How to make a charcoal grill with your own hands - photos, drawings and step by step instructions for beginners

Handmade grill - a great decoration of the countryside. In addition, such a thing will bring great benefit.

You can buy a brazier in a store, but it is much more interesting to create it yourself, focusing on personal preferences and imagination.



To create a charcoal grill, you can use special material and any objects that come to hand. For example, a good basis for the product would be the following:

  • An old barrel or propane tank;
  • Magazine table;
  • Car rims;
  • Frame from a sewing machine.

If a special material is taken, it is usually metal or brick. Sometimes they are combined and used together.

Among the most popular materials are the following:

  • Cast iron. It is durable and strong, withstands high temperatures well, heats evenly. If properly used cast iron construction, it will last for several decades. However, a product made of cast iron will be too heavy, which means that there may be problems with movement. In addition, it will not withstand a sharp temperature drop, it will be susceptible to corrosion.
  • Stainless steel. This material is the most durable and long-lasting. It is not prone to deformation and burning, well able to withstand heavy loads, not afraid of moisture. The only disadvantage of stainless steel - high cost.
  • Rolled steel. Most often this material is used. It is quite acceptable in price, is quite high quality.

Features of creating a metal brazier

The design, as a rule, is an elongated strong vessel, which is installed on special supports. To make a brazier correctly, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of material, accurately calculate the dimensions and build a good drawing.

The dimensions of the product can be any, but most often the indicators are as follows:

  • The best height of the walls - 13-15 centimeters;
  • The width of the roaster depends on the length of the skewers - it should be ten centimeters shorter;
  • The whole height - about 80 centimeters;
  • Length - from half a meter;
  • The best ratio of the thickness of the day to the walls - 4 to 2 millimeters.

Develop a blueprint before you start work. To make the construction stronger and more reliable, treat the materials in advance with corrosion-resistant compositions, paint with heat-resistant paints.


Metal braziers can be different. They can be mobile and stationary. On country sites, the latter option is more common. To such structures often attach a solid base of bricks, forged elements.

Portable products are good because they weigh a little and are not too large for transportation. However, their quality and durability is not so good. They are made of thin steel, so they are much more likely to burn through.

Fryers can also be classified according to the following characteristics:

  • Shape (rectangular, barrels, cylinders and others);
  • Dimensions (depends on the number of skewers that can fit on the grill);
  • Functionality (protection of charcoal, a container for the heads, a lid, a special stand for skewers, etc.).

Creation of a collapsible brazier

This design is lightweight, does not have large dimensions, compact. You can easily carry it anywhere, repeatedly disassemble and reassemble.

Before creating it, be sure to make a drawing of the future grill. So you will be able to see where what detail should be located. For the work you will need a steel sheet two to four millimeters thick, on which you should mark the contours of the two walls, sides and bottom. You will also need a metal corner (25 by 25 millimeters):

  1. First cut out all the parts from sheet steel.
  2. Assemble the box from the cut out elements.
  3. Put the walls in the holes in the base and fix.
  4. On the large sides, make threads, where the skewers will lie.
  5. Drill several holes in the bottom of the large walls and the bottom.
  6. Weld handles to the short walls for convenience.

Such a product will be assembled with the help of bolts and nuts.

The advantages of a collapsible roaster include the following:

  • It weighs little;
  • It is compact;
  • Easy to use and transport;
  • You can make different models;
  • Creation does not take much effort and time, does not cause difficulties;
  • It is not necessary to spend a lot for the manufacture.

Of the disadvantages, you can highlight only a short service life and the small thickness of the walls.

Making a welded brazier

To make such a brazier, you need to have some skills in welding works. Of the materials, you will need to take an iron sheet with a thickness of three to four millimeters, a pipe with a cross section of 32 or 25 millimeters, as well as an angle of metal and a profile tube.

First decide on the appearance of the structure, its size. It is best to make a rectangular product. Make a drawing to make it easier and more convenient to work:

  1. Draw the contours of the elements on a sheet of metal, and then cut them out using an angle grinder.
  2. Grind the sharpened edges with a grinder.
  3. Assemble the construction of the resulting elements, join the edges and weld everything together from the inside. Don't worry if there are gaps left - these will create more airflow, and this means that the fuel will burn better.
  4. Weld the legs to the structure. Use a pipe for them.
  5. If necessary, strengthen the product with metal corners, welding them on the convenient side.

The resulting product is reliable and durable, but you will have to know how to handle welding tools to create it. If you correctly weld the seams, the design will be of high quality and durable.

Creating a charcoal grill with a canopy

The canopy will be able to protect the grill from precipitation, make a shade, and just add to the appearance of the construction. If you attach the wrought iron parts to the top guard, it will turn out very beautiful and attractive.

Before making it, make a sketch and drawing. There are no standards - use your own imagination and come up with a unique product.

You can also take any material, but take into account the fact that all parts will be exposed to high temperatures. That is why it is recommended to take a roof tile of metal or profile sheet.

If you take a metal tile, it is important to weld a strong and sturdy construction. On the sides of it is attached to the corner profile of the metal, which will serve as the basis for the canopy.

Connect all the elements to each other with a welding machine. The roof is installed at the very end. To make the brazier resistant to strong wind gusts, it is necessary to strengthen the legs well.

Of the disadvantages of such a grill stand out the fact that it weighs a lot and is expensive. And if you want to make the product more functional and attach something else to it, the weight and cost will only increase. Despite this, this model has the following advantages:

  • You can use the roaster at any time of the year, in any weather conditions;
  • Fuel is consumed quite economically;
  • The working space will be reliably protected from external factors;
  • Operating life is quite long;
  • There is an opportunity to equip the design with additional details (for example, attach a tabletop, a fireplace, a smokehouse, and so on).

You can also use stainless decorated elements to give the grill a more presentable and interesting appearance.

Creation of a charcoal grill from a gas cylinder

Such a design is not expensive. You will need a gas cylinder with a capacity of at least fifty liters. All that needs to be done in the work is to weld the legs and remove the valve, which has become superfluous.

First, you will need to develop a drawing, marking the dimensions:

  • Diameter of the main chamber - 30 centimeters;
  • The height of the product - 92-98 centimeters;
  • Thickness of the wall - 30 millimeters.

To create such a roaster, use these instructions:

  1. Mark all the dimensions on the body of the cylinder.
  2. Use a grinder to cut off the top.
  3. Add legs to the brazier by cutting the corners into four pieces with a grinder and welding them to the end of the body.
  4. From the corners should also make a support for the skewers, also attaching them with a welder.

The roaster from the gas cylinder is the easiest to make. This is its main advantage. In addition, it is functional, mobile, and has sufficient wall thickness.

The disadvantages of such a brazier also exist: it weighs quite a lot, does not look very attractive externally. In addition, the fuel can only serve coals.

Making your own charcoal grill with your own hands is quite an interesting activity. You can make a good grill, focusing on your own preferences and desires.

The most important thing is to conceive an interesting idea, make a correct and careful drawing, choose high-quality material and carefully perform all the work. And if you follow all the recommendations, the made construction will turn out durable, reliable and will be able to serve you for decades.

Photos and drawings of the homemade brazier

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