Objects made of tires for the garden, vegetable garden and home - photo ideas for original homemade structures

Everything is in use on the garden plot, not a single object is lying idle. Especially such a universal, as the car tires!

If you have a couple of them, we know how to find the best use for them. Read our article for a few dozen creative car tire craft ideas!


Tire Preparation

Whatever you decide to do with your worn-out tire, it's important to properly prepare it before you even begin the creative process. Here are a few simple steps that should not be neglected:

  1. Thoroughly clean the tire with a brush and water and detergent. It will rid the surface not only of dust and dirt, but also of excessive grease. This will then ensure better adhesion of the primer and paint to the rubber.
  2. Coat the surface of the tire with a heavy-duty primer in several coats. The compound should be suitable for outdoor use!
  3. After the primer has dried thoroughly, you can paint the tire. Use a stable compound that is suitable for outdoor use, cannot be washed away with water, and is heat resistant.
  4. Sometimes you can do without painting at all, if there is no intention of hiding the "true essence" of the material for your craft. You can cover the surface with a colorless acrylic varnish for a more glossy effect.

Tools for the job

To make crafts out of tires for the countryside, you have to work hard and show ingenuity and creativity. Help us in this properly selected tools for the case!

We will need:

  • detergents to remove dirt from the surface;
  • sharp cutting tools: a thick knife or garden shears;
  • primer and paint (if needed);
  • can be useful drill, screwdriver and other tools for making holes and fixing fasteners in them (we will talk about this separately in each DIY);
  • a little patience.

Now we have everything we need and we can get started!

Crafts for the garden

In the garden and in the garden, the uses for used rubber are almost endless! It can be used for practical or decorative purposes. But first things first!


Old tires make original and very convenient flowerbeds! The easiest way to place a painted tire in a flower bed, filling it with soil and settling your favorite plants inside. This composition will be a little more interesting if you have a few tires. But we are going to get creative:

  • First, decide on the form. Very nice look flowerbeds, made in the form of a flower.
  • Make a template. You can make it out of paper or cardboard. With it it will be much easier to transfer the pattern to the tire. Petals of the future "flower" can be made triangular, semicircular, rectangular or wavy, narrowed at the base and extended to the edges.
  • On the outside of the tire mark the outline of the flower. A piece of chalk or a permanent marker will work well here.
  • Cut out the petals.

A tip: To make the knife blade cut better, you can periodically dip it in water with soap added:

  • Grasp the edges and gently twist the tire to the wrong side. This is not an easy thing to do, if possible, call for help from someone strong.
  • Paint the "flower". Both gentle and bright colors will be appropriate.


We all have more than once seen in the garden plots of friends and acquaintances comfortable tables from old wheels. It is quite easy to make such furniture. Here are a few uncomplicated ideas:

  • Simple and tasteful: screw the legs from old furniture to the tire, and for the table top, saw a circle of plywood.
  • Even easier: If you don't have furniture legs, you can use scraps of the same tires instead.
  • If you want color: do everything as in the first version, but prime the tire and paint it a bright color, and use a circle of glass instead of plywood.
  • If you want a bigger table, make a rectangular tabletop out of plywood, and use 8 tires painted in different colors as a base. Colorful and handy!
  • For aesthetes: add battery-operated garland inside the tires, under the glass table top; the outer side of the table can be decorated with thick jute rope in this case. You can use a sturdy fabric as trim, such as a tarpaulin.


The absolute favorite among the figures from tires for the garden is an elegant swan, which from a distance can even be confused with the real one.

Looking at this garden decoration, you can seriously decide that not everyone can make it.

That's a far cry from the truth! The figure of a swan from the tires - this is the handicraft, which, with a little effort, can be made by any gardener!

There are a few simple tips that will make the job easier:

  • It is good if you can find an old tire, for example, of Soviet production: they have a softer structure, without additional reinforcing elements (spikes, metal thickenings);
  • the cord (it is located inside the tire) is better to remove, otherwise it will interfere to cut the contour of the figure;
  • if it is possible to choose, give preference to the tire that coincides in the tread pattern with the outline of the future swan;
  • If you have a jigsaw or an electric jigsaw, it will make the task much easier, because there are a lot of notches in the figure, and its final look will only benefit if all the edges are straight;
  • you did not manage to remove the cord, but you have made the swan - then do not forget to process the edges with a bolt cutter, so that in the future you will not cut yourself on them.

