Handmade crafts for children 7 years - original ideas and simple master classes with photos and step by step instructions
The choice of crafts for children 7 years old will depend on the peculiarities of the development of this age group. The acquired skills and preferences of the young master are important. If you choose the right ideas for creativity, it can not only fascinate the kid, but also open ways for him to improve himself.
Materials that can be used for crafts
The choice of material will depend on what kind of craft the child is going to make. By the age of 7, most children know how to hold scissors, cut, glue, paint, sculpt, and design.
You need to choose a theme for the craft, taking into account the skills and interests of the child. Materials used to create crafts:
- paper. Colored double-sided paper or cardboard. Corrugated or sheets with a velvet surface, or a holographic pattern. You can use special paper for origami, quilting or scrapbooking if the crafts will be made in this technique. Use regular newspapers if the handicraft will be executed in the papier-mâché technique;
- discarded materials will be needed if the handicraft will be made from disposable cups, plastic bottles or lids;
- Plasticine, dried leaves and flowers, cones and acorns, egg tray, thread and string, beads, wire, macaroni, magnetic disks;
- As an auxiliary material for the work you will need glue, brushes, needles, scissors, sticks, colored tape, brushes, paints.
Parents should not only choose and suggest interesting ideas for crafts, but also participate in the creation together with the child.
Original craft ideas for children 7 years old
The older the child, the more original he wants to make a craft. For a 7-year-old child to have a desire to make something, he needs interesting ideas for creativity. Do not start making complex crafts right away.
If the child does not work out, and interest in the craft will be lost at all. More often the reason for creativity is not a desire to do something with his hands, and the obligation to school or a landmark date.
Parents can interest the kid that his handicraft can get functional efforts. If a child's product becomes part of the apartment decor or a future gift, he will have more desire to make something himself.
An apple tree made of beads
Beading is considered a popular trend in creativity. These things are not only beautiful, but can easily become a part of the interior in an apartment or a gift for any occasion. If making a whole tree out of beads will be difficult for a child, you can offer to make an apple twig.
How to weave an apple tree from beads? You need to prepare all the materials: red and green beads of large size, wire 0.3 mm, glass pebbles of round shape hot gun. You can use some small beads for decoration.
- Cut 30 cm of wire. Nabbed 3 beads of green, put them in the middle and twist a couple of turns of the two ends. At the edges make repeatedly 2 loops, adhering to the same scheme. Instead of one loop of three green selectively twist a pair of red beads. This will be imitation apples.
- In this scheme make 3-5 branches of apple trees. They need to be connected to each other by twisting and forming a tree. To make the trunk seem more natural, it is wrapped with brown thread or tape tapes of the same color. It is better to make the trunk thicker. At the last stage, attach the apple tree to a glass pebble and decorate additionally with small beads.
All joints are better hidden under the small beads.
Flowers from paper
Beautiful and unusual will look flowers from paper, made by a 7-year-old child as a craft.
Such a gift can be presented on March 8 or Birthday, Mother's Day or for no reason to mom or grandmother, sister or teacher.
Such flowers for a long time will not wilt, and will be a reminder of how much love and effort is made by this work of a child.
How to make a spring bouquet of colored paper? You will need double-sided colored paper of green, white, pink and yellow colors, and a glue stick.
- A sheet of green paper is folded in half lengthwise. On the side of the fold carefully cut into equal strips, leaving a few inches. Roll up, and the edge of the glue. Stripes straighten.
- From paper in other colors cut flowers. They can be different, depending on your child's imagination. Each flower should glue on the green grass. It is better every other flower, so that the flowers were not so much. Handicraft is ready.
Similar flowers can be made from corrugated paper. Flowers can be three-dimensional and in the form of applications.
Animals in plasticine
Clay molding is loved by many children. First, parents, then teachers in the kindergarten introduce molding. Then comes the turn of the school. Modeling has a positive effect on motor skills and development of children, perseverance and imagination.
Modeling is available to children from 2-3 years of age. Use regular, wax, bead or lightweight plasticine.
Multicolored dough or kinetic sand can be used for modeling.
To work with plasticine you will also need tools at hand. This is a board and rolling pin, plastic tools of different textures and shapes. In the process of creating a handicraft can be used and additional materials that will diversify the handicraft.
How to mold a mouse out of plasticine:
- Modeling the animal begins from the body. Shape a ball of gray clay and give it a drop shape. Roll two balls of small size. These will be the ears of the mouse. Each ball is pressed with a finger, giving the shape of a drop, and put a little pink clay in the inside. Ready ears are attached to the head.
- Pieces of black plasticine are used to make eyes, placing white droplets on them and fixing them to the muzzle. On the elongated mouse face put a nose of black plasticine. From a small ball of pink material form a thin sausage and twist it slightly. The resulting tail is attached to the back of the animal.
