Macramé for beginners - step by step master classes and schemes, interesting photo ideas of decoration of a product
Macramé appeared in ancient times - from the moment when people invented to knit knots. A strong development of this art occurred thanks to the sailors.
By profession, each of them must be able to knit knots, varieties of which numbered more than four thousand. When they had free time, sailors would knit knots simply for fun, around different objects.
Then in the fourteenth century, other people learned about this activity and decided to use this technique to create their own creations. And so appeared macrame.
Today in macramé masters use familiar materials, and in ancient times people used silk threads and cords, leather, golden thread, wool of animals.
Now as a decor apply beads, buttons, special pendants, and earlier it was pearls, amber, carved from wood figures.
The description and schemes of macrame weaving
To create a product, using this technique, you need to choose a scheme, to find the necessary material. Then it is necessary to deal with threads to cut them. In macramé, there are two kinds of thread:
- The basis - axial threads, along which the weaving is made. They do not need much, so it is not necessary to cut a long piece.
- Working - the threads with which the knots are made. The consumption of this material will be more, so it is worth stocking up on it.
The thread is cut and attached to a special bar. Usually it is a fastener where the base is shorter than the working thread.
Beginners should take thick and non-slip threads, as weaving with them is much easier.
All the knots are perfectly visible, so there should be no problems.
After building up a hand on the most frequent knots and mastering the work with the schemes, you can start using thinner material.
Macramé knots for beginners
Currently, there are more than a hundred ways to weave a knot. To fully learn the macrame technique, all variants of weaving and varieties of techniques, it will be necessary to study far more than one year.
But to be able to create delightful creations it is enough to learn well about ten to fifteen techniques and apply them as necessary.
Simple Hercules
Sailors call it a straight knot, but in the art of macrame it is called a Hercules knot, a flat knot without a base or a hermit's knot.
To make a knot, you need:
- Prepare a pair of threads of fifty centimeters each and fix the ends of each on a work surface.
- Place the first thread horizontally, overlap it with the second.
- The second bend the first and put it down.
- Repeat the procedure, but in the end put down not the second, but the first thread.
- Take the thread in both hands and pull in different directions, tightening the knot.
During weaving the hermes weave, the material is spent equally. Its length must be four or five times the length of the finished creation.
Flat right-handed and left-handed
To create it you need:
- Attach a pair of threads to the base and the bar so that you get four ends.
- To start weaving, you need to take those threads that are located on the edges. The rest will remain as a base.
- Follow the scheme of weaving a flat right-hand knot.
The left side knot is knitted in the same way, but with a slight difference - the work begins on the left. Under the base will need to skip the fourth thread.
Repsovoi knot is the most famous and commonly used in the art of macramé. Its components are two buttonhole knots. In the olden days its names were very different: ribbed, convex, double, ribbed.
The product, created entirely from repse knots, has one distinctive feature - it is covered with convex scars, which resembles rep (because of this and went the name). In macramé this knot is also called a bridle.
Double front knot
To create this knot, you will need to make a face cast on, and then fix the working threads on the axis, using the left and right cast on. You can see the process in more detail in the diagram of weaving a double face cast on.
To produce a Chinese knot you should:
- Put a pair of threads that are fifty centimeters long, crosswise. The place where they intersect, you need to fix with a pin. So you have four ends. Now braiding continues counterclockwise.
- The first end is placed on the second.
- The second end is placed on the first and third.
- The third is placed on the second and fourth.
- The fourth is placed on the third and passed under the first.
- It remains only to tighten the resulting knot.
If you continue to plait in this manner, the result will be a cord in the shape of a circle - a lotus. If weave, constantly changing its direction, you get a cord with four faces.
Ideas for products in the macrame technique
There is a huge number of schemes on which it is possible to create a variety of products.
To weave an uncomplicated pattern, a small amount of material and minimal knowledge of techniques will be enough.
A beginner will not be difficult to make a panel, a bracelet or a pendant for a cachet.
The first thing you should consider schemes for weaving in the macramé technique and find the one that you like. It is also worth knowing about the designations. In macramé schemes, most often the basis is marked F1, and the working thread - F2.
A flowerpot
To make such a useful creation, you should prepare the following materials and tools:
- Pot;
- Capron thread;
- Scotch tape;
- Scissors;
- Fixing base.
Step by step instructions:
- First, a loop is made for fastening. Eight threads are folded, secured with scotch tape. They are folded in half, and then a knot with a small loop on top is made.
- The work material is divided into groups: each should have four threads. Four groups will come out. Each need to turn into a bundle, using square knots.
- Now made the basis for the pot. Strands of each group are tied together. They are crossed with nearby threads, and then a flat knot is made. Four knots should come out.
- All the working material is gathered into a bundle and tied to a length of ten centimeters. The end is fastened.
This is the end of the work - the original cachet is ready!
Tip: the amount of material you need can be calculated, focusing on the height of the finished product. It is multiplied by four and we get the necessary length of threads.
You can make such a product in order to originally decorate the house with an unusual decoration. Handsmade decoration is much more interesting, original and will fit perfectly into the interior, giving it a certain zest.
You can choose a pattern and color of thread, focusing on the interior room. So you can arrange a harmonious combination, which is undoubtedly a huge advantage. It remains only to choose the most favorite scheme, choose the material and get to work.
It is possible to weave a hand accessory using different techniques. The most popular is frivolite, but there is another, less known, but often used - the square knot.
For the material, you can take mouliné thread, because they are strong and will not disintegrate over time. Other threads are better not to take in the making of the bracelet.
You will need four threads of a pair of colors. They need to be folded in half and put the same color next to each other.
If you follow the chosen scheme, you won't have any difficulties in your work. But it will turn out a beautiful decoration or a great gift for a loved one.
Using the art of macramé, you can independently make an interesting and unusual keychain. You will need the following material:
- Waxed cord;
- Beads;
- Rope for hanging.
After preparing the material, find a scheme that is appropriate for you and begin work.
To make a purse macrame technique, prepare:
- Cotton thread in any shade you like;
- Zipper;
- Plank;
- Fabric for lining;
- A wide sturdy ribbon.
Then choose the most suitable scheme and follow it, creating your own product.
Learning macramé is not difficult at all, if you carefully approach the study of knots and techniques.
Perhaps you will love this art and turn it into a hobby.
The resulting creations you can present as an original gift to your friends and relatives.