Instructions for making (step by step):

  1. Select a suitable tire and prepare it;
  2. Using a template and a marker (or chalk), draw the outline of a figure on it;
  3. mentally divide the wheel in half: half 1 is the head and neck, half 2 is the body;
  4. The figure you have drawn should occupy the whole circumference of the tire, so that the nose of the "swan" literally rests against its tail;
  5. the optimal parameters will be: the width of the neck - from 7 to 10 centimeters, the head - up to 14 centimeters, when approaching the body, the neck can be slightly expanded;
  6. the tail is 2 triangles or 1 (if it is large) and 2 smaller triangles on the sides;
  7. The outline of the bird's torso will look spectacular in the form of waves;
  8. When the drawing is ready, cut it out with a sharp tool as carefully as possible, starting with the head, puncturing the tire next to the nose you have drawn;
  9. cut in parallel: a few centimeters to the right, a few centimeters to the left, etc;
  10. after everything is cut out, you need to turn the tire on the wrong side; it is not easy, and it is better to call an assistant, it is most convenient to turn out, putting the "swan" on the ground and pressing one of the wings;
  11. the middle of the wheel squeeze down to the ground, if you do it yourself, help yourself with your feet;
  12. When the middle is pressed through, you will see that the workpiece already looks like a bird, now fix the head;
  13. Starting from the head all the way to the tail make holes, this is to secure the bar to reinforce the structure, it is this bar that will keep the upper part from falling down;
  14. Insert in these holes the brackets made of wire;
  15. to make a rod suitable rod (about 6 millimeters), bend it into a semi-circle;
  16. fix the rod from the tail to the head with staples;
  17. fix the head in position;
  18. you can move on to decoration: degrease the bar with an alcoholic substance, prime it and paint it with compounds suitable for outdoor use.

Decorative items

If you have plenty of space, imagination and car tires, you can make wonderful decorative items for your garden. Tire shapes are the perfect accessory for your garden! Here are some examples for inspiration:

  • Tiered flowerbed. Very easy to make! Just have plenty of old wheels. Just by painting them with bright colors and planting plants in them, you can diversify the landscape.
  • In the suburban areas, where families with children, it is not uncommon to decorate with the aim of leisure for the kids. A favorite playground for the boys will definitely be decorative cars out of tires. Scheme of their production is not complicated: the wheels, fasteners and a little wood. And children will not be dragged away by the ears!
  • Both children and adults have a weakness for the characters of fairy tales and cartoons. For the older generation, it is more likely the fox and Kolobok, and for the modern kids - Smeshariki, Masha and the Bear, the fixers ... It is possible to make all these figures out of tires too. Of course, here you need a lot of things: time, persistence, and the material for production!
  • The frog made of tires can be used as a flowerbed, and just for decoration. Several tires stacked on top of each other, eyes and feet cut out of the same rubber - and you have a green beauty. Even the most hardened aesthetes will not disdain to touch it!
  • Pouffes. An idea for those who liked the table made of tires. If you equip a place of rest, it needs seats as well. To make them simple: put a few wheels on top of each other by 2, plywood seat can be for softness covered with oilcloth, leatherette or a hard-wearing tarpaulin fabric.


One of the simplest, and, at the same time, the most useful crafts from tires for the vegetable garden is a walkway. This is a way to dispose of a large number of ownerless tires, while making your work on the site at times more convenient and cleaner!

Experts advise to use for the improvement of the yard, if possible, winter rubber, because it is more resistant to frost.

Also, there is an opinion that under the paths from the old wheels to make a deck of gravel, which is not cheap. But if you just want temporary paths between the beds, don't bother too much!

When you prepare the tires to make a path, you need to cut them open and remove the bent middle. And that's it! Next, lay out your "paths" where you want them, and use them to your satisfaction.

If there are plenty of outdated wheels, but the current wheels, that is the car, do not get to the cottage because of potholes and puddles, tires will also help to seal the puddled road. However, for this purpose it is better to use large tires, and you need a lot of them!

The ideas for practical and decorative items from the tires for the garden are truly inexhaustible, but there are even more creative uses for tires!

Original crafts

We have already been to the garden and vegetable garden and looked up a lot of original ideas for these places. Let's move into the cottage, because here you can also make something out of old tires. So that you can't immediately guess about the materials!


Such atmospheric lighting will be useful in the garage, on the veranda, the country kitchen or in the billiard room. There are many ways to make a lamp out of car rubber.

