Handmade crafts for children - interesting children's master classes and photo examples of design

Creating crafts in the company of a child is not only fun. Creative activities with children train attention, patience, accuracy, and also help explore the world around them.

Children's work can be made from different materials: paper, cardboard, plasticine, wire, acorns, leaves. And you can use both your own imagination and the ideas of experienced teachers.


Handmade craft ideas for children

Before you start doing arts and crafts, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of useful recommendations:

  1. Before you start making a handicraft, it is important to carefully study the list of necessary materials for the work. After all, if everything is prepared in advance, it will greatly facilitate the creative process.
  2. It is necessary to exercise caution, using scissors. It is worth giving preference to children's models - its tips are rounded.
  3. Work with the materials should be carefully, so as not to spoil the surrounding surfaces. It is recommended to use oilcloth or special boards made of plastic or wood.
  4. When working with paints, do not forget about the need for frequent water changes in the cup. It is also important to rinse your hands from time to time so that they are always clean.
  5. Plasticine and polymer clay need airtight packaging. After completing all actions with them, they should be wrapped with paper (plasticine) and a wet rag (clay).
  6. If you are planning to make a drawing, the first thing to do is to check the sharpening of the colored pencils. It is allowed to sharpen them only with a sharpener. The use of a knife for this purpose is forbidden.
  7. Ink pens should be kept covered - so they will not dry out.

What can I make with the kids? There are a lot of ideas for children's crafts. And they may be embodied in a variety of materials. Below we will present the most popular options.

Three-dimensional animals made of paper

Paper is one of the most popular materials for creative activities with children. It varies: plain, colored, corrugated, foiled, velvet and design.

The most popular with kids use three-dimensional animals made of paper, made in the technique of accordion: bunnies, puppies, bears, sheep, hedgehogs. Such toys are quite simple to make. But, despite this, they are quite fun to play with.

To make a paper bear, you need a minimum of materials:

  • Cardboard sheet of brown coloring;
  • orange colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored pencils.

Order of steps:

  1. From brown paper, cut two 2 cm wide strips.
  2. Fold them at right angles, fixing the ends with glue.
  3. Make an accordion, alternating strips. Secure with glue.
  4. Sketch and cut out double paws.
  5. Glue them on each side of the accordion.
  6. Make a head. Use pencils to draw a snout.
  7. Make a neck and tail.
  8. Assemble the bear. Toy can play as soon as the glue dries.

Paper flowers

A striking and memorable example of paper flowers is daffodil. Its making is within the power of even junior high school students. Materials needed:

  • colored paper of 3 colors (green, yellow, orange);
  • stationery.


  1. Cut out blanks for the flower from the prepared paper.
  2. Make a stem by twisting a green 70*200 mm strip into a narrow tube. Fix the tip with glue.
  3. Yellow square 100 * 100 mm fold diagonally. The right corner of the resulting triangle to wrap the left side, left - right, aligning the edge. In the center of the element to draw the outline of the petal and carefully cut along the lines. Should get a flower with 6 petals.
  4. The edges of the petals slightly turn upward. Glue the orange circle in the center.
  5. From the yellow band 20 * 50 mm cut fringe, bend it in any direction, twist into a ring and glue the edges.
  6. Attach the core in the center of the flower.
  7. From the green strips 30 * 150 mm make leaves.
  8. Assemble the narcissus by gluing the leaves and flower to the stem.

You can make several of these flowers, make a bouquet of them and put in a vase.

Rainbow of colored paper

A rainbow of colored paper, made with your own hands, will give your child a cheerful mood and fill the interior of the nursery with positivity. There may be several options for its creation. Here we will consider one of them. Algorithm of action:

  1. Cut seven strips of paper (each must be colored in a different color of the rainbow). The length and width can be any. But remember that the six strips will overlap. Therefore, a couple of millimeters must be added to the desired width.
  2. Glue the resulting blanks together. Align the ends.
  3. On the blue cardboard to draw a cloud of arbitrary shape, carefully cut out. Such details will need four pieces.
  4. Give the arc-shaped rainbow and glue two clouds on each end, placing them on different sides.

The finished craft can be put on a bookshelf or decorate her dresser in the hallway.

Paper umbrella

A paper umbrella, made by hand, turns out incredibly colorful. It can be used to decorate a room, in children's games or to decorate the holiday table.

