Bird feeder with their own hands - step by step master classes of making from wood, plywood, plastic bottles

Both birdhouse and forest bird feeder are indispensable attributes of any park, private yard or dacha.

Making interesting bird feeders serves as an excellent labor lesson for a teenage boy. In doing so, the child learns how to handle various tools.

Bird crèches allow children to learn about the world around them, bird species, their habits and food preferences.


Use of the bird feeder

Such forest canteens are widely used to attract birds to the plot. Feeders are hanged along the perimeter of the garden plot or the house territory. The constant presence of various feathered birds contributes to the destruction of insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, pests in the garden.

Many dacha owners use the construction of birdhouses and nurseries to introduce children to the natural diversity.

Blueprints of birdfeeders.

Even for the simplest models of forest canteens, a drawing is needed, which will display the following parameters:

  1. The general appearance of the product. As a basis, you can use a photo or finished sketch of the future craft.
  2. Dimensions (height, width of the base, type of roof).
  3. It is obligatory to specify the diameter of the holes through which the grain or other type of groats will enter.

The diagram also shows the model of the future feeder. The design may be open or closed.

If a metal mesh is used in the work, the calculation of the necessary material is necessarily made on the drawing.

Interesting bird crèches are created from wooden slats, the size and quantity of which are also calculated in advance.

Materials and tools for work

After preparing a plan-scheme, it is necessary to equip your workplace. Making any product requires a well-ventilated room or an open workshop with sufficient lighting. The following set of tools and materials is also necessary:

  1. Mandatory parts include a work table, which will be clamps or vise.
  2. It will not be superfluous to buy a quality organizer, in the cells of which it is convenient to store small parts, nails, self-tapping screws, screws, metal wire.
  3. To create large hanging feeders you need wooden slats, a grid with a small mesh size.
  4. To prolong the life of the bird's canteen, you should take care of the preliminary impregnation of all wooden surfaces. For this purpose, a special oil or a mixture of olive oil, turpentine and melted wax is used. Such a composition is applied to the parts, and left until the maximum absorption. Remove the excess with a rag or sponge.
  5. To work with materials such as cardboard, paper, milk cartons need to prepare scissors.

Attachment of the feeder is made either with a cord or using a metal chain. A set of materials and tools can be supplemented, depending on the method used.

Bird feeder with your own hands

Today there is a huge number of fascinating master classes on creating forest canteens for feathered garden dwellers.

Many experienced craftsmen record video lessons, in which they describe in detail each step of independent work. All these training materials can be used for better quality work.

You should also pay attention to the choice of supplies, especially if you have old dishes, tin cans or loose metal mesh in the house.

Wooden bird feeder

The classic bird feeder made of wood is an open house. Such a design is characterized by the presence of a platform for grain or other type of food, a double-sloped roof and four supporting posts. Instructions for the craftsman on the work to be done:

  1. Using a jigsaw from wooden slats cut blanks for the future product. Among the parts, there are 4 posts of the same size, a rectangular platform for the bottom and 2 sashes for the roof.
  2. All cuts and sharp edges must be sanded.
  3. The next step is to impregnate the wooden surfaces with moisture-resistant oil. Any construction for dacha is exposed to rain moisture, snow, settling fog, so this stage of the work should be given due attention.
  4. Support props are attached to the site base with dowels or specially prepared grooves. The use of self-tapping screws is allowed, but the protruding points may harm the bird during feeding.
  5. The roof is assembled from 2 sashes, using quality glue.

The final stage of the work is to mount the double sloping roof to the base. A metal chain or textured cord is used to attach the bird's manger to the tree.

Feeder made of plywood

Plywood can be used as an alternative to solid wood.

Such a base is sufficiently strong and resistant to moisture and other atmospheric precipitation if properly treated.

It is very convenient to work with plywood sheet, as the material can be easily cut with a jigsaw.

The step-by-step assembly of parts is made according to a similar scheme, but it is better to cover all parts with additional paint, which will create another protective layer on the surface.

Forest canteen made of mesh

A similar feeder from a net in the store will cost very expensive, so it is better to use improvised means, and create an excellent canteen for birds on your own plot.