But one of the simplest and most appropriate is the one where the tire is used as a kind of plafond. There is no need to "zakolhozh" space, attaching crystal ornaments or numerous lighting cartridges to the tire, fancifully bend rubber in the hope of hiding it at all. That's unlikely to work!

Just paint the tire with a tone of paint that matches the interior, make an appropriate chain hanger that can support the weight of the wheel - and you'll have a great and useful homemade chandelier!

Sink Trim

Tire sinks are a kind of dachshund prank. In fact, inside such sinks is a bowl shaped like a basin or a round-shaped sink, but from the outside it looks as if the water drains exactly inside the tire.

If you use a basin, make a hole in the middle under the diameter of the siphon and connect it to the outlet of the drain pipes with the usual strapping. Such a fun finish to the sink will please you and your guests for a long time yet!

Decorating the walls

Decorate the walls with car rubber can be on the veranda or patio. It's also a way to cover a fence if you don't want to plant shrubs along it or if you're waiting for the plants to reach the right height.

You can make hanging flowerbeds and plant pretty flowers in them.

You can remove the bent inside of the tires, leaving only the circle. Moss will feel great inside, it grows well in an upright position and quickly fills the allotted area.

If you do not want to bother with vegetation and worry about watering, then a mirror wall made of tires or a wooden panel framed with a tire will do for you.

Here everything depends only on your imagination!


A great way to recycle bored tires is to make furniture. A chair, for example. You'll have to do a lot of work here, but the result is definitely worth it!

It's ideal if you already have a metal frame and two matching tires. Then you only have to adapt them to the backrest and seat, tightening the holes with rope or a strong rubberized rope, and then attach the wheels to the frame. If you don't have that kind of riches, you'll have to sweat a bit:

  1. Get suitable tires and prepare them.
  2. Remove the edges of one of the tires, cut the resulting ring from one side.
  3. From the second wheel you need to separate the third part, including the bead.
  4. Painting: coat two whole tires and two cut parts: the part with stripped beads and a third of the tire with the bead.
  5. Stack the 2 whole wheels vertically on top of each other.
  6. Glue these parts together, hot bitumen mastic will work well, attach a plastic grill to the upper wheel.
  7. To the upper wheel, attach vertically the part of the third part with the board.
  8. To this part, attach the second cut piece, bending it to form the back of the chair and armrests.
  9. Be sure to screw the lower hanging parts to the whole tires!


Wonderful entertainment for children spending time at the cottage will be swings from the wheel. And adults like to sit in these in their free time, reading a book or just admiring nature.

It's not difficult to make them, the main thing is not to neglect safety and remember about the reliability of the bindings. Otherwise there is no way to avoid injury:

  • Take a suitable tire, wash it and paint it to your liking.
  • Stock up on hanging hooks. These are sometimes used to secure hover chairs or hammocks.
  • Screw a few hooks into the rail and attach secure ropes or chains to them.
  • Hang your swing from a tree, a porch, or a custom-made frame.


You've already seen that you can make almost anything in your house and garden from car wheels! You can even make a pool!

Such a product will help you avoid extra costs and, unlike the impractical inflatable, will last for many years!

If you need a bath for a small child, a large wheel, such as a tractor wheel, will be enough. But if there are more people who want to cool down, you will have to look for a larger tire:

  • Cut the wheel on one side, keeping the rim. A jigsaw is a good idea here!
  • Prepare a pad for the size of the wheel by pouring a cushion of sand.
  • Concreting: mix mortar to fill the circle. Thickness - a few tens of centimeters, otherwise it will crack! Until the mortar is completely dry, install the tire.
  • Trowel the cement so that it covers the inner rim of the wheel. Otherwise it won't be airtight!
  • You can reinforce the bottom with liquid tar or sheeting. If you can't do that, just coat it tightly with water repellent paint.
  • After completing these manipulations, the entire structure should dry well. Take into account that concrete gains maximum strength within a month. You should not rush things!
  • Fill the structure with water and cover it, protecting it from heat.
  • If nothing leaks, you can start decorating the makeshift pond!

Sad but true: at least 8 out of 10 unusable tires end up in a landfill! This is a real pain for people who are concerned about the ecological future of our planet.

The reuse of tires as home and garden decoration is not only a way to enjoy your free time and save money, but it also saves our common home from excessive pollution. Isn't that a reason to think: what can be made from tires?

Photo ideas of crafts from tires

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