tableware;
- ropes;
- threads;
- pencils and felt-tip pens;
- natural materials;
- fabrics;
- used CDs, other materials.
Original ideas
Creative natures come up with different techniques for creating and decorating clocks. Fantasies help to bring to life the most incredible and original ideas.
Clock made of plastic spoons
Creative clocks made of plastic spoons will fit into the kitchen interior. Their size should relate to the size of the room.
We will need materials:
- The base for the dial (plywood, polystyrene, etc.);
- 12 plastic spoons;
- a quartz movement from an old clock or a new one (you can buy it in craft stores);
- hot glue;
- acrylic paint;
- acrylic varnish.
To make a clock out of spoons, follow these steps:
- Paint the spoons in a color that harmonizes with the interior. Cut out a round base of the desired size and paint it.
- On the back side, divide the base into 12 pieces (you will have to remember geometry lessons), and glue the spoons in a circle.
- Make a hole in the center of the base, fix the hands and install the mechanism. Coat the finished clock with acrylic varnish.
Clock made of moss
The moss used in the creation of the decorations is natural treated moss (stabilized), whose sap is replaced by a glycerin-based composition. To create a clock out of moss, you need:
- a plywood base for the clock;
- a plywood blank for a dream trap with a diameter smaller than the base itself;
- 4 wooden beads;
- multipurpose transparent glue "Crystal";
- movement and hands;
- rosewood oil or acrylic glaze.
To make the clock, you need to:
- Glue the dream catcher blank in 4 places to the base of the clock, placing the beads evenly underneath.
- Coat the blanks with acrylic lacquer to get a glossy coating or oil - for a matte coating with sponge.
- Fill the inner circle with moss and attach it with glue.
- It remains to install the mechanism for the quartz clock. If desired, you can make notches on the outer circle instead of numerical markings.
Crocheted clock
The interior in the style of "Country" or children's room will decorate the knitted dials. To make them you will need:
- cotton thread of medium thickness;
- cardboard;
- crochet;
- A mechanism with hands.
Step by step instructions:
- Cut out a circle of cardboard of the desired diameter, in the center make a hole for the hands.
- Crochet a circle to the size of the cardboard blank so that in the center there is a hole for the clock mechanism.
- To do this, start knitting with the ring amigurumi, not tightening it. You can knit one color or different colors of thread knitting each of the 12 segments of the clock (obtained similar triangles with the center of the ring, and the base of one number to the next).
- Instead of numbers you can knit butterflies, flowers, ladybugs, whatever your imagination allows. Stitch the circle to the cardboard base over the edge. Install the mechanism and the cheerful clock is ready!
Pencil clocks
A child's craft - a clock made of pencils is a child's craft because it is used to decorate a child's room, and the clock will be real. The craft is based on decorating the frame with colored pencils.
Children usually accumulate a lot of pencils that can be used.
On the basis of the selected material (plywood, cardboard, board) in a circle attached to the glue 12 long pencils of different colors and 5 short pencils for each space. By attaching a quartz clock mechanism of smooth running, you get a bright clock.
Clock made of cardboard
With cardboard crafts, a child can learn to tell the time, and the process of creation will bring fun and help to understand how the clock works. New Year's Eve clock crafts made by the hands of a child will delight grandparents:
- From a sheet of cardboard, cut out a base or use a disposable cardboard plate. Mark the places where the numbers will be located. The base can be painted beforehand. Figures can be cut out or written.
- To make the hands, you can take two popsicle sticks and fix them in the center with a screw and nut. You can decorate such a clock with drawings, Christmas attributes, stickers, etc.
- Funny hands can be made in the form of a running man. Creative parents can contribute their ideas and glue pictures around the edges, where each hour corresponds to a particular activity of the day.
Also from cardboard or paper can make a handicraft wristwatch. It is made in the origami technique.
Clock made of fabric
Needlewomen can make fabric original watches with embroidery. For a round dial use an embroidery frame and a thick linen fabric or canvas.
The fabric must match the texture and color of the interior. You can embroider numbers and motifs that will be in harmony with the room where they will hang. To simplify, instead of embroidering numbers, you can use large decorative buttons or beads.
From pieces of fabric you can make a dial in the technique of patchwork sewing. You can hang the construction by the hoop, making a loop. The final touch - the attachment of the clock mechanism.
Clock from CDs or records
The simplest clock can be made from a CD, which will be the basis for the clock. All you have to do is to draw the numbers, install the mechanism and make a mount for the clock to be suspended. But for those who are not looking for easy ways there is a more complicated version.
For this design, you will need:
- 13 discs;
- a sheet of cardboard, plywood or vinyl plate;
- hot glue;
- a clock mechanism with hands;
- acrylic paint.
The ideal use for the base would be a vinyl record. If you don't have one, cut a round base out of a material at hand, make a hole in the middle.
Paint discs and the base in the colors you like. After it has dried, glue 12 discs along the edge of the base and place arrows in the center, on the thirteenth disc.
Buttons from an unnecessary keyboard can serve as numbers. You can decorate the disks additionally or glue family photos to them.
Decorating clocks from plywood
There are many ways to decorate the wall "walkers" with a base of plywood. It all depends on the flight of fancy, the willingness to spend time to translate the idea into reality and the materials that are available.
With acrylic paints
Plywood clocks will look aesthetic if they are painted with acrylic paint. First of all, the base must be prepared, primed.
This is done to ensure that cracks do not form inside the veneer due to temperature differences or high humidity. The primer provides a tight connection of the paint to the veneer.
Acrylic paint for plywood crafts should be water-based. It is odorless, dries quickly and adheres well to the surface. The paint should be applied in two layers.
You can decorate clocks made of plywood with different patterns. A pencil drawing is drawn on the pre-primed surface, then each section of the drawing is painted in the desired color. For a glossy finish, acrylic varnish is applied after painting.
Wall clocks, made of plywood, can be decorated with any print that will fit in the interior. You can decorate the clock for a child's room with a print of characters from favorite cartoons, for the kitchen - pictures of vegetables, fruits, for the bedroom - the starry sky, etc.
To print a print on the clock, you need to print out an image, cut out a piece of cardboard according to the clock outline and glue it on the clock base. Then you should fix the clock mechanism with hands.
Geometric prints on the clock base, monochrome paints, stencils or hand painted prints will surely enliven the interior.
The decor of jute or hemp rope is a hallmark of country style. Clocks made of plywood and wrapped around the circumference with natural jute rope also fit perfectly into an eco-style interior.
The rope is used to make not only the watchband, but also the dial itself. The rope is twisted in a spiral and attached to the base with transparent glue "crystal". The rope is bleached or dyed in the desired color.
Sparks of light and rainbow shards can be created by decorating the clock with colorful beads. Use large wooden beads strung on a wire to weave a frame for the clock:
- Beads of different texture, color and size can be used to make rays around the base or fill the base with them. You can glue them with a glue gun.
- The beads can be placed randomly or fill them with a pre-drawn outline of a pattern, such as a heart or a flower.
- There is nothing difficult in the manufacture of clocks, you just need to buy the necessary materials in advance.
- Handmade clocks will give a unique flavor and complement the interior of the house.
- And let the handicraft even will not show the exact time, it will still be warm, because you put your heart and love into its creation.
If taken seriously, the production of homemade clocks can be turned into a promising and profitable business.