Handmade crafts from the seeds - master classes on creating applications and three-dimensional for children and adults

Creating children's crafts from seeds is a creative process that helps the child to develop imagination, thinking and fine motor skills. Seeds of different plants are small in size, and they need to be stacked on the applique so that a real picture appears.

It is a kind of mosaic, but with a large field for activity.

Working together with adults brings a lot of joy to a child and brings him or her together in an interesting activity. Therefore, crafts from seeds for children favorably affect the mood in the family, because any creativity - it is inspiration and looseness in imagination.


Preparation of seeds for making handicrafts

To start making an autumn craft from seeds, you need to stock up on natural material and properly prepare it for work. To do this:

  • select seeds of different sizes;
  • Gather them and cleanse from debris;
  • wash them in running water;
  • dry them by spreading them in a thin layer;
  • colored in different colors;
  • and again dried.

When the appliqué is assembled, you need to cover it with varnish to preserve it for a long time and to protect it from contamination by dust.

How to dye the seeds

  1. Stir in plastic bags of dye.
  2. Pour the right amount of seeds into the bag with the dye.
  3. Mix the dye and seeds in a bag until they are completely colored.
  4. Lay them out to dry so that the seeds lie loosely.

When the colored seeds are dry, they can be placed in individual bags or jars for later use in applications.

Children's seed applique

To start working on the handicraft, you need to prepare all the necessary materials. For work you will need:

  • colored and white paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • PVA glue and a brush;
  • plasticine;
  • colored pencils;
  • different twigs and leaves;
  • peppercorns;
  • frames;
  • colorless varnish.

When all the materials are prepared, you can begin to work and show your imagination in creating masterpieces from seeds. In this article we will give examples of how to make this or that animal and plant from natural material.

Sunflower .

Cut out sunflower petals from yellow colored paper or cardboard. Glue them to a dark cardboard cut to the size of the frame in which the applique will be inserted. The entire craft should be placed in the center of the dark cardboard.

In the center of the collected petals, which are glued in three layers to make the plant puffy, place plasticine and press it firmly against the cardboard, giving it a circle shape.

This will be the center of the sunflower, where you can place the sunflower seeds firmly poking them into the plasticine. Sunflower seed crafts are covered with clear varnish.

Hedgehog .

To make an applique on colored cardboard glued cut out of colored paper hedgehog figure. The tummy of the animal can be colored with pencils or glue planted buckwheat. Instead of needles glue sunflower seeds in natural form.

Glued to the thorns cut out of colored paper apples or mushrooms. Decorate the thorns with dried leaves. Under the feet of a hedgehog glued dry grass or flowers from a herbarium. Finished applique inserted into a frame.

Autumn Tree

  • Create a landscape on cardboard.
  • The trunk of the tree can be sprinkled with buckwheat, previously covered with glue.
  • Colorful autumn leaves are made from pumpkin seeds, which are colored in the colors of autumn.
  • Glue blue clouds and a yellow sun on the appliqué.
  • Under the tree, place fallen leaves created from colorful pumpkin seeds.
  • Application covered with colorless varnish.
  • Place it in a frame.


  • For the bird, create a nest of twigs glued on cardboard.
  • Cut out the figure of a stork from the paper.
  • Glue it so that the bird is in the nest.
  • Cover the figure of a stork with glue.
  • Glue white pumpkin seeds all over the body of the bird.
  • Sunflower seeds are glued on the wings.
  • Beak sprinkled with buckwheat.

To make the subject of the application interesting, you can install the nest on the roof of the house or between the branches of a tree. The main thing here is to show ingenuity and imagination.

After all, everyone's creative process is different and everyone creates their own vision of the event. That is why there is no such thing as an identical picture or work.


There are many options for making an owl. The only thing they have in common is the use of pumpkin and sunflower seeds. With them it is easy to create an image of the bird. It can be placed on a twig, which is glued on cardboard, or draw a house in the form of a clock on cardboard for it:

  • The body of the owl is cut out of cardboard and glued to the blank with the created landscape.
  • The bird's feathers are created with white, black or gray pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
  • The eyes of the owl are huge. They are cut out of cardboard or created with sunflower flowers.
  • The owl has feet. They are made from twigs or dried flowers.


To create an applique with a rooster, various seeds and cereals are used. The rooster is a colorful bird and the more colors are used, the more gorgeous it looks.

Green and yellow peas, buckwheat grits, pumpkin seeds of different colors and sunflower seeds will all create a unique image of a pet bird:

  • The figure of a rooster is glued to cardboard, cut out of paper, and all the colored seeds are attached to it with glue.
  • The tail of the bird should be multi-colored and fluffy.
  • Scallop and beard is made with red pumpkin seeds.
  • For paws use twigs or stems of plants.
  • The finished application is coated with varnish and mounted in a frame.