To make such a beauty, you need to prepare 15 - 20 circles of colored paper. Here is the procedure that follows:

  1. Bend the circle into two equal parts. Repeat the manipulation. Should be 1/4 of the circle.
  2. Do p.1 for all the paper blanks.
  3. Treat each quarter with glue to avoid possible unfolding at the top.
  4. Glue all the blanks together: the split side for a split, right angle to right angle.
  5. Close the circle. Insert a cocktail straw in the center of the umbrella and fix it with double-sided adhesive tape. Done!

As you can see, nothing complicated in the creation of paper umbrellas. Under the guidance of adults to collect the accessory will work and preschooler.

Crafts from strips of paper

For parents who decided to introduce their child to applied art, there is a whole layer of simple ideas. So many kids will like crafts of paper strips. Topics can be very different - animals, birds, insects, fairy tale characters.

In the manufacture of figures from strips first create a body in the form of an elongated ball. Then cut out additional elements from colored paper, forming the shape of the toy. However, there is another solution - to make two balls (body and head).


Origami work can be a great gift. Unlike other types of paper works do not need scissors. To create a handicraft, you need only a sheet of paper.

To add individuality is allowed to use felt-tip pens or pencils. For example, you can finish drawing eyes, nose, mustache and other attributes of the "face" of the animal.

This season is relevant modular origami. It is more labor-intensive, so it is not expedient to introduce them to the kids.

Figures of plasticine

Plasticine can be used to create a mass of comical objects - animals, birds, human beings, etc. The material features a variety of saturated colors and easy processing. Modelling is a good way to develop a child's sense of beauty and accustom him to the observation of his surroundings.

A house made of cardboard

A house made of cardboard can be any size - it all depends on its purpose. You can assemble the design with the growth of a child, or you can make an apartment for a toy.

An interesting solution is the gift wrapping in the form of a house. Blueprints and diagrams of cardboard houses are recommended to print from the Internet.

For fixing the details of small structures is quite enough PVA glue and tape. Raising a large building, experts advise to use a heat gun - it will provide greater reliability of connections.

If desired, you can furnish the doll's house with homemade furniture, assembling it from the same cardboard.

As for the gift wrapping, there should be at least one opening part - a window, door or roof slope.

Christmas tree decorations from natural materials

Using the gifts of nature, you can make incredibly beautiful Christmas tree decorations. So, the fruits of conifers make great hedgehogs, gnomes and Santa Claus.

And acorns, nuts and branches are great raw materials for creating Christmas toys and Christmas wreaths.

Variations of holiday decorations these days have come up with a lot. You can choose not only from ready-made ideas, but also come up with something of your own.

Handicrafts on the theme "protection of children"

Such works always give a festive mood. They are often asked to bring to the exhibition in school or kindergarten.

Paper applique

To make a symbolic reflection of the June 1 holiday, you will need colored paper, scissors and glue. Work algorithm:

  1. On the blue background, glue the wings, torso and head of the Angel.
  2. Decorate the head with curled yellow strips. This will be the hair. Glue a wreath of fluffy wire on top.
  3. Glue the Earth right on top of the angel's body.
  4. From paper in different colors to cut out children's figures. Glue them to the front background.
  5. Equip the Guardian hands so he can hug the globe.
  6. Back of the applique decorated with daisies.

Handicrafts "Children Surround the Earth" from a disk

This creative solution is designed for children of kindergarten age. Therefore, it is necessary to use reliable, colorful materials: double-sided colored cardboard and an old CD disk. The sequence of steps is as follows:

  1. Put the CD on a green sheet, carefully trace it and, armed with scissors, cut it out.
  2. Prepare a template of 2 human figures who hold hands.
  3. Applying the template, cut men from colored paper.
  4. On the disk, apply a little glue and attach a green circle.
  5. Glue the human figures on top.
  6. Using a hole punch, cut flowers in different shades and decorate the background with them.
  7. From office paper, cut out faces for each figure.
  8. Draw eyes, nose, hairstyle and smile.
  9. Glue the blanks to the figures.
  10. Thread a ribbon of translucent fabric through the hole in the disk and hang it on the wall in a child's room.

Handicrafts for children can be different. It all depends on your imagination. What option you would not have chosen, it should be quite simple to implement, so your child with him easily cope.

Photo ideas of crafts for kids

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