Handmade crafts from groats: easy workshops and photo ideas for novice craftsmen and children in school and kindergarten

The easiest kind of crafts are applications using cereals. In every home hostesses can find unused groats. Consequently, the material is very accessible and easy to use.

To make these crafts do not need to have certain knowledge and skills, everything is very simple. Even a child can cope.


Performance technique

The most common techniques when using this material are:

  • sprinkling;
  • indentation.

For the first type you will need to draw the outline of the figure on a sheet of paper. It is best to take colored cardboard. Figures for cereal-based crafts are thought out in advance, in advance, or are found on the Internet and printed out. Then it is necessary to cut out and glue on cardboard.

Next, you need to grease the drawing with PVA glue. To start, you can use buckwheat, millet groats and rice. With these materials it is easier to work with children.

The next step is podsypilsya cereal outline details, pressing a little bit to stick. Excess can be shaken on a piece of paper.

For the second type, instead of glue, you will need plasticine. Creating a drawing on cardboard is the same. The resulting outline is filled with plasticine. Next, you take grits and press them into it. Peas, coffee beans, beans, seeds can be used for this work.

To develop children's imagination, you can fill the entire sheet with plasticine and let the child think up what to depict on the sheet.

Clay and cereal crafts are suitable for kindergarten when you want to do something with natural materials.

These two techniques are easy to use, but if a child masters them on excellent, then you can create with it a complicated level of work.

Decorative panel of cereals

The most interesting handicraft for children out of cereals is to create a picture. The first time you perform it, you need the control of an adult. Before you begin, you need to prepare cereals of different colors, cardboard, glue, paints.

To begin with you need to pick up cardboard to do the color, if there is no such color, then paint with paints. It is important to draw a sketch of all the components of the picture. Then all this is smeared with glue and filled with different kinds of cereals, beans, seeds.

For ease of performance, you can find a sample, or think in advance what part of what groats should be filled. For a child, you can create a step-by-step samples or find ready-made ones on the Internet.

Cereal applications

The first type is a flat applique. It is necessary to take a sheet of cardboard, to put a sketch on it. This can be a drawing, a pattern, a variety of ornaments. The inner parts of the outline should be filled with glue. Grits, grains, seeds and so on are poured on top.

It is necessary to determine where what color is needed and stick to the idea. This is important in order to get an image. It turns out flat, because it is all on the same surface and on the same level.

Another type is called volumetric applique. The peculiarity of this work is that you need a volumetric base to do it. You can make it yourself from Styrofoam, plastic, it can be a bottle, a tin can. You can also buy special ones in the store.

Since the surface on which the materials to be glued is not flat, and complicates the process, PVA will not cope in some moments. Silicone, thermal adhesive and superglue should be used.

The work should be performed under adult supervision.

Children's crafts

For children, the process of creating crafts from cereals and seeds is not only a fun activity, but at the same time working with such materials helps to develop fine motor skills.

In the course of work develops attention, noticeably improves coordination, the child becomes more patient, assiduous and learns to be careful. It can also be noted that by touching a loose substance you get a massage of the fingertips.

You can make a craft "Sunflower". For this purpose, this plant is drawn on cardboard. Each part is lined with a different kind. The inside of the flower can be lined with seeds, flower petals with millet, or semolina painted yellow.

To make a craft out of grains and cereals, you will need a glass bottle, glue and elements for decoration.

The part to be decorated is primed, grains and grits are attached to it in the form of patterns, you can alternate in strips. The result will be a beautiful bottle to decorate.

Decorative topiary of cereals

Making this handicraft can have several applications. First of all, they can decorate the room, to make it fit the interior. Still you can with him to participate in exhibitions at school, kindergarten:

  1. The ball of Styrofoam is painted green with a brush. After that, you need to allow time for everything to dry. With the help of a skewer at the bottom a small hole is made, it is necessary to insert the stem.
  2. Take your time and start gluing the peas. To do this, a small area is smeared with glue and peas (preferably chopped) are attached to it.
  3. After the entire balloon is filled, it is left overnight.
  4. When everything is dry, the ball is inspected and the voids are filled with peas. Using glue, the stem is attached to the hole.
  5. It is necessary to take a pot, which was specially purchased for the topiary. In it, the filling should be placed in the form of floral foam. Then the trunk is inserted. The area in the pot should be filled with moss.
  6. The handicraft is complete.
  7. It is original, simple and will please the child. He will see his result.
  8. You can also use coffee beans instead of peas.


To make a spectacular picture with peas will need black and white beans, a working surface, glue, a brush, a pencil.

