How to make fruit bouquets with your own hands - easy step by step master classes with photo ideas

When the holidays come, you want to make your loved ones, friends and acquaintances interesting and original gifts that will not only look nice, but will be useful, and even better, edible, because everyone loves to eat delicious food!

Bouquet, made up of fruit, combines two qualities - the beauty of the work of art and its edibility. Such a gift can decorate a room for a while, and then each of its components can be eaten with gusto.

For a fruit bouquet to really surprise the birthday boy or any other hero of the occasion, it is important to try on its original and aesthetically attractive design.

The main criterion for fruit bouquets is that fruits must be as fresh as possible and have appetizing appearance without surface damage, which is peculiar to slightly spoiled fruits.

In one bouquet combines many elements: appetizing and healthy fruit, admiration for the beauty and uniqueness of the product, as well as the pleasant aroma that many fruits exude.

There are different kinds of bouquets, and each of them in its composition fits as a gift for this or that holiday. For example, in the wintertime citrus fruits are in demand, which are fragrant and contain vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen the immune system. In the summertime, a variety of berry bouquets are preferred.


Why are fruit bunches so unique?

The uniqueness of any fruit bouquet is that you can choose a combination of fruits and elements of its decoration, based on the taste preferences of the person to whom it will be presented.

In addition to whole fruits in a bouquet, you can add other products: nuts, sweets, dried fruits, chocolate, sausages, cheeses. A special zest to edible bouquets give red chili peppers:

  • Fruit bouquet with the addition of dried fruits, nuts and protein bars will be appreciated by a follower of proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
  • A citrus bouquet with fragrant oranges, mandarins, grapefruit and limes will be appreciated by someone who often gets sick with colds due to a weakened immune system, and the substances contained in citrus fruits will help to slightly strengthen the body's defenses.
  • Bouquet of fruit with the addition of a bottle of alcohol, red peppers, sausage products and cheese-braids will like a man who likes to spend time with his friends in bars and while watching sports games.

There are plenty of food combinations to choose from. It is only important to get exactly into the preferences of the person to whom such a bouquet will be intended as a gift.

What you need to use to make a bouquet

The constituent elements of your fruit bouquet depend entirely on your ideas, because you can apply absolutely any products and things. As a rule, experts in creating such bouquets to order use seasonal or tropical fruits.

Nowadays, supermarkets have a wide variety of fruits that come from tropical equatorial countries and are on the shelves all year round, even in the cold winter.

The most commonly used items for fruit bouquets:

  • Abundant fruits: citrus, apples, figs, bananas, pears, coconut, melon, etc.
  • Vegetables: cauliflower, bell peppers, carrots, corn, beets, small root vegetables, cucumbers, eggplant and broccoli.
  • Berries: strawberries, large cherries and cherries, wild berries such as blackberries and raspberries, whole large grapes or whole clusters of grapes.
  • Fragrant herbs: dill, thyme, scented mint leaves, celery, spinach bushes and rosemary.
  • Spices: vanilla and cinnamon sprigs.
  • Sweets of all kinds: chocolate and chocolate figurines, marshmallows, marshmallows, chocolates, lollipops on sticks, marmalade, licorice sticks.
  • Nuts: walnuts in shells, hazelnuts, peanuts.
  • Decorations for the bouquet: twigs with berries, buds or small flowers, artificial plants and flowers, satin and tracery ribbons.

All of the above elements of the future edible bouquet should be harmoniously and beautifully combined with each other to get the original composition.

But you also need to include elements of the bouquet, by which the composition will be stably fixed. To fix it need different wooden sticks, long toothpicks, bamboo sticks, bendable strong wire. Also do not do without duct tape, duct tape and hot glue gun.

For fastening and decorating, you will also need:

  • Kraft paper or wrapping paper with a beautiful pattern;
  • Suitable foam plastic and a special florist's sponge;
  • Woven small baskets, boxes and vases.

