Applique man in different techniques: where to start and how to make a sketch, master classes
Handmade crafts have a beneficial effect on the development of the creative disposition of the child. In order that in an older age he already had stable ideas about what he wants to do, creativity is included in the training program for children still in kindergarten.
In addition to the development of the brain, fine and fine motor skills, depending on the specific direction of creativity, are perfectly trained.
Often children make applications, so they learn to remember objects, their shapes and colors, also learn to distinguish realism in drawings and crafts, which also has a positive effect on the creative development.
Where to begin
If only to be acquainted with this type of creativity, it is necessary to prepare a stencil of a person for applique. The stencil can be made on your own, for this you can use plain paper or colored paper.
Thin colored cardboard can also be used. Thanks to the stencil, the child will not need to create human body parts on their own.
This is a great option to start acquaintance with applique, the child will only need to make the outlines of the figure on the stencil. To work you will need:
- Scissors
- PVA glue
- Colored paper or cardboard, blank sheets of A4
- A lead pencil
- Rubber band
From Geometric Figures
Applique of the human body from geometric shapes allows you to learn all the parts of the human body. For each part, a separate part is created from a geometric figure.
The learning process is quite simple, initially a simplified applique is created, which consists of the main body parts, limbs and head. When a child glues a new part to the body, he or she should sound it out, thus he or she better remembers the structure of the human body.
If you want, this stage of learning can be made much more complicated, using not the entire human body as a basis, but only the torso. The internal organs will be represented by geometric figures, the principle of training remains the same.
However, this time it is necessary to draw the correct location of organs on a sheet of paper or cardboard and sign them, so that the child at first has a reference point.
Afterwards. As he will remember their correct location and name, you can test by giving the exact same appliqué, but without a reference point. If this is not enough, it is possible to proceed to the next stage, which involves composing compositions.
In them, the application of man will perform the role of the actor, around it will have other applications, such as trees, houses, etc. However, this stage should only be proceeded to if the child mastered the previous stages well enough.
Application of a human face
Application of the human face is part of the training program, during which the structure of the human face is studied. All of this happens in an interesting and unobtrusive way for the child.
The learning process is similar to the previous stages, only in this one, the face is studied separately. This stage allows you to consolidate knowledge about the location of the organs of sight, hearing, and smell.
In order to make the activity as useful as possible, it is also recommended to spell out the functions of each organ that the child glues to the base. With just a few of these tasks, children will easily know the names and locations of all the organs of hearing, sight and smell on their faces.
Having acquired a basic knowledge of human anatomy in this way, they will be well prepared for the elementary school program on the world around them.
Considering that the human body appliqué can be very detailed, in order to study the face separately, parents prepare the base and details from which children will assemble the appliqué.
The child needs to independently place all the details in the correct order. At the very beginning it is necessary to leave a reference point, as a rule, the eyes are used as a reference point, and they are glued to the base at once.
An ordinary sheet of A4, or colored paper or cardboard is used as a base. The oval of the face is drawn on it, on which the eyes are glued.
If you want, you can greatly improve this handicraft, giving it volume. For this could use thread, different sections of rope, buttons, etc.
However, this stage should be approached if the child is already able to confidently use scissors and glue, so he could independently choose what and where to glue.
Moving applique
Appliqué of a person in motion is very difficult. In order to go to this stage, initially it is necessary to master the basic at a good level. After that, it is already possible to start mastering more complex variants.
The main difference of such applications is that the person is in motion, in the application he has some kind of pose. In order to correctly compose this pose, a child must have some knowledge.
It will be difficult for a child to correctly compose a pose and select angles for bending limbs the first time. The parents' task is to show how to make a realistic appliqué, giving the example of a real person in a particular pose.
The easiest way to begin acquaintance with this type is to make a collage where the person is standing sideways, with only the limb closest to the child having a pose or being in motion.
To make such a handicraft is not difficult, after mastering it, you can try to build more complex poses, where the motion involved in two or more limbs.
Thus, gradually increasing the number of limbs in motion, turning the torso and head. Upon completion at this stage, the child acquires basic knowledge of construction of three-dimensional objects on the plane. When working, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:
- Geometric shapes should be used as the basis for the construction of the applique, they facilitate the process and make it schematic, which increases the digestibility of the information obtained
- For ease of work, instead of using an A4 sheet as a base, you need to use a notebook checkered sheet, this will not use a ruler
- When composing a pose, it's necessary to explain it to your child and to specify how an arm or a leg is bent, how the head is turned, etc.
Human geometric figure applique is one of the simplest, but it has a large number of branches that are beneficial to the child's development.
That's why it begins to be used still in kindergarten, gradually complicating the process of assembly. In addition, this approach allows a variety of training of children, it does not make them bored and causes interest.
It is best to assemble an appliqué on a blank sheet of white paper, so all the elements will be clearly visible. For more complex figures or whole compositions, at the initial stage, it is necessary to use checkered notebook sheets.
This will allow to develop the child's eye sight and make planning the first, second and third plans a little easier. When it will succeed with ease, you can switch back to clean sheets of A4.
Applique man made of colored paper also teaches you to distinguish colors and remember their names. This is due to the fact that children remember information better if its presentation is interesting to them. Saying each color in the process of assembling the figure, children are great to remember them.