On the canvas, the image of two cats is drawn. And around them a circle. Using paint and a brush, the animals and the area around them are painted. It will be easier for children to navigate which color of bean to glue.

Darker areas are glued to the black areas with glue, and the area around the kitties is lined with white beans. The result is a picture that can be used to decorate a room or as a gift.

After completing this work and understanding the principle, you can create your own sketch and make a personal picture.

Photo frame with magnets

To make the photo look much brighter, you can make a photo frame with your own hands, and using cereals in this. And if you add magnets, such products are attached to the fridge.

On the surface of the cardboard with a ruler and a pencil, the borders of the frame are marked. It should be cut out. It is necessary to think of a drawing that will decorate it. For ease of orientation, you can make a marking of areas and imagine what kind of material is suitable.

After that, glue is applied and grains, grains, beans are glued.

Magnets are glued on the back side.

Christmas decorations

A popular attribute of this holiday is the Christmas wreath. It creates a special atmosphere, raises the mood and decorates the interior:

  1. The basis of such a craft will be a ring of foam plastic, straw or cardboard ring.
  2. You can make a clean craft out of cereals and pasta. Since pasta products have a rich variety of shapes.
  3. The base should be primed in a neutral tone. Depending on where it will hang it is necessary to decide whether the back side should be decorated.
  4. The work of pasting begins on the inside and gradually goes to the edges.
  5. It is best to use silicone adhesive.
  6. You can create a pattern, an ornament, and as an additional decoration you can use templates decorated with grits in the form of bells, stars, Christmas trees.
  7. After the decoration is completed, a ribbon or linen thread is tied to the wreath.

To create a more festive version, it is best to use painted material. Gold paint in spray cans is also used, applied to the pasta already glued on.

Toys for the Christmas tree

In order to create a Christmas tree decoration, it is necessary to study the types of patterns of crafts for the use of cereals. Execution is very simple, will be very pleasant for children.

It is safest to use balls made of plastic, but it is realistic to take old and unwanted plastic Christmas tree toys as a base.

In the beginning you need to pour the cereal into a bowl. The blank in the form of a ball is covered with glue. Next, it should be rolled out in the groats. If peas or buckwheat is chosen, it is dipped once. In the case of rice and millet groats, it is necessary to make 2 layers.

Then the product is set aside to dry. At the end, it is decorated with satin ribbons. You can find options on the Internet or come up with your own.

Decorating Easter eggs

Easter is not without the tradition of decorating eggs. You can involve children in this work and make Easter crafts with grits:

  • Boiled eggs must be used. One is taken and with a brush everything is smeared with glue.
  • It should be dipped in a plate with cereal, which was chosen at personal discretion.
  • For example, you can dip it in millet.
  • Not the entire surface can be filled. If you include your imagination, you can make a hat on the egg with grits, and draw a face with felt-tip pens.
  • It is also realistic to make different patterns on them. The main thing is to dream and not be afraid.

The pattern can be flowers from beans, lines from peas, alternating strips of rice and buckwheat, and so on. There is no limit to the ideas.

A table made of groats

In the beginning, you should remove the back from the frame, and cut the same size panel from plywood:

  • The panel is glued to the stool, using liquid nails, or joinery glue.
  • The joints are sealed with wood putty.
  • The frame is attached to the stool and fastened with 4 screws.
  • In order not to contaminate the room, you can put a piece of oilcloth on the floor. On the resulting table is applied a layer of primer, after drying is painted 2 times with the same color.
  • Using a ruler and a simple pencil, mark the location of the croup. You can divide it into squares.
  • Gradually from the first area begins the work of covering with PVA glue and attaching the groats. And so everything is done to the very end.
  • In order for the groats to stick together, you need to apply a layer of glue on top and leave it to dry.
  • Once dry, you need to put the table level and fill the tabletop with a substance. Epoxy resin is used. If there are bubbles, you need to blow on them using a tube.

After the drying of the first layer (you need a whole night) poured a second layer of resin. And all dries out. As a result, the table is ready. It is nice to look at and touch.

How to paint groats

In order to give unusual shades, it is best to take white beans, rice, pumpkin seeds for this procedure.

Dense bags of polyethylene will be needed. They are filled with groats. Alcohol in an amount of 2 tablespoons or 4 spoons of vinegar is added there. The next step is to pour the dye into the bag. It should then be closed and shaken, so that everything is colored in the desired color.

From the bag, the contents are poured on the surface of the plate and given time to dry. And obtained colored grains.

For every taste, it is possible to create products using groats, beans, and grains. It is effective for children. As it is a great activity, and at the same time has a great impact on the development of the child.

Photo of crafts from cereals

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