Volumetric handicrafts from seeds for children

Creating crafts from pumpkin seeds is a fascinating activity for children and adults. During the creative process, there is a rallying of different age groups for working together.

Above, we gave examples of how to create an applique on paper from various seeds. In this part of the article, we will try to suggest how to make three-dimensional figures and apply watermelon seeds in a craft.

Hedgehog .

To make a figurine of a hedgehog will be required:

  • plasticine or salt dough;
  • natural materials for decorations;
  • Sunflower seeds or watermelon seeds.

To make a hedgehog in the volumetric technique, follow these steps:

  • Make a frame of a hedgehog with an elongated muzzle from gray plasticine or salt dough dyed with gray dye. Place sunflower seeds or watermelon seeds on the back instead of thorns. They can be inserted with the sharp end up or down. Here everyone chooses for himself, as he is more comfortable and better.
  • Sharp ends of the seeds look natural, and the rounded ends give the hedgehog a gentle look. Insert peas of black pepper in the place for the eyes. Glue on prickles of the seeds, created from plasticine or dough, mushrooms. You can decorate the thorns with dried leaves from a herbarium.
  • Place the finished hedgehog on a base in the form of a piece of wood or cardboard. The area where he was placed, also decorated with leaves, twigs and made mushrooms. Three-dimensional composition will look great. Now you can give it to friends or decorate a room with it.


For work you will need:

  • glue;
  • plasticine;
  • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
  • disposable plate;
  • natural material.

Make the frame of the chicken out of plasticine. Make the crest and beard of red clay and attach them to the head. Make eyes from white plasticine and peas of black pepper. Make beak with yellow plasticine. Sit the chicken without feathers on a plate and glue it to it.

Coat the entire body with PVA glue. Poke sunflower seeds into the torso. Make wings and tail from pumpkin white seeds. The plate can be decorated with dried twigs and leaves. Near put an egg, cut out of Styrofoam.

Volumetric crafts are ready and now you can give them or show them to friends.


To create volumetric compositions of flowers you will need imagination and materials such as:

  • cardboard;
  • glue gun;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • Twigs or wire, for the stem.

Let's get to work

  1. From cardboard cut out a circle with a diameter that is planned to make a flower.
  2. Use a glue gun to glue the seeds to the cardboard, starting from the edge. The seeds can be placed at different ends. Then you get different flowers.
  3. Seeds should be glued overlapping the previous row.
  4. Glue the back side of the flower with cardboard or burlap.
  5. Ready flower is attached to a wire or twig, where the glued fabric leaves.

If you use colored pumpkin seeds, you get a colorful bouquet. In the middle of the flower can glue a bead. Flowers are made by the same method and from watermelon seeds, and from coffee beans.

Kitchen panel

To make it, you need to stock up not only with patience and imagination, but also with such materials as:

  • a frame made of wood;
  • burlap or cloth;
  • various seeds;
  • glue;
  • Various twigs and leaves.

On the matter or burlap is drawn with a pencil or felt-tip pen a sketch of the panel. Here everyone can show their imagination and inspiration. You can make a panel of flowers and leaves, of fruits and berries, of images of animals and birds.

When the drawing is applied to the cloth or burlap, you can start gluing seeds of different calibers. Someone wants to create a bright panel, and someone more like a monochrome, and it fits the design of the room. Here there is no unambiguous decision.

The finished panel is attached to a frame made of wood or tied with a hook around the perimeter. Then decorates the wall of the kitchen.

Decorative frame

From the seeds of cereals and other natural materials can be made not only handicrafts and applications, but also to make an original decorative frame for photos, appliques and paintings.

To do this you need to glue a frame made of wood or bought in a store, with seeds painted gold or bronze.

A frame with seed flowers glued on it looks great. There are no limits for imagination and creative impulse here.

Using peas and rice, buckwheat and coffee beans in a row with sunflower seeds, pumpkin and watermelon in making frames is not only welcome, but can add a unique design to the decoration of the room.

Helpful tips for making crafts

  • Harvest natural raw materials in the summer and fall.
  • Dry watermelon, melon, pumpkin and sunflower seeds so they don't rot.
  • When painting the seeds, use different shades of acrylic paint.
  • Stock up on leaves and flowers and make a herbarium from them. They will be useful for creating compositions on long winter evenings.
  • It is not necessary to create a huge picture at once. Learn how to make simple crafts and go on to more complex ones.
  • Seed crafts are beautifully combined with tree bark and beans.
  • Material for the applications can take a variety of the main thing that it was a natural character.

Creating a masterpiece with your own hands from the material that nature gives us, you can not only get an aesthetic pleasure, but also to create a gift with your own hands or present the work at the exhibition.

The main thing is to show imagination and be inspired. And then the hobby will benefit you and other people.

Photo of articles made of pumpkin and sunflower seeds

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