How to Draw the Sun - Simple Techniques for Beginners and Children, Step-by-Step Master Classes

With the emergence of a bright spring sun, not only the mischievous children's mood is lifted - adults, too, stop frowning and heartily smile.

Especially nice when you get to portray a living and bright sun on paper. It's not difficult, but because all people see something different in the sun, the drawings are different.

Young children especially like to depict the merry sun, and they never puzzle - a circle in the corner of a sheet of yellow pencil and lots of rays diverging from it in different directions.

So what's so special about learning how to make the sun a true decoration for a drawing?


Simple techniques

As already mentioned, for children to depict the sun in the form of a circle with rays is not difficult, this unpretentious way should be adopted by adults. After all, as you know, everything brilliant is simple.

If you add to the yellow circle in the form of petals or trapezoids, the image will be more sympathetic and decorated. Such a sun is quite possible to draw hands, eyes and a smile.

Rather unusual drawing is a yellow star with elongated rays, as well as very cute look pigtails of the rays. A mischievous face and bright bows will serve as a wonderful addition.

In general, the rays can take any shape - from lines and drops to arrows, ribbons, or bright splashes.

With what and where you can depict

You can draw the sun with a variety of materials. Suitable colors are yellow, orange, and red, with the first being the base, and the rest for detail in the drawing.

Watercolors achieve softness and airiness, gouache creates a clear image. With colored pencils can easily handle children, and adults are likely to enjoy experimenting with shades and shading options.

Felt-tip pens, as well as gouache, are very expressive, and they can also be used for making clear outlines. Crayons are very handy to draw on asphalt, and watercolor pencils - on rough paper.

You can also use acrylics, honey paints, spray cans, oil, watercolors, food coloring - in general, anything that can leave the desired mark on paper or any other surface.

After all, you can draw not only in an album or on a canvas, but also on the face, ceramics, wood, concrete, glass, fabric, etc. It's just that you have to choose the right tools for each material.

Cute sunshine

Such an item with a cute face will be a decoration for any drawing. If it is difficult to reproduce a circle by hand, a child can draw it with a compass, or trace a circle of the necessary size - the ability to use such objects and techniques helps in many situations.

For work a sheet from the album, a simple pencil (compasses), an eraser, felt-tip pens of yellow, black and pink colors are needed.

The order is as follows:

  • on the sheet of paper in front of your eyes, you need to draw a circle, from it draw thin lines, at the same distance from each other - these will be the rays;
  • Now on the sun with a pencil to draw two circles (eyes), and inside them, on the right and slightly upwards - two small ovals (highlights);
  • neat semicircle just below the eyes should depict a smile;
  • next to the smile draw two circles (cheeks);
  • The circle with the rays is painted with yellow felt-tip pen, the eyes with black, and the cheeks and mouth with pink;
  • Using a black felt-tip pen (or ruler, marker) trace the outline of all parts.

It is also possible to represent eyelashes, and to draw the occasional glare with white corrector. Décor - a bow, rhinestones, beads - would look good. Such a sun with a smile is guaranteed to give joy to all who see it.

Unusual rays

The original and unusual image of the rays is in the form of sound waves. In addition to a scrapbook sheet, yellow, orange and black felt-tip pens, a simple pencil with an eraser and orange wool threads will be needed. Glue is also needed.

Pencil drawing of a sun circle, you can with a face. It is painted in yellow, and the outline is outlined in black.

Sound waves are drawn - the further away from the sun, the smaller. Orange, red and yellow can be alternated. In addition, you can glue woolen threads along the waves, thus giving volume to the picture.

The image will be more spectacular, and you can surprise your friends and family with an image of a beautiful sun.

Sharp rays

This option is for neat people, good for teaching drawing to children. Each ray is an elongated isosceles triangle with a small base. To the usual set of materials should be added a ruler.

Now you can get to work:

  • A sketch is made on paper - where the sun itself will be located;
  • Now you need to mark the center of the circle and draw a cross, whose lines run through the planned point and away from it at an equal distance;
  • Then draw a second similar cross, but shifted so that its sides divide in half the previously formed right angles;
  • Now a circle can be seen on the sheet, over which a grid of lines resembling a compass is superimposed. It is necessary to mark on the line of the circle the points where it intersects with the lines of the crosses;
  • Connect all the points lying next to each other on the line of the circle to make a regular octagon inscribed in the circle;
  • From each point to draw segments on the lines from the crosses, located next to each other. We get eight triangles. They can be different in size - depending on how high up the line segments will be raised;
  • Shading the sun itself and the rays - you can do a darker color (orange, red, black) outline, you can paint the rays in different colors. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

The bright sun is obtained when using dense, saturated paints - gouache, for example.

Watercolor romance

The sun at sunset looks unusually beautiful. Not without reason, many artists use this theme in their works. Such a sun looks best together with the landscape it illuminates.

It can be a cityscape with scarlet reflections on window panes and walls painted in reddish-red hues, or a large-scale image of the sky with clouds in the reflections of the departing sun, or a calm sea surface, on which the sunset shimmers and melts...

When depicting such a sun the palette of colors is already much more diverse, includes many shades of red, pink, burgundy, purple, etc. For a start it is worth trying to depict a sunset over the sea.

It is necessary to prepare for work watercolor paper, the watercolor itself, a synthetic brush, a glass of water and a rag.

The sun is drawn in stages:

  • First, the sheet is soaked with water for a "wet" drawing;
  • Dilute a shade of watercolor "ochre" with water to obtain a liquid consistency;
  • without delay and quickly coat the entire sheet with paint;
  • using a cloth in the upper corner, wipe off the rounded area - the sun;
  • ochre is mixed with carmine for a reddish hue, and the entire leaf area is covered with it, except for the bottom and the area around the sun. The most red areas should be well sealed with carmine;
  • The work should now take some time to dry;
  • the shade of "ultramarine" for the lilac color is added to the paint mixture, and indistinct clouds, preferably different in size and shape, should be drawn with it;
  • with the help of pure aquamarine, the area at the top of the sun is highlighted;
  • using pure carmine to draw the shore, shades on the lilac clouds;
  • Umber is added to the mixture of colors (lilac), and details - the coastline, the water surface, the horizon - are drawn with this composition at the very tip of the brush;
  • a path on the water under the sun is drawn.

The sun, drawn in this way, provides an opportunity to expand the boundaries of creativity. In addition, the outlines of rocks, a walking couple, birds, etc. can be added to the work with dark colors. This is no longer a simple drawing, but a step toward the possible discovery of a gift that a novice artist may not even be aware of.

It is worth noting that in addition to depicting the sun with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and other means, you can also use additional decoration inside the drawing. And here you can use everything - gilding, plasticine, various threads, colored paper, beads and rhinestones.

Funny little sun can be depicted on the hand gouache (of course, if the child is not allergic to any components) or with aqua makeup.

Such a drawing will certainly attract the attention of others, and if the child learns how to portray this symbol of joy and life, he will not be discouraged from wishing to receive a gift of a cute picture.

Picture of the drawn sun

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