How to make a bisiboard with their own hands - rules for creating a craft and unusual design ideas for boys and girls

Bisiboard - this is a developing board for children, made according to the method of Maria Montessori, who believed that the knowledge and skills obtained independently help in the development of the child.

In translation from English "bisibord" means a business board. The board, which contributes to the development of a child's fine motor skills (for the development of speech intelligence, development of writing), memory, logic, thinking, perseverance and perseverance.

Children love to discover a new world, their curiosity leads them to the kitchen: tear off the lids of pots, turn taps; open and close the doors of rooms and cabinets, press all the buttons that are in the house.

In order for children's curiosity and discovery of the world around them to be directed in the right direction and to develop their skills, there is a bisiboard.

On the board place items that will help in the development of the child in the domestic sphere.

On the board attach locks, buttons, switches, bells, cords - everything that surrounds a normal life. Such toys will interest and occupy a child's time.

Use boards for child development can be from 8 months to school age.

For each age child uses a different size and filling boards. For very young children, boards are made 30×40 cm and placed soft items on them: shoelaces, clothes locks, soft toys, buttons and other details that are interesting to the baby.

For small children, they are made of fabric by gluing soft felt parts to it. The felt parts are placed on the panel with the help of Velcro.

A child can independently assemble a flower, a mushroom or an animal from such parts. You can make a soft cube, which will be decorated on all sides with useful elements for baby's development.

To attract attention, you can attach a rattle, a bell or a bell. Babies respond well to such sounds.

For children from 3 years old, the optimal size of the biboard is 50×70 cm. On it are attached switches, hooks, zippers, latches, bolts, phone disks, large beads on a wire for counting and much more.

You can place numbers and letters to teach your child counting and reading. Such pieces can be attached with Velcro, but the words should not be large so that they do not take up much space on the stand.


Types of bisiboards

Before you make a bisibord with your own hands, decide on its kind, size and tasks you want to solve. There are several types of biciboards:

  1. Classic - a rectangular board that is attached to some surface. Such a board may have different sizes, depending on the place to which it will be attached. The board can be attached to the wall, furniture (on the side of a table, bed, sofa) or the door of the room. Think well about how to attach the board so that the child will not be injured.
  2. Double or double-sided - a stable panel that can be moved and use on it quite a number of elements for the child's development. If there are two children in the house, this bisiboard will be a good solution for interesting activities for both children, and you will have free time for other things. When making it, it is necessary to think well about the stability of such a construction.
  3. Shaped - cut out in the form of a certain figure and can be made in a certain thematic plan. It can be figures in the form of a car, plane, tank, flower, animal, butterfly, mushroom, palm, favorite animal.
  4. Bisicube or bisidome is a complex and multifunctional construction, bisidome side panels can be used on both sides. The design of the bisicube involves the use of 5 sides (the sixth side he stands on), which allows you to use a greater number of developmental items. You can make each side themed. For boys, these can be sides dedicated to the car (steering wheel, levers, wheels, etc.), the house (switches, bolts, pipes, hooks). For girls, the stands can be dedicated to dolls (bows, combs, thread braids, etc.), the home (curtains, dishes, flowers, and other things). For boys and girls, you can use the same stands devoted to everyday life (locks for clothes, shoelaces, buttons, fasteners, buttons), development (counting, letters, numbers), and child's interests.

In the bisidome, you can use the inside of the walls of the house as a game element or also decorate it with useful educational things.

Children's bisiboard with their own hands

Make such a business board for a child can every parent. Why it is better to make a bisiboard yourself:

  • Significant savings in money
  • Using unnecessary parts that are available at home
  • Taking into account the interests of the child.

Making such a board for your child, you can make it the right size, taking into account the room, color, child's interests, use the material that is in the house.

Materials and tools for work:

  1. Board (plywood, chipboard, plastic)
  2. Screwdriver
  3. Self-tapping screws
  4. Glue
  5. Paint
  6. Bisibord elements.

Bisibord Items

Many hard-working owners have temporarily stored in the closet or garage unnecessary things that will serve as parts for a bisiboard: locks, latches, hooks, hinges for doors, light bulbs, switches, sockets, electrical plugs and more.

