Handmade crafts on the theme of space: simple master classes for children with photo ideas and examples

Interest in space, its mysterious beauty, cause a desire to create.

A large number of crafts of this theme come to the celebration of the day of the astronaut.

This holiday provides an opportunity to believe in the dream. After all, a person has long wanted to learn to fly high in the sky, and now, as if in a fairy tale, such a dream has come true.

People continue to conquer the vastness of the universe.


The benefits of making crafts

Involving children in the manufacture of handicrafts, which can decorate the house, group, class, ceremonial hall, the adult forms the children's satisfaction with the collective holiday activity.

It does not hurt to mention the world's first astronaut, the creators of rockets, going to the moon. Let the children know from a young age who madeл a dream into reality.

In addition, the child learns a lot of new things: how the rocket is built, what work the astronauts do, what the solar system is, what the planets are made of, how many civilizations exist, how to go into outer space.

Children have the most unbelievable questions.

We can satisfy their curiosity, because little people grow up wanting to be explorers and discoverers. And there are still so many mysteries of space.

Space applique

Such an applique can be made even by small children. After all, the technique of making it is as simple as possible.

Rocket out of paper

Very beautiful applique can make children for the Day of Astronautics. Despite the simplicity of the image, such crafts look great:

  • First, we pick up the background, it is blue, blue, black.
  • On colored paper or cardboard we will lay out pre-prepared details for the craft. Children of 3-4 years old will do this job.
  • Details - the main part of the rocket, a round window, triangular wings. All glue one by one.
  • Glue neatly. Decorate the sky with gold stars.
  • Children of older groups perform applique more complicated. They themselves draw parts on a template and cut them out. Details are placed on the background.

A rocket made of silver paper on a black background of outer space is impressive:

  • the nose part and wings are cut out of blue paper;
  • round windows - portholes, of red, on which we overlay white circles of smaller size;
  • highlight the back compartment with a blue stripe, put a cut-out fire of red paper, put a cut-out of yellow paper on it, it is smaller in size.

It remains to depict the 2-3 planets and stars. The beauty of crafts is obvious.

Three-dimensional applique

The same handicraft made of corrugated cardboard looks great. Details of the paper glued to the background, and to them on the double adhesive tape glued the same parts of the cardboard. It turns three-dimensional applique.

Beads and beads

On the pictures representing the constellations, draw the stars on a stencil:

  • Pick small beads and beads of yellow, red, blue colors.
  • We smear glue the outline, lay the ornamental material on the contour, then small beads and beads, distribute evenly with a wand over the entire star. It turns out beautifully.
  • So fill all the constellations with decorations.

Choose the background of your choice.

In the same technique, you can perform other objects: the moon, a comet, a satellite, to the main decoration, it does not hurt to add elements of volumetric decorative stickers, distribute them on the contour.

Postcard made of cardboard

On the outer side of the card depict a rocket, with a cut out porthole, in this window should look out the astronaut, depicted on the inside, and glued on a paper spring:

  • You have to try to get the image of the face in the helmet exactly into the lens of the window.
  • The color of the card is blue, with a shiny image of the object.
  • One or more astronauts we draw from a template, paint, cut out.
  • We make a spring from a small strip of paper folded into an accordion. One end of the glue to the card, the other to the person.
  • Unfold the card and we see the starry sky, an astronaut "gone" into outer space.

Salted dough rocket

Children are given a rolling pin to roll out a piece of dough, use a template to cut out the hull, the windows can be removed, holes can be left in that place, or the window can be applied:

  • On the main model, add the nose part in the form of a triangle and compartments, fire add too.
  • Cut out with a star shape. All products pierce, leaving holes for the possibility of making a pendant. If desired, the product can also be used as such.
  • Place the piece in the oven to dry.
  • Paint it with paint at your child's discretion.
  • Now our rocket can fly to the distant stars. Sprinkle white paint on a purple or blue background - small stars. Glue the handicraft.

Drawing .

Of all the various types of artistic creativity, the theme of astronautics is well expressed in a drawing.

You can portray a rocket, as well as spaceships, moon rovers, satellites. Toddlers are just beginning to use paints, but the older children can do more serious work.

Preschoolers should be asked to draw an astronaut in a helmet, a rocket, the earth:

  • We divide the sheet into three parts, roughly outline where the figures will be.
  • On the right side, draw a big round head, rectangular body, arms and legs in volumetric clothing.
  • Inside the circle draw a square - a suit. Podrisovyvaju face.
  • On the left side draw a round ground. You can circle the circle on a template, depict the continents.
  • On top of the drawing is a spaceship, drawn as a small spacecraft in the background, a child can draw it with a triangle and a circle.
  • A line is drawn from the ship to the cosmonaut's spacesuit. Our hero in outer space!
  • Coloring can be colored with colored pencils, crayons: Blue Earth, a bright suit astronaut, all at the discretion of the child.

It is desirable to paint the entire drawing sheet, do not leave white spots.

With younger pupils, it is possible to depict more complicated objects, use a palette, mix paints.

