How to draw a giraffe in pencil - simple step-by-step instructions for children

The giraffe is an incredibly interesting animal. He is the highest animal on the entire planet. Live in African countries and if your kid likes them very much, he most likely thought to draw them on a sheet of paper.

To draw a giraffe is not difficult, as it may seem at first glance - just prepare all the necessary materials and follow the instructions.

To make sure you do not have difficulties, use one of the following master classes.


A simple giraffe in pencil

This beautiful animal is not difficult to draw. It's good if you've drawn a horse or some other similar animal once before. The giraffe is not much different from a horse: its neck is longer and its coloring is different. With the instructions below you can create a beautiful giraffe in about ten to fifteen minutes.

What will be needed?

To work, you should prepare materials and tools:

  • A sheet of paper;
  • A pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Pencils of different colors (yellow, red and brown);
  • A black gel pen.

After all the preparations, you can begin to create a masterpiece.

Step by step instructions

The first thing you need to think about how tall the animal will be. Its height should be marked on a sheet with two not very clear lines:

  • After that, sketch the head and torso. Use geometric shapes to sketch them: make the head a circle and the body an oval.
  • Now connect the head to the torso by drawing a pair of curved lines. They will form a long neck of the animal.
  • You can begin to design the head. Top right side draw an element resembling a flower petal. This detail will play the role of the ear giraffe. To him you must add a line in the middle - this will give a little visual volume. On the front side of the head draw a snout. Draw a small circle and indicate inside of it a black dot - you get a small eye.
  • On the top of the animal draw a zigzag pattern, which will play the role of the hair. Of the resulting wool should stick small horns. To draw them, depict small semi-ovals.
  • The next step is to draw the feet and hooves on them. Legs should be long. Behind the body, draw a thin tail, and at its tip draw a small fluffy tassel. After that, go back to the eye - draw the pupil more clearly, and then put highlights on it.
  • The main elements of the giraffe are already drawn, so you can replace a simple pencil with a black gel pen. With it you need to trace all the contours and fill in the eye. Also add nostrils on animal's face and a bit of hair on back of neck. Draw the hooves in more detail.
  • Now you can begin painting the resulting picture. Take a brownish pencil and strokes to fill in the head and neck. Shading helps to indicate the hair, which makes the giraffe look more realistic. Same pencil, paint the horns and the center of the ears. Then draw the spots all over the body.
  • Then take a yellow and ginger pencil. Paint these colors in all that is left. The hooves and tail brush should be painted with a black pen.

This is the end of the giraffe picture. The process doesn't take much time, and it doesn't cause any difficulties. That's why, thanks to these instructions, you can easily and simply draw this African animal in a short time

The Whole Giraffe

Here is another variant of drawing this unusual African animal. This time the drawing will turn out very bright and attractive. To make it even more beautiful, use gel pens for coloring.

Tip: For even more convenient work, try for the first time draw the giraffe on a piece of paper with a cell. After such a workout, start creating a masterpiece on an ordinary scrapbook.

What will you need?

To create such a picture take the following:

  • A sheet of paper (album or notebook in a tick);
  • A black helium pen;
  • Gel pens of different colors, or pencils.

When everything is prepared, start working on the drawing.

Step-by-step instructions

First, you should mark the contours of the African animal with a black gel pen:

  • Draw an oval - this will be the front side of the head. To the resulting geometric shape, finish drawing two curved strips on top. Draw a pair of ears - they should look like flower petals. In the middle between the ears draw a woolly hairdo giraffe, as well as thin horns. At the ends of the horns show a couple of small circles.
  • Now it is worth more detail draw the head. In the middle of the ears trace a couple of small stripes - this will give volume to the drawing. Add round eyes with small pupils inside them. At the bottom of the head trace some dots that will act as nostrils and draw a curved line to indicate a smile.
  • Then proceed to draw the underside of the giraffe's body. If you are drawing on a piece of notebook paper, indent about six squares down. Then from the head to the bottom side of a pair of lines - you get a long neck of the animal.
  • To indicate the torso, extend the resulting lines with arcs to the side. Below draw a pair of lines - these will be the legs. Divide them in the center of the triangle. At the feet should also draw hooves and immediately paint them in black. After that, do a few more strokes, to get the back legs giraffe.
  • And now you have to try and be persistent, because you have to trace spots all over the giraffe body. Do not forget to make them in different sizes and shapes, so that the animal looks more realistic and natural.

Vividly color the resulting giraffe. To do this, use a red helium pen - with it need to paint horns and spots. All the rest need to paint a yellow shade. Give the eyes a bluish color. To make the image even more interesting and beautiful, draw the green grass under the animal's feet.

A giraffe in an African landscape

Here's another unusual way to draw a giraffe. This image will be more complicated than the previous ones. However, the result will come out impressive, because it will turn out very realistic and interesting. If you follow the instructions carefully, you will definitely be able to do everything correctly without encountering difficulties.

What will you need?

To draw a beautiful African animal on the background of a delightful landscape, take the following materials and tools:

  • A piece of paper;
  • A simple pencil;
  • Eraser;
  • Colored pencils of different shades.

Tip: To make the image of a giraffe in the African landscape more interesting and realistic use multicolor pencils instead of ordinary colored pencils. You can buy a set of multicolor pencils at almost any art store.

Step-by-step instructions

The first thing you should do is sketch:

  • First, draw a line on a piece of paper that will serve as the horizon. On the top side of the sheet, draw the sun. To draw it more round and flat, use any found object of the same shape, outlining it with a simple pencil.
  • Draw mountain ranges on the bottom and a couple of small trees on the right side. Keep in mind that all background elements should be in the background of the image.
  • Once the African landscape is outlined, start sketching the giraffe itself. First you should outline its height. Then draw an oval, which will play the role of the body. Next drawn element will be the neck. After her proceed to draw the head - it will be a small circle. Draw a few lines underneath the body - that will be legs of the animal.
  • After creating a sketch, draw the main contour lines more clearly. Then erase unnecessary strokes with an eraser.
  • Then move on to the design of the head. Mark the ears and horns on it, and then draw the nose. A little higher from the nose show small eyes, and at the bottom of the head - the mouth. To make the drawing more interesting, draw a branch with leaves in the giraffe's mouth.
  • Now begin to detail. On the reverse side of the body, draw a thin tail and fluffy brush on it. On the back side of the neck, draw the mane, and then proceed to tracing spots on the whole body giraffe.
  • When you have finished all the above steps, start coloring the resulting picture. Pay special attention to the hues, as this will allow you to better express the mood of the picture. It's recommended to paint the picture in warm colors.
  • Paint over the sun with yellow or red. Then use pinkish to paint the sunset. Also use yellow and ginger when painting the sky. The mountains should be shaded in orange.
  • The giraffe itself should turn out yellow, and some of its elements should turn out brownish or dark brown. Try to make shadows - then the image will turn out volumetric and realistic.
  • For grass, it's best to use ginger, brown, reddish, and purple shades. Paint the trees in burgundy and black.
  • It remains only to paint the branch: let the leaves be lettuce, and the branch itself - brown.

It turns out the drawing is incredibly beautiful and attractive. If you follow the instructions, everything will turn out perfectly. Try to use one of the suggested master classes and create a delightful masterpiece with your own hands.

Include your child, who loves giraffes, in the work: he will be delighted, and drawing will be even more interesting and fun for you.

Drawing a giraffe for sketching

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