If you want to make your board opening doors, then think of something interesting that a child can see behind them, for example, make it a geocache or attach curtains.

In the economy there is always an extra string, ribbons, large buttons, zippers, which will serve to teach a child to remove and put on clothes and shoes on their own.

Large beads, pieces of foam rubber, and wheels will teach you to count and rotate objects. All other elements which are missing for the board can be bought in hardware and construction stores, and in crafts departments.

Step by step instructions for making

  1. Prepare the board in advance for work: cut out the necessary size or parts for a complex design. Work the edges with sandpaper, paint the base with acrylic or other non-toxic paint if you want. If you plan to make a double bisiboard, then make a stable structure, when making a bisidome or bisicube, prepare all the parts. Connect them after decorating all sides with the elements.
  2. Distribute all the parts on a board or on a sheet of Watman. See that the child can freely work with this or that element. For example, when working with a pawl, make sure it does not touch other objects, or when opening doors, the door leaves do not touch other parts. Think well about the functionality of all the parts. Do not overload the board with unnecessary elements.
  3. If the bisiboard is supposed to open doors or other elements on the hinges, screw the hinges to the parts beforehand.
  4. Using a screwdriver, fasten all metal parts well. Elements made of fabric, foam rubber can be glued with glue.
  5. When making a double-sided bisiboard or bisicube with a bisidomile, connect all parts of the construction.
  6. Decorate the booth with brightly colored pictures.
  7. Check the quality of attachment and remove any roughness or protruding parts from the screws, so that the child does not hurt himself.

Your handmade bisiboard is ready.

Features of bisiboards for girls and boys

The difference of bisiboards for girls begins with the color: such boards are usually painted in pink, yellow, peach colors. Filling elements also have their own differences.

Girls are interested in items of clothing, kitchen, beauty, filling bisibord for girls try to diversify it with such details.

You can attach a doll, cut out of thick cardboard or fiberboard and clothing items for the doll, make pockets for a comb, mirror.

From the threads to attach a braid, which can be decorated with various bows and hairpins, rubber bands for hair.

You can make a rope with clothespins, where the clothes will be dried.

For little housewives it will be interesting to place in the bisidome real dishes for dolls with a stove.

You can make a bisiboard-shop with bills, a calculator, a changeless weight and various fruits and vegetables in a basket.

For boys bisiboards are painted in blue, blue, green. Dark colors is desirable not to use when painting the board.

You can decorate the board with stickers or pictures of dolls, butterflies, flowers, cats.

All boys love to build and repair, use large screws, bolts, latches, latches, outlets, switches for the board. Assemble a real electrical chain, in which the light bulb will be lit, and the child will be just delighted.

Boys who like to mess around with cars will be interested in using the steering wheel, bicycle bell, bicycle pedals, rearview mirror and other elements of transport that are in the house on the board.

A child's interest will be piqued by the sight of a telephone dial, a flashlight, a dial, a water faucet, and pipes that can be connected to each other.

Having a compass, a small steering wheel, pieces of rope, a bell and an anchor in the house will help in decorating the board in a nautical theme. Color the bisiboard like a bib, or draw on the sea and anchors.

You can decorate the board with pictures of cars, planes, steamships or other equipment.

In any case, when you make a bisibord with their own hands, you are not only making a quality tool for the development of the child, but also to guide his interests in a certain direction.

Safety precautions

  • When creating a development board, pay special attention to the fastening of small parts, so that the child could not tear them off and eat them, put them in the airways or in the nose. This is especially true for the wire with beads for counting.
  • All items should not contain stabbing ends and cutting edges of parts.
  • The surface of the design must be safe around the edges and in the fasteners, if the design is complex.

The child will get excellent skills in mastering many subjects, will develop, because the developmental board made with love by parents will take into account his interests and inclinations. You can always replace the failed or bored child parts.

If a child learns well from childhood to use the latch, switches, open and close the door, he will not get serious injuries when dealing with real objects. Through play, he learns adulthood and confidently enters it.

Photo of a homemade bisiboard


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