Handmade crafts for Christmas: a wreath, angels, bells and a Christmas crib (110 photos)

On the eve of the New Year holidays, all family members are busy preparing the most important thing - the festive atmosphere. Someone is decorating a Christmas tree, hanging garlands, someone glues children's snowflakes on the windows, and someone is busy preparing snow-covered gingerbread houses for the table.

Sometimes the thrill of anticipating and preparing for the holiday brings more Christmas cheer than the feast on the night of December 31. But what if you've been hard at work preparing and the new year has come lightning fast?

And now, on the calendar is January 2, all the guests have left, but the soul still wants a holiday. The best way to prolong the atmosphere of winter wonder and the arrival of a new, so far unmarred, year in life is to continue to create and create small joys for yourself and your friends.

We suggest not to waste a single day of the winter holidays in vain, Christmas is an even more spiritual and family holiday, so the preparation for it will bring a lot of fun and good memories.

In this article, we'll share Christmas ideas that will fill your family time with warmth of fellowship and useful creativity.


Themes of Christmas

Taking a closer look at the decoration of streets, homes, big stores, and just houses of your friends on Christmas Eve, you can see that they are all united by symbols familiar to us from childhood.

How much do we know about the Christmas wreath or the nativity scene? Let's remember why we, our parents, and our grandmothers used to put a wreath with four candles on the Christmas table and decorate the tree with an eight-pointed star.

The Christmas wreath of spruce branches symbolizes the circle of life and the anticipation of Christmas.

Once each of the four candles were lit every new Sunday before Christmas and meant the approach and anticipation of the main holiday. The green circle signified the globe, and the light of the candles signified the light of Christmas, which, according to legend, would illuminate the whole world.

Star of Bethlehem - symbolizes the miracle of heaven, the star, which pointed the Magi to the place where the Virgin Mary had the baby, or even Christ himself - the savior of his people.

Today you can join the traditions, to keep and pass them on to the new generation, decorating your home according to the same canons as many years ago. Let's see what you can do with your own hands to prepare for this holiday.

Christmas Wreath

When preparing for the holiday, it is important not to forget about such an important attribute as a wreath. You can make it with your own hands. And at the same time do not spend a lot of time on it.


Choosing ideas for Christmas crafts, you can drown in their abundance. Let's start with the easiest one - the drawn wreath, which can be depicted on a Christmas card, or window glass:

  • On the circular outline, draw the jagged edges - the edges of the spruce branches.
  • Now you can finish drawing Christmas tree balls and ribbons to the base, and a festive bow in the center of the figure. A simple spruce wreath is almost ready.
  • Circle the contour all the necessary lines, and you can begin to paint: first the green branches, then bright colors toys and ribbons. If you are a more experienced artist, you can place candles in the inner circle - don't forget the rules of perspective and depict candles of different sizes.
  • To decorate, for example, windows with artificial snow or cake with powdered sugar, you can use a stencil, thankfully they are many and can be printed in any size.

Three-dimensional from paper

If you want to make a volumetric paper wreath, you may not be able to make a choice - there are many models and they are all very beautiful. Let's take a look at a few of them.

All of them are created on the basis of a circle of cardboard (it is often advised to cut out the middle in a paper disposable plate, then it will definitely turn out even and will have a convex shape), then comes the creative part of the whole action.

Method one:

  • We cut strips 1.5-2 cm wide of paper in different colors: green, lettuce, orange or other colors.
  • Glue the circle strip from the middle to the outer edge so that the end of the strip is outside the circle. The colors of the strips alternate.
  • When the ring is completely wrapped in paper, trim the edges of the flats triangle inside.
  • Make a candle from white paper, that is, cut two longer strips, glue the edges of the strips and fold them inside each other.
  • We add a flame of orange paper to the candle.
  • If you want, you can decorate everything with a bright ribbon and small bead balls.

The second way (alternative):

  • Cut out of, for example, red paper a lot of identical circles.
  • From each circle cut out a spiral.
  • Twist the spiral in the form of a rose.
  • Glue the paper flowers on the circle tighter to each other.

Such wreaths are beautiful, and even a child can make them. This is a worthy option for school crafts for Christmas.

From Christmas tree branches

Here everything is more than clear. We take a stiff wire and twist the frame of the wreath in several layers from it.

Then one by one we tie, with thinner wire, all the spruce branches to the frame. Each successive branch should cover the attachment of the previous one.

When the circle of branches is formed, we decorate the product with everything that your heart desires: balloons, bells, beads on a thread, artificial rowan, garland (it is good to have batteries), multi-colored rain.

The branches themselves look spectacular if they are sprinkled with artificial snow, but if you do not have it, then ordinary toothpaste will do well for this, put it on the ends of green needles and a snowy wreath is ready.

With fabric

Perhaps sometimes it is still very difficult to decide what kind of wreath to make this year. Another wonderful option for Christmas crafts is a wreath of fabric or yarn.

We cut out a cardboard base, wrap it with strips of fabric: fine cotton, satin or silk, felt or even burlap. In addition to the fabric, you can wrap or even tie a circle with yarn - it will look even more cozy and festively warm.