Having depicted satellites, ships, planets with a simple pencil, it is necessary to paint over them with appropriate colors, in addition, the background of the drawing is made of mixed colors, such as blue, blue, a little red, mix, paint the surface, we get a mysterious space.

And you can start the image not with objects but with the background: paint a sheet of paper blue with purple, add blue, white, splash white, yellow paint, when it dries, draw white objects on a beautiful background - an astronaut, a ship, a planet. The drawing is a wonder!

Volumetric rockets

Such a craft is good, because you do not need to use crafting tools. You can make them on the road, on a walk, and then include them in an interesting game:

  • Take a square sheet, white or colored, bend in half, then unbend.
  • The sides of the bend in the middle, and then unbend again.
  • You get three strips of folds: one in the middle, and one on each side of the craft.
  • Now bend the top corners to the middle.
  • From this position, bend one side so that it coincides with the fold of the other side, and then bend back again, now the bent side coincides with the central fold.
  • Also on the other side.
  • Turn the handicraft, we have the body, nose, wings.
  • You can notch the wings and bend the corners. Draw details, let a rocket into space!

Handicraft made of foam plastic

Let's take a foam plastic blank in the form of a cone, paint it blue, let the nose part be pink, the back compartment blue, pink wings and a yellow window are made from paper, glue it on. Crumple the corrugated red paper, glue to the back - fire. Five minutes, flight normal!

Cardboard sleeve.

Very handy material, almost a finished craft:

  • We glue the two bushings together with hot glue, this is the body.
  • We cut the soft sleeve and glue three or four small cylinders that will be the engine.
  • Wings 4 pieces, cut out and glue.
  • On top glue a cone - the nose of the ship. Add windows.
  • Model paint at your discretion.

Astronaut in clay

Roll a ball, it is the head of the helmet:

  • Roll sausages 5 pieces, make a spacesuit by rolling a larger piece of plasticine into a spring. The remaining sausages also spirals - arms, legs.
  • Orange gloves, shoes. Let's connect, we have an astronaut.
  • To highlight the face, mark the parts: nose, mouth, eyes. And the front part of the suit will be made from part of a transparent plastic bottle.

Model of the universe

Draw thin orbits on dark cardboard with white paint. In the center is the Sun, the closest orbit is Mercury, then Venus, Earth with its satellite - the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, the most recent - Pluto, but not all include it in the solar system.

The sun is made of corrugated yellow paper: we glue thin strips or pieces of cardboard tightly to each other, we do not glue completely, some of the paper is left free, especially on the end of the circle - scorching rays.

The remaining planets we cut out of cardboard and color.

The entire creation should not take up more than a third of the table. The model can be hung on the wall, in front of the eyes of a student or preschooler.

Observe the proportions:

  • The largest of the 9 planets is Jupiter, a light, orange color, then the planets go in descending order of size:
  • Saturn, light yellow, draw rings,
  • Uranus, seawave color.
  • Neptune blue,
  • Earth blue.
  • Mars in red.
  • Venus yellow,
  • Mercury gray.
  • Pluto is small in size, gray.
  • So many circles of different colors and sizes to make.

Craters, spotted, wavy surfaces are highlighted with paint, add whitewash.

We can note the satellites of Mars - there are two, while Venus and Mercury don't have any.

Other planets have many satellites, a matter of choice, if you want, you can initiate children into their names and numbers.

Planet of papier-mâché

Any planet can be made so: to inflate the balloon, cover with glue, glue newspaper, used office sheets, unnecessary paper:

  • The tail of the balloon, where strings are tied, do not glue.
  • Let the work to dry overnight.
  • Then pierce the balloon and pull it out.
  • Paint the handicraft blue with yellow spots. This is our Earth with the continents.
  • Similarly, you can do the other planets.
  • We take the balloons, inflate different volumes, respect the proportionality of the planet, glue paper waste, about 3-4 layers of paper, wait until each layer dries. Then we paint and varnish the handicraft, otherwise the gouache may become smeared.

Rocket out of the boxes

It is best to take the boxes from under the high refrigerator, Cut out the door, window, decorate the rocket to your liking, sign it. Fold the nose part from the top of the same box. Cut wings from heavy cardboard, glue. Turn on a night light "Starry Sky", and you can imagine flying into space.

For storytime and role-playing games, a rocket made from half a box is good. The box should be as tall as a child:

  • We make the front part: the body with the front wall, and two half walls of the box on one and the other side, which help hold the front part.
  • We cut out a window, on which we glue a cardboard ring - a porthole.
  • Decorate the rocket with stars.
  • You can make an inscription, draw the Russian flag.

This is time-consuming work, and an adult should help with advice or action.

It is wonderful that from an early age, children are introduced to public, important holidays that are celebrated both in Russia and abroad.

Children develop a sense of belonging to the celebrations and form the basis of a holiday culture.

It wouldn't hurt to mention the world's first astronaut, the creators of rockets, and going to the moon. Let the children know from a young age who is implementingл dreams into reality.

The topic of space is a good platform for intellectual development, a continuous source of cognitive information.

Parents play a significant role when they and their children participate in making handicrafts and telling what they know. This is not just a leisure, but a kind of unity of adults and children, where everyone feels an important person.

Photo ideas for space crafts

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