How to starch a napkin at home: traditional and unconventional ways
Sewn from cloth or connected by crochet, napkins bring harmony and comfort to the house. Their beautiful patterns are used to decorate any kind of furniture. For the aesthetic appearance of products, they need to be starchy.
Simple manipulations allow you to create a variety of shapes and have a positive effect on the appearance of napkins.
Uncomplicated ways of starching at home these unusual handicrafts and sensible tips posted in our article will be useful for every needleworker.
Why do they starch napkins
After finishing the creative work, needlewomen often decorate rooms with napkins in their original form. But such products do not have a very attractive appearance. The soft threads do not allow them to hold their shape, so the lace handicrafts carelessly hang off the table or dresser.
The process of starching gives knitted and sewn products aesthetic, emphasizes their sophistication, elegance and beauty. There is an opportunity to experiment with forms, to give them uniqueness.
Also starch tends to create an invisible film on the fabric that protects it from deep penetration of dust and dirt.
If the snow-white crafts, decorating the dining table, will be starchy, then with heavy pollution, they can easily be washed and will regain their original appearance.
Important! Starch the knitted items just before use. The smallest bends can deform the shape of the napkin, which makes it lose its attractiveness.
Traditional home starching methods: proportions
A proven and effective way of starching napkins at home is the use of starch.
This dry substance with a high level of gluten is made by extracting starch from tubers of yam, potatoes, yams, as well as from cereals - rice, wheat, barley.
Starch is widely used not only in cooking but also as a substance that gives easily crumpled fabrics shape and strength. In terms of adhesive properties this material is not inferior to PVA.
Starching is a fairly simple process, but sometimes there are different nuances that affect the final result. It is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the napkin is made.
For each material - cotton, viscose, or pechora - there are different approaches.
When thick threads are used for creative work, the knitted item is kept in the solution for 12-15 minutes. With medium-thick threads - 10 minutes is enough, and when using a thin thread, the soaking time is reduced to five minutes.
The traditional method of starching finished products uses only starch and water. Most at-home needlewomen use these types of starch for their doilies:
- potato;
- corn starch;
- rice starch.
The proportion of making the mixture depends on the degree of starch hardness and on the type of starch used. The consumption of rice and potato starch is about the same, while corn starch is twice as much.
There are three degrees of starching process rigidity:
- mild;
- medium;
- Stiff.
For soft and medium stiffness the consumption of starch is determined by 1-1.5 tbsp. of starch per 1 liter of water, respectively. For hard starching, increase the amount of powder to 2-3 spoonfuls.
The traditional home starching method consists of these steps:
- Pour the starch powder into a container.
- Add a little cool water (to cover the powder).
- Mix until homogeneous.
- Add boiling water.
- Boil the mixture for 5 minutes. When ready, the solution should be cloudy, homogeneous and without lumps.
- Place a napkin into the resulting mixture. Sustain for 5-15 minutes.
- Take it out of the liquid, put it on a clean surface and leave it to dry.
It is important to observe the step-by-step connection of the ingredients. Mix the starch to a homogeneous mass and get rid of lumps will be difficult if you pour it into water or immediately pour hot water.
Tip. If when making the mixture appeared lumps, you can pass it through a sieve or strain it on gauze.
The traditional recipe for making a starch solution is the most accessible at home. Using this method, every needlewoman can starch any of her napkins. After drying, the product will take a clear shape and become dense.
Non-standard ways of starching crocheted napkins
Despite the ease and simplicity of the traditional recipe for starching, there are several other original ways that you can use at home and take note of. They are also quite affordable and quick to perform.
The recipe for making a sugar solution is quite simple, and the ingredients for it can be found in every kitchen. Napkins retain their shape and attractive appearance for a long time.
The only drawback is the excessive attention of insects. Sugar products attract flies, gnats, bees and other critters.
To prepare the mixture you will need:
- cold water - 1 liter;
- boiling water - 1 cup;
- starch - 1 tbsp;
- sugar - 3 tbsp.
How to starch:
- Dissolve sugar in boiling water.
- Pour the starch with cold water. Mix until homogeneous.
- Combine the prepared ingredients, stir.
- Soak the cloth in the solution for 15 minutes.
Ready crocheted handicrafts are used as decorations after they are completely dry.
Important: It is necessary to use the prepared paste within 2-3 hours. Later, the properties of the mixture will deteriorate.
For this recipe, you will need a good quality glue, without residue and lumps, as well as plain cool water.
Preparation method:
- Dilute one cup of PVA glue in two cups of water. Stir the mixture well.
- Place the product in the solution. Lightly knead the thread with your hands, so that it is well saturated with glue.
- Take out the cloth, squeeze it out and place it on a clean, flat surface.
- Spread or shape it.
Tip. For a perfect crocheted napkin design, you can iron on the still wet product.
To give homemade yarn products a matte effect and extra volume, it is very common for needlewomen to prepare a solution using milk. To make such a paste is as easy as the classic one.
For starching it is necessary to prepare:
- 1 glass of nonfat cold milk;
- 1 liter of hot milk;
- 1 tbsp. rice starch (if corn starch, then 2 tbsp.).
Important! Before immersing the product in the milk solution, it must first be cleaned with soapy water and dried.
- Pour the starch with cold milk. Stir until a homogeneous mixture, removing any lumps.
- Strain it through a sieve or gauze.
- Pour the starch mixture into the boiling milk and stir it up.
- Cool the prepared starch mixture to room temperature.
Then use the prepared mixture for its intended purpose. Soak napkins for a certain amount of time, based on the material used.
Dry method
Another interesting and fast method is starching without making mixtures, the so-called "dry method.
Such a procedure is carried out if you want to give the product shape and aesthetic appearance in a short time or there is no possibility to use the ingredients for standard recipes.
In this method, the following steps are performed:
- A clean product is spread out on a clean paper sheet, sprinkled liberally with cool water.
- Sprinkle starch all over the napkin, lightly rubbing it into the threads.
- Place another paper sheet on top.
- Iron with a hot iron or leave for 2-3 hours until it dries naturally.
Tip. To dry crocheted items should not take sheets from magazines or newspapers. Drawings and inscriptions can spoil the knitted items. It is best to use white thick sheets.
A significant disadvantage of the "dry" method is short-lived. Very soon the procedure will have to be repeated, because the starchy napkins quickly lose their shape.
There are many methods of starching napkins at home. Natural ingredients used in these methods can be purchased at any store. Affordable recipes will give an opportunity to give knitted items finished beauty and create comfort in the house.