Decorate the ready wreath with felt bows, beads, Christmas cones or other Christmas tinsel.

From the rain

No colored paper, yarn and certainly no Christmas sprigs? Use something that's sure to be in every home - Christmas rain. We take cardboard, cut out a circle, wrap it around (the tighter the better), and decorate with tinsel.

You can take a wide rainbow with large glitter in different colors, from silver to pink. Such a Christmas wreath will look modern and bright. Or you can take a short nap wreath in a shorter green color, and then the wreath would look like a natural green - the choice is yours.


Christmas craft ideas give us not only an excuse to decorate our homes and find ourselves in creativity. It is a wonderful way to share your warmth of heart and to remember, and maybe even share your knowledge about the miracle of Christ's birth, the beautiful angels, their prayers and their help to people.

In anticipation of this magical holiday, making paper angels is a good excuse to tell children about it and make very kind souvenirs together.


Let's try to make a cute paper angel in a long skirt. To do this, a rectangle of paper folded along the accordion, the edges glued together to form an angel skirt. Cut out the figure of the angel torso from a stencil and, with glue, carefully attach it between the folds of the skirt.

Cut out from the stencil three pairs of wings of different sizes, glue them together on top of each other. Wings glued to the body. It remains to decorate the angel skirt with small flowers or beads.


An easy way to make a good angel is to weave it out of fabric. You will need a square piece of cloth or a handkerchief. In the middle of the square, put absorbent cotton or unnecessary scraps of material - anything.

Tie up the middle with a thread, forming the head of the figure in the form of a ball with cotton. Then, from the shoulders to the waist, cross-link the figure with thread, forming the waist and wings of an angel. The eyes, nose and smile can be embroidered with thread, and the hair can be made from the remaining fabric.


To create three-dimensional figures, you will again need paper. Try to make small symbolic figures, three-dimensional, without small details - they are very cute and will be suitable for decorating the Christmas tree.

You can take any color paper, you can take white paper, and you can try to cut out a figure from colored cardboard with a pattern.

To begin with, we cut out circles about the size of the angel. Next, in the middle of the circle draw a smaller circle - the size of the figure's head.

The small circle of the head is cut out along the contour, but not completely cut out, leaving room for the alleged neck.

A large circle cut opposite the place of the conditional neck, we get a strip of skirt figures.

Glue the skirt cone. From the same circle, cut a separate strip, like a strip of skirt (ie circle head cut out completely).

Divide the band into three equal parts - each of them a pair of wings for one figure. Glue the wings to the cone.

Bells .

Make a pretty festive decoration. And so you can make them yourself.

From foil

Decorations for the Christmas tree in the form of bells from foil can easily be made in different ways. The easiest way is to wrap a plastic cup with foil, attach a foil ball to the wire on top and decorate everything with a rainbow - everything is simple and fast.

You can take the patterned bell stencil and cut out on it 5-7 bells of colored foil. Fold the shapes in half and glue each half to the next bell half. So, when the figures close in a circle, you get a volume of shiny bells.

From the beads

Shiny and bright bells are made of beads and beads. Woven on a wire of large beads of different sizes. You can choose a ready-made weaving scheme, or you can come up with your own.

For example, we put 10 beads on the wire, pass the wire through the beads again, but over each bead we add 3 beads and so weave on to the desired height, in the last rows we decrease the number of beads and closes the top of the bell.

From cardboard

Bells made of cardboard are good because they hold their shape. It is enough to cut out a beautiful figure on the stencil and decorate it to your liking.

For example: smear the cardboard with glue and fill everything with sequins; smear the glue, fill the figure with semolina and touch the edges of the figure with blue; decorate the bell with beads or beads.

A Christmas Crib

Such a handicraft is sure to be appreciated by the household and guests. And it does not take much time to prepare it.

From cardboard and paper

To be honest, reproducing the scene of the Christmas miracle is not that easy. You need to have different skills to make a beautiful and interesting composition.

But there is a way that is definitely worth considering. Christmas nativity scene stenciled from cardboard.

Actually, this was the whole master class: we take a stencil with a scene about the birth of Christ and cut it out of cardboard or white paper.

The highlight is that the cut out composition should be placed on the window sill, closer to the window glass and place a garland with white light around the stencil.

Out of throwaway material.

To create a composition of a Christmas crib from improvised materials, you must first of all decide how to create figurines of people:

  • For example, it is easy to make figurines of people from wine corks. To do this, you need to connect a wire 2 plugs the height of the torso, the head will have to sew, collecting on a needle on the edge of a circle of matter and stuffing it with cotton.
  • From pieces of cloth made shawls on the heads of figures, and the faces involved in the crèche, you can finish drawing with a pen.
  • When the figures are ready you can wire cork for all the necessary decorations: from the stand on which the entire picture will be assembled to the cave in the form of an arch. How detailed the nativity scene will be is up to you.

The magical and bright holiday of Christmas brings warmth not only to our homes, but also to our souls.

Do not miss one of the few moments of the year to really feel and enjoy the joy of this holiday. And created in the family Christmas wreaths and angels will help to prolong this feeling as long as possible.

Pictures of homemade crafts for Christmas

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