Recommendations for creating fruit bouquets

Specialists who are directly involved in the creation of fruit bouquets to order, when creating such a bouquet on their own, recommend to take into account the following points:

  • All products should be as fresh as possible without damage on the outside, and the greens should be rich, in no case faded and wilted;
  • Before making the bouquet, all fruits are thoroughly washed under running water, then subjected to complete drying. Clean and from the outside dry fruits can be fixed in a bouquet;
  • It is better to cut the fruit and cut it into different parts with sharp and shaped knives, but it is important to remember that apples and pears, which immediately become airy on the surface, should be served in a bouquet only in one piece.
  • Parts of the fruit that have been cut should be covered with a thin layer of clingfilm. It is not very visible, but it protects the cut surface of the fruit from becoming stale and tarnished by exposure to the open air.

A very interesting and effective technique when creating a fruit bouquet is to tip a small amount of quality alcoholic beverages into the citrus with a syringe. In this way, the citrus fruits can be made more fragrant and extend their shelf life. But such bouquets are strictly intended for persons from 18 years old!

A simple way to create a bouquet of fruit

Having clarified all the key points of creating unique fruit bouquets, you can proceed directly to practice.

For this master class, you need to prepare a variety of seasonal fruits, so that the bouquet looks appetizing and colorful. Also important is the design and paper, in which the resulting design is wrapped. Stylishly looks exactly kraft paper of a light brown shade:

So, the course of action:

  1. It is necessary to prepare lemon, orange, pomegranate and kiwi. Long wooden toothpicks, scissors, a layer of clingfilm, string and some cinnamon sticks are useful as fixings.
  2. Citrus fruits are cut in half, and their cut part is covered with clingfilm. On the pomegranate, a cut is made on the top side in the same way as on the kiwi. The surface is covered with a layer of foil.
  3. To add zest to the bouquet, a few cinnamon sticks are tied to a small apple with twine.
  4. The finished fruit is put on long toothpicks, which are fastened to each other on the bottom side with a few skeins of tape. The resulting construction is wrapped with beautiful paper, which at the base, where the bouquet is held, is tied with a thick satin ribbon of a color in harmony with the color of the wrapping.

The fruit bouquet is budget, but very original and appetizing.

Fruit bouquet of citrus

A citrus bouquet is just appropriate for winter holidays. If friends call you for the New Year to join the festive table, be sure to bring them as a gift a useful, fragrant and appetizing bouquet of citrus.

Materials will be needed exactly as they were in the last master class, but those fruits should be replaced by citrus of all sorts.

Course of action:

  1. Limes, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, bergamots, and pomelos are cut in half and strung on wooden toothpicks. Tangerines can be strung either whole or in individual multiple slices. The cut pieces are covered with food wrap.
  2. All sticks are taped together and wrapped with kraft paper.
  3. To add zest to a citrus bouquet, you need to make some places sprigs of herbs or whole clusters of small grapes. Chili peppers are also in perfect harmony with the citrus.

Obtained aesthetically pleasing bouquet that will please the one to whom it will be presented.

Berry bouquet

Berry bouquet is made on the principle of stringing several different berries on skewers. For this master class we will need: a lot of wooden skewers, large strawberries, dense grapes, slices of pineapple, lush cabbage leaves:

  1. The berries are strung alternately, or in any order you like, on long skewers;
  2. The highlight of this berry bouquet is the presence of pineapple slices, which are also strung on sticks;
  3. The skewers with the stringed berries and pineapple are fastened about the base with duct tape and placed in a small vase or wicker oblong basket, from which you can also see curly lettuce leaves, masking the appearance of the wooden skewers.

A berry bouquet is a unique bouquet that is most relevant in the summer season.

Fruit bouquet with flowers

The main decorative element of fruit bouquets can be fresh or artificial flowers, as well as homemade flowers from corrugated paper, often used for candy bouquets.

A fruit bouquet does not recommend a large number of flowers, because its main components are delicious fragrant fruits, which is the main emphasis. If you decide to put flowers in a bouquet, they must be attached to the foam with a stable stem.

Photo ideas of homemade fruit bouquets

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