How to Draw a Bird in Pencil and Paint - Detailed and Step-by-Step Master Classes for Children and Beginner Artists

Representatives of the bird world can be found in nature in striking variety, they symbolize the sky, freedom, life and abundance. Sketches of birds often appear in children's albums.

Drawing birds is not only fun, but also educational, because children get to know the forest, domestic and exotic species.

Parents should tell their child about their value to the natural environment, the features of their anatomical structure and their differences, sometimes even watching the winged warblers from the window and feeding them in the winter.


How to Draw a Bird

The process of drawing birds will be greatly simplified if you follow the recommendations and practice regularly, cramming your hand. Master classes are useful to children of all ages, helping them to cope with the difficult task of mastering the artistic skill.


Let's try to recreate this expressive image step by step:

  1. The work begins with two circles with cross-shaped lines at the smaller upper figure.
  2. Go around them with smooth lines, continuing the back, ending with the tail.
  3. We finish drawing the legs with three toes.
  4. We portray round eyes with eyebrows and characteristic ears.
  5. Below we place a hook-like beak.

Now we need to display plumage, lying in rows on the wing, tail, and down on the chest, conveyed by shading. The drawing of a bird in pencil is ready.


Not flying, but floating recognizable by cartoons and movies instance also belongs to the family of birds, its face is not difficult to reproduce in profile. Need to outline the vertical egg, culminating in a small head with a beak. Draw a short tail and legs.

The most important thing to properly paint the picture with paint or felt-tip pens - the head area, the back with wings-flaps of black color, and abdomen - white.


Uncomplicated version of the proposed image of the chick. Leading from bottom to top of the arc, ending with an arrow-nose. Near the eyeball with a pupil. From the arrow, continue the arc to the starting point, ending with the tail. Draw an arched wing and thin legs.


Many people keep these bright individuals at home, let's draw a catchy bird step by step:

  1. Sketch a scheme of 2 ovals, on the left draw a line-back, passing into a descending tail.
  2. Semi rounded ruler indicate the bottom of the wing.
  3. Draw a beak-hook, eye-circles and paws.

Proceed to the contrasting coloring, transmitting a sense of feathers. We use red, blue, yellow. Black tone highlights the base of the beak and the edges of the feathers.

If you want to capture the parrot in flight, a pair of arched rulers show the outstretched wings with an arched bottom edge, its face will be to us in a half-turn, complete with a beady eye and a nose with a bump.


Cautious and beautiful bird by knocking on a tree trunk not only gets its own food, but also lets it know to other "congeners" about the boundaries of its territory, attracting females in the spring. Procedure:

  1. Draw the head-oval and the body with wings that come off.
  2. Draw the beak line, paws and move on to the dangling tail.
  3. Detail the wing, tracing the contours and highlighting strokes feathers.
  4. Remove unnecessary strokes and give clarification to the eye.

Add realism dissolving - red head, white chest. Black coloring underlines the beak and the remaining fragments of the body.

Stork .

This beauty has long legs, an egg-shaped body and a small head with an elongated yellow nose. After making a sketch, specify the details. A row of rulers draw the raised wings.

Bare yellowish limbs have a thickening in the middle. The air dweller has a snow-white color with a gray-blue tinge at the tips of the plumage. The strokes emphasize the down in the thoracic area.

If you have a heron, then give her neck a big curve, and on the back of the head draw a crest, let it keep the balance on one limb, pulling the other, so it is more accustomed to do when hunting for river animals.

Bullfinch .

Let's depict a small bird with a colorful appearance, which does not fly away for the winter in a hot country:

  1. We draw an oval body and a round head.
  2. From these we draw a line passing into a wing.
  3. Fix the neck and tail segment.
  4. Feet will cling to the branch.

We paint the figure - a bright red breast, white spot under the eye, resembling a bead with a dot, marked darkened plumage.

Flying gull

At first the task seems difficult, however, it is within the power of a child:

  1. The head-circle and elongated body with a lower convexity are outlined.
  2. The near wing has a more elongated format, compared with the distant element.
  3. The continuation of the figure will be the tail.
  4. The bird's legs are folded and pinned.
  5. Display the zigzag feathers more accurately.

By shading we show the falling shadow. It is worth noting that the size of the wings of flying birds increases directly in proportion to the size of the body.

Small breeds

Sparrows are the most common family, their oval body is equipped with a rounded head and a triangular beak. Doodle a wing, an eye and skinny legs. Interesting tit with a rounded yellow belly.

The smallest bird - hummingbird, which has a long nose, thickened at the base, which she drinks nectar from flower buds, it also earned fame for the ability to fly backwards. The picture will turn out plausible, if carefully worked out feathers in the birds.


Flocks of crows are fond of places close to humans, these birds are smart and clever. Here's a way to draw this bird easily and simply:

  1. On one diagonal, draw outline sketches of the head and torso, thickened toward the bottom and a triangular tail.
  2. Connect these parts by tracing, finishing with a beak and two paws with claws.
  3. Detail the wing and give the tail a flat appearance.
  4. After removing the outline, move on to plumage.
  5. Inside the eye we mark the glare, from which an additional curve goes to the beak.

You can start hatching with a black pencil, emphasizing the contrast of the feathering. If you have chosen the image of a magpie, keep in mind its distinctive black and white coloring and long tail.

Unusual specimens

There are varieties that cannot be confused with anyone else. For example, this is a heavy pelican, with a pouch-beak, where he keeps the fish or toucan with a special structure of a volumetric nose-beak.

Pink flamingos on elongated legs are graceful and spectacular, and the nimble swallow is distinguished by its split tail and erect nesting mazanchas.

The highlight of the peacock is a chic unfurling fan-tail with diamond-shaped colored patterns, and its head is crowned with a "crown" of corollas with circles.

Let's depict the fearsome eagle:

  1. We make a general sketch of the body with all its fragments.
  2. We start detailing with the head with the hooked beak ajar and the eye with a pupil under the eyebrow.
  3. Approaching the back, dropping to the tail section.
  4. The sitter has sharp claws on his large paws, and specific "pants" on his shins.
  5. We transfer the plumage on the powerful wings with shading.

We give a stump, on which the predator sits.

Impress graceful swans associated with fidelity and love. The simplest version begins by drawing the number two, flowing into the torso, rocking on the waves. These feathered birds have a characteristic mark on their broad beak and webbed feet.

Fairy tale variations

The firebird from the fairy tale is the owner of sprawling wings-opahal and a flowing plume-tail, a non-trivial fiery coloring, performed at one's own discretion.

It is filled with patterns-figures of different colors, from which strokes, comparable to the hair, diverge. Next, we need to blacken the edges of the plumage and fix the head crest.

Also interesting is the character, which has an unusual bright appearance. It is a circle with a beak-multigangular, flanked by huge eyes with obligatory "pouches" under them. On the head of the crest, and the left miniature tail. You can start coloring.

Dove of Peace

Thinking about how to draw a bird for children, think about the dove - fluttering creature with a flowering branch in the beak, which is a symbol of peaceful life.

Drawing the body-oval and head-circle, they are combined, drawing a carved tail. Wings open to the sides can be compared in shape to an inverted trapezoid. The final stroke is to give the edges of the feathers a zigzag fragmentation.

Of course, it is impossible to cover all the inhabitants of the heavens. Once you start with one image and consolidate your skills, move on to the next pattern. Children are sure to love this exciting pastime, not only developing fine motor skills, but also expanding their horizons and knowledge of terrestrial fauna.

Picture of a bird drawn in pencil and paint

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