For work it is necessary to use two plastic plates (for example, from a doll set) and a grid. Instead of plates you can use wide lids made of plastic. Instructions for the master on the work being done:

  1. In the center of each plate or lid, a small hole must be drilled.
  2. From a grid a small piece should be cut off, and it should be rolled up by a ring, which is placed in the base of the plate.
  3. The edges of the net weave are trimmed with wire cutters to prevent birds from injuring themselves while eating.
  4. Adjacent edges of the metal roll are fastened together with ties.
  5. By pulling the uppermost and lowest ties, tighten the edges of the metal net.

The free edges of the metal rope are threaded through the holes in the plastic covers. The lower end of the net is cut, and the upper one is used to fasten the manger to the selected branch.

The disadvantage of such a product is the difficulty of sprinkling new feed, for which it is necessary to loosen the upper tie.

Model from a plastic bottle

The easiest option for making a bird feeder is the product from a plastic bottle.

To perform the task, the neck of the bottle is cut off, and a small window is cut into the bottom of the plastic container.

The window can be tightened with a medium sized mesh mesh so that the feed does not fall out of the bottle.

A lid should also be thought of on the top of the container to keep rodents and large animals from getting into the feeder.

Forest canteen from a box

If an old box is found in the pantry or barn, you should not hurriedly throw it away. Using sharp scissors, textured cord and your own imagination, you can prepare an original feeder for the birds in your garden:

  1. On the surface of the box, preliminarily make a marking with a pencil or felt-tip pen.
  2. Using a sharp office knife or scissors, cut out windows for free feeding birds.
  3. For the safety of future flying guests, the edges of the cuts must be carefully trimmed.
  4. The outer surface of the nursery can be decorated with stained glass paints and acrylic varnish. Such a detail will protect the box from the effects of settling fog and other moderate precipitation.

The main task of the craftsman is to securely fasten the wood canteen to the tree, due to its small weight.

A tetrapak craft

Old milk cartons can also be useful in the work. Thanks to their universal structure, the finished product is durable, able to serve for a long time. Creating a feeder for feathered representatives is carried out in the same way as in the case of using a cardboard box.

Feeders from tin cans

Original and bright crèche for birds can be made even from old cans:

  • To do this, half of the bottom is cut out with metal scissors, and the edge of the cut is carefully sanded so that the feathered guest is not hurt.
  • The second hole, where the lid was previously located, is used for sprinkling feed.
  • To prevent the grain and other products from getting stale and spoiled, several pinholes can be made in the walls of the iron container.

Troughs of improvised materials

Very interesting options for crafts can be made from various improvised materials:

  • Crèches for birds are cut out of wooden logs and stumps, using a chisel and chisel.
  • Plastic dishes, such as mayonnaise pails, are often used in the work.
  • From a 1.5-liter bottle and textured cord it is possible to make an original woven feeder. Such a garden accessory not only has a unique design, but also can delight its owners and their feathered guests for a long time.
  • Interesting houses with a double sloping roof are made using wooden popsicle sticks. Fasten the parts to each other with ordinary glue. And with a little fantasy, watercolor or gouache, you can make a bright, cheerful house, attractive to forest guests.
  • Very interesting variant of making an edible bird feeder. The most commonly used for this purpose is a pumpkin, zucchini or pâtisson. The advantage is given to the pumpkin, because this product is able to retain its appearance for a long time if moderately dried.
  • Old metal utensils such as bowls, jugs, and sometimes even teapots are commonly used.

To create an edible feeder, sometimes you don't need packaging at all.

To this end, grains and other types of feed are bound together with gelatin and hot water. The thick mass is placed in a cookie mold, and pressed.

The finished cubes or hearts (depending on the mold used) are attached to a metal loop, and hung on a branch.

Building a forest bird canteen can be done as a lesson for a teenage son, or for children as a lesson about the world around them.

A beautiful and bright craft can not only attract feathered guests to the site, but also advantageously emphasize the style and garden landscape of the yard area.

Photo idea of a homemade bird feeder

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