The mouse will look original if placed on a favorite treat - a piece of hard cheese with large holes. Make it out of yellow plasticine, giving it a triangle shape with an orange crust.
Origami paper
Today the Japanese art of origami is becoming very popular in the world. This creative process is truly captivating not only children of all ages, but adults as well. The easiest craft in the art of origami can be a boat:
- A sheet of A4 paper is folded in half, and the middle is marked with a dotted line. Upper bend bird, leaving up to 5 cm to the edge. All folds smooth out with your fingers;
- The lower part in the form of a rectangle of 5 cm inflect the main part up. You need to put the main figure of the left and right upper triangles. Wrap the rectangle on the other side. The resulting blank open and squeeze, giving it a square shape;
- Offset from the top corner of 1 cm, put a dot with a colored marker. The bottom corner to bend to the point. Likewise proceed with the other side. It remains to grab the ends of the pentagon, and pull to the side, revealing the boat. Having fixed the bottom, you can let him go sailing.
Folding a variety of figures, a child becomes more tenacious, trains tactile qualities and develops spatial thinking.
Original handmade crafts
Usually children by the age of 7 years are able to do a lot and have some experience in working with handicrafts.
Creativity helps a child develop in many ways. And be psychologically balanced.
And adults can help bring any fantasy to life and make the creative process interesting. As the material here can fit cones, macaroni, disks and more.
Cones crafts
This material is considered a unique gift of nature. In addition, their varied and whimsical shapes allow you to make original crafts. Cones can easily be combined with any material.
How to make a pig out of a cone? You will need a long cone, white and pink paint, plasticine of a crimson shade, a brush.
Paints the cone thoroughly with white paint and let dry. Then do the same with pink paint. Out of raspberry plasticine form ears, nose, eyes and a twisted tail of piglet. Attach to the pinecone. Handicraft ready.
Trinkets out of cones will look original not only in the interior of the house, but also will not go unnoticed in school and at art contests. Such a craft will be the dearest gift from a child for parents and grandparents.
Pasta applications
This product can not only feed the whole family deliciously, but also be used for crafts for several reasons:
- Manufacturers now produce a large number of pasta in different shapes and sizes. These are horns, shells, spaghetti, spirals, feathers, butterflies and others. Therefore, you can fantasize with them in any direction;
- Pasta is considered an excellent material for the development of fine motor skills in a child of all ages.
Most often, pasta has an unsightly yellow hue. For original crafts, they can be painted in a suitable color.
You can paint each pasta with a brush according to the intended craft. Or by coloring them beforehand. For this purpose, dissolve the desired color of gouache in water (to the consistency of sour cream) and add PVA glue (so the material will not stain your hands). The pasta is dipped in the prepared mixture and dried on a napkin:
- On colored cardboard of blue (blue) color, glue a blank of fish from ordinary paper. The tail and fins are better highlighted with another color.
- We decorate the body of the fish, gluing pasta of the same color in rows in a semi-circle. Glue it to the head.
- Separately decorate the eyes and mouth. You can decorate with pasta the tail and fins of the fish, matching the color of the workpiece.
- Make the bottom of the ocean by gluing algae from spaghetti or spirals. At the bottom, you can scatter stones in the form of pasta shells. The craft is ready.
Pasta crafts are fun and interesting for a child of 7 years. Such creativity develops imagination, creativity and creativity.
A magnet from a disk
Almost everyone has unnecessary disks. This is an excellent material for crafts with a child of 7 years.
From such a simple material, you can make a magnet for the fridge or original decorations, decorations for the house, three-dimensional animals. Any photo can be placed there, or you can use the technique of decoupage.
Now it's time to teach how to make magnets in the technique of decoupage:
- A thin layer of PVA glue is applied to the disk with a brush. Any 7-year-old child can do it without problems.
- From the cloth for decoupage, separate the top layer with the pattern, cut it out by 0.5 cm more than the disk itself.
- The prepared napkin is placed on the disk, and carefully straightening all sides, it is glued.
- On top of the napkin you need to apply another layer of PVA glue. It should be done slowly so as not to damage it. Leave it until the glue dries completely.
- The pattern on the napkin can be further decorated with sequins or small beads.
It will be more accurate if the beads are glued to the edge of the disk.
Behind a disk glued a small magnet. Handicraft ready.
A child should not only develop physically and emotionally, but also creatively. Therefore, it is not always enough for the baby to attend various interest groups.
It is important to develop his imagination, logical thinking, creativity. And if parents along with their child will participate in the creative process, it is doubly interesting and enjoyable. Parental attention and love are very important for a 7-year-old child.