Crochet amigurumi - simple schemes and step-by-step master classes for beginners

The Land of the Rising Sun has given the world many beautiful ideas, among which is an interesting creation - crocheting miniature figures of people and animals. This hobby is called amigurumi.

It takes its historical origin many centuries ago, but in the familiar to modern man form exists only a few decades. It is amazing how, in such a short period of time, this type of art has gained enormous popularity around the world!

Amigurumi came into fashion at the end of the last century after the launch on television of the well-known cartoon about Pokémon - cute, little creatures. Many viewers wanted a toy in the form of a character from their favorite cartoon series, the art of amigurumi came to the rescue.


Description of crochet amigurumi

Often use a hook to create small toys, because thanks to this tool the fabric is dense, and the manufacturing process does not take much time.

Toys amigurumi have a few characteristic features:

  1. Parts of the body figures are disproportionate: the head is much larger than that of real animals or people, and the limbs on the contrary is short. This detail is inherent in Japanese culture, manifested in animation, paintings, knitting.
  2. The legs, arms, torso, head, and other parts are knitted separately and then carefully sewn together. Toys should be neat, with no visible seams.
  3. The height of the figure is on average 5 to 8 centimeters. However, there are toys both smaller and larger than the established norm.

It is important to choose the right tool and consumable material. As already mentioned, it is more common to crochet amigurumi with a hook than with spokes. The hook should be a small size, so that the product was dense and the filling was not visible. Suitable number 1.5 or 2.

Consumable material - yarn. Its choice will depend on the experience of the needlewoman. For beginners a good option will be threads of acrylic, wool or their blends, you can also try cotton yarn of medium thickness.

Of the most difficult to use, there are several types of yarn that experienced knitters are especially fond of:

  1. Angora is made from the wool of rabbits, which makes the yarn very fluffy and difficult to work with. In addition, angora products require special care.
  2. Mohair is an expensive and finicky yarn made from the hair of Angora goats.
  3. Bouclé yarns are recommended for use only by good craftswomen. The peculiarity of yarns is that they have thickenings as a decoration, a unique texture.

Handle such capricious threads can also be a novice needlewoman, but she will need a lot more time to achieve a good result.

As a practice, it is recommended to use more budgetary materials.

It is important to choose the right filling for the toy. There are several basic options:

  1. Syntepon is the most common material to fill not only toys, but also pillows, blankets and other things. It is very convenient to use and is the best option.
  2. Wool is in everyone's home, since it is widely used in medicine. The main feature of absorbent cotton is that it compacts over time, so it is recommended to initially stuff the toy with as much filler as possible.
  3. Foam creates additional difficulties for the needlewoman. After all, it has a shape that is not suitable for products. To solve this problem, you should tear off small pieces of material and fill with them.
  4. Syntepuch is resistant to deformation, as well as hypoallergenic. If the toy is intended for a child, then this filling is an ideal option.
  5. Comfornel is a material undeservedly forgotten by craftsmen. It has several advantages. First, the filling is shaped like small balls, so it does not roll and perfectly holds shape. Secondly, just like the previous version, it does not cause allergies. Thirdly, it does not absorb odors due to its structure, which is very important for toys.
  6. Hollofiber is a lightweight, elastic material, which is a full fiber in shape resembling spirals. The disadvantage is the high cost compared to counterparts.

You should not use for the purpose of filling the product - cloth, as it will be distributed unevenly and will create seals in unnecessary places.

For those who do not like dusting materials, there is a completely different structure of filling - plastic balls, but they are suitable only for large parts, except for the head.

An important component of amigurumi toys is decor. You can use ribbons, beads, buttons, pieces of fabric.

Knitting schemes

There are three kinds of amigurumi schemes:

  1. The description is the best option for beginner knitters. Is a detailed instruction of each necessary action.
  2. The table requires an understanding of the notation of each element, so it will take more time to study it.
  3. Japanese traditional version consists of several elements: a table and a diagram with symbols. For needleworkers who do not know Japanese or are not ready to spend their time on a long reading of the scheme, it is not suitable.

It is worth adding that knitting goes in a spiral, if it is not said otherwise in the scheme used, so that the toy does not have a seam.

Beginner needlewomen often have a question: how to start knitting, so as not to form a hole? To do this, it is worth using the following instructions.

First, you need to make two turns of yarn around your finger and knit six tables without a stitch in the resulting ring.

Secondly, pull the thread so that the ring is closed. You get a neat and beautiful start.


The most common are, of course, crocheted animals, but dolls also found their own fans. The main thing is to knit the basis - the figure of a man, and the decor will help to make any character. The most difficult thing is to make the hair for the doll.

There are many techniques. You can tie threads on the head of the toy with special knots, you can knit hair, some needlewomen make them out of fabric.

Imagination can be shown in the design of the doll. Suitable clothes are both knitted and sewn from fabric. Accessories for the little fashionista can choose different: belt, handbag, bracelets, beads. All of this can be made on their own from improvised materials or bought in a store.


The main part is the ears of the toy. They can be made completely disproportionate to the rest of the body. Ears can be made standing, for this use a thin wire, which is inserted inside the product.

This tiphook can be used in other cases as well, for example, if the toy needs to stand on its feet or hold something. The metal wire is used as a frame, allowing the piece to be placed in any position.


Knitted birds are a beautiful interior element, which goes well with a lot of plants in the house.

Such decor turns the apartment into a tropical garden, full of flowers and quirky birds. This is a unique feature of the toy, other animals or dolls are not so easy to involve in the design of the room.


Classic soft toys, which are more often given to girls and children, are bears. The bear can have a heart in its paws, or it can wear clothes.

Many ideas for the design of the product are on the Internet, but the most cuddly toys are obtained, thanks to the imagination of the needlewoman. Imagine that related character alive and has its own character traits. According to this, and pick up the accessories.


As the proverb says: "The dog is a friend of man". The gift of a dog, made in the technique of amigurumi, will be a sign of good friendship.

A distinctive feature of the beastie is the large range of colors that can be used. Gray, brown, black, red - any option will do.


A cute toy will look interesting in the children's room as an element of decor. You can make the legs and tail of the monkey long and insert a metal wire inside.

It is easy to hook the mischievous beastie on various objects in the interior or even on clothing. In this case, it is better to make a pair of monkeys, because even real animals do not live alone.


Everyone loves cats. Moreover, there are many variations: a lazy cat who likes to eat well, a curious kitten who explores the world, a well-groomed kitty with a bow - the winner of all exhibitions. The choice depends only on the knitter's preferences.


The resident of Antarctica has long been a regular character in various cartoons. A knitted cute little penguin, smiling charmingly at its owner, will be every child's favorite toy.

Talking about animals that don't live in our area, mom can show the toy, noting why the bird has such unusual wings, why it has no feathers like a chicken.

Other toys

Find on the Internet schemes of different toys in the technique of amigurumi is not difficult, you only need a desire. For example, it is even possible to link non-existent creatures: dragon, fairy, dwarf or dinosaur.

Toys do not take much space and at the same time knit very quickly, so the child can have a whole zoo with different inhabitants.

The unusual hobby will provide fashion accessories, coveted gifts and unique interior elements for the needlewoman and those she wants to please.

All you need is some yarn, a crochet hook, filler and a pair of beads for eyes - these are the basic components for any toy. Decorating a toy will depend only on the imagination of the artist.

Photo ideas crocheted amigurumi

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