February 14 crafts for your favorite: beautiful homemade cards and other crafts on step by step schemes

Just imagine how many winter holidays there are: New Year, Christmas, Epiphany. And February pleases us with the most tender holiday, which is saturated with love - Valentine's Day.

As is already customary, people in love express their affection through small pleasant things: valentines, candy, flowers, toys and similar things.

Especially nice if the crafts for February 14 are made by hand. After all, this way makes the thing unique, as you put a piece of your soul and time into it, foreshadowing the joy of the beloved person.

That is what this article is dedicated to, you are sure to find a craft that will please your family member or other half.


Themes of the feast of February 14

Valentine's Day is a foreign holiday, which gradually passed to us as well.

It is a day of love, the meaning of which is to express your sympathy or good feelings for the people closest to you. To show them how important they are to you, to make small pleasant things and gifts.

In general, the traditions and customs of celebrating Valentine's Day in different countries are very interesting: Japan, France, Denmark, Britain, Saudi Arabia and Russia. If you explore the ideas of all kinds of states, you can surprise your partner with a romantic surprise and an interesting fact.

Valentine's Day ideas

We move on to the most interesting part - handmade crafts. The most popular symbol of Valentine's Day is a valentine. It has a heart shape and is a gift to a loved one, telling with all its appearance about the devotion and strong feelings of the partner.

Most often, such a product has a red or pink color, and you can create them from any item, whether it is cardboard or fabric. That is what the further story will be about: "How to make Valentine's cards for February 14 from improvised materials?"

From paper

Of course, there are thousands of valentines sold in stores of different kinds, and we will make them with our own hands, which will give special value and personality. We have gathered some amazing ideas that will be easy to implement.

1 idea

We will need: colored paper in gentle colors, paints, ribbons and scissors.


  1. We take a sheet of colored paper, preferably pink, and place it on the workspace;
  2. Paint two hands with paint of completely different shades, for example, red and white;
  3. We make a print in the form of a heart with two hands;
  4. We wait until it is completely dry and cut out a heart shape on the coloured sheet, about 3 centimetres further from the picture;
  5. We pierce a hole and thread the ribbon.

2 idea

An interesting handicraft for February 14 for elementary school and not only. This option is especially suitable for kids who still can't draw more or less evenly.

We take the following materials: a sleeve from toilet paper, a sheet and paints:

  1. We give the sleeve the shape of a heart;
  2. Dip it in red, pink or any other paint;
  3. We leave prints on the prepared sheet of paper.

3 Idea.

All we will need is a sheet of paper, scissors, and a stencil. Here it will be difficult to spoil the valentine in any way.

The course of the work:

  1. We transfer the template to the paper and cut it out;
  2. Let's use all your imagination. Decorate as you like, write cute confessions or poems.

Made of cardboard

Valentine can be made not only from paper. But also from a more durable material - cardboard.

1 idea

We will need: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue:

  1. From the cardboard base cut a symmetrical heart - this is the base of the craft;
  2. Twist a sheet of colored paper with a tube in several layers, cut in pieces of 2 centimeters;
  3. Glue small roses on the cardboard heart and add green sheets.

2 idea

Take these materials: red and pink cardboard, glue, inscription and any decorative decorations: beads, rhinestones, ribbons.


  1. We cut out a large openwork heart from red cardboard, from the same color we make a regular small heart by 3 centimeters. With the help of pink cardboard we create a regular heart, which is a little less than a big red heart;
  2. Glue the big red heart and the pink heart together with glue;
  3. We write or glue the prepared inscription in the center, add a small red heart in the corner;
  4. Proceed to the decoration, here everything depends on your taste, attach beads, flowers, rhinestones, ribbons and more.

Three-dimensional valentines

They look more beautiful and interesting. And so it will not be superfluous to consider the option of creating such a craft.

The first option

To implement the idea of a volumetric valentine, you can use existing templates on the Internet. They must be transferred to one of the sides of the card and carefully cut out with a utility knife, taking into account all the folds and lines. The images can be very different: inscriptions, angels, kittens.

The second variant

Here everything is much easier. We need several blanks: a basic large heart from a scrapbook sheet and small red ones.

The second type we will make an accordion: we fold the red paper several times, so that the output will be at least three hearts; the stencil should contain only half of the outlined pattern, and after cutting it will be a finished work.

After that, we connect the large blank and the accordion with glue. Now, when you open the valentine will emerge cute hearts. If desired, you can add inscriptions or decorations.

From cupcake molds

Did you know that valentines can be made not only beautiful, but also delicious? Cupcakes in unusual shapes are proof of that. If you don't have special heart-shaped molds, you can snag a corner from an ordinary mold and make one so romantic.

All you have to do is to pour the batter and bake it properly. This valentine will make your partner very happy, and if you want to diversify the dish - make the filling a love confession on a sheet.

Hearts for decor

Imagine how many materials there are in the world. Even the strangest thing can make a great Valentine's Day craft. And inspiration can be found in everything: dried leaves, old scraps, and even concrete tiles.

All it takes is a little imagination and love to bring the craziest idea to life. Next we will tell you how to make hearts from different things, they can become part of a gift or an element of decor for a holiday.

From paper

A gift for a loved one can also become a beautifully decorated room. Of course, to decorate it, you should use thematic details.

The first variant

A curtain of hearts. Here everything is simple, it is necessary to cut out a lot of small blanks of the necessary shape from red and pink colored paper. And then distribute an equal amount and string them up, hanging them around the location like a curtain.

In addition, you can cut out hearts of different sizes and glue them on the wall at once in a chaotic order.

The second variant

Try to make hearts in the form of origami from paper by finding schemes on the World Wide Web. Made products can decorate any thing in the house and please the soul of the people around you.

From the fabric flowers

The most interesting idea in this category is a topiary in the form of a heart. This element of decor in the house will please the residents every year, bringing tenderness to the interior.

We will need: a foam ball, fabric flowers, a branch or any stick for the trunk, a pot, a mixture for fixing, glue, scissors, decorations:

  1. We make a three-dimensional heart shape out of a foam balloon;
  2. Fabric flowers are easy to make yourself or buy in a store. They should be glued all around the heart;
  3. If desired, decorate the trunk of the tree and the pot - paint, decorate;
  4. Pour the fixing mixture into the pot and place there the trunk, to the trunk we attach the crown;
  5. We wait for drying and add the final decorations.

From fresh flowers

Such a gift will charm every lady. You can fold the flowers in the form of a wreath-heart or make the bouquet itself in this shape. It will not make much work, in addition, you can ask the workers of flower store to do this business for an extra fee.

But note, doing it yourself is always more pleasant, albeit crooked, but with soul.

From the threads

You should inflate two balloons to a small size and connect them together, so that it was easier and you do not have to constantly hold them - use double sided tape. You can also use a heart shaped balloon.

Next, coat the balls with a thick layer of PVA glue and start wrapping with thread, leaving a small space at the bottom. Let the product dry for a day and then you can burst the balloons and take them out. Now you have a beautiful heart to decorate and complete your interior.

From candy

For those with a sweet tooth, this option is the perfect gift. You need to take a cardboard base, make a three-dimensional heart and use a glue gun to attach all around the perimeter of the candy.

For more convincing, wrap the heart with a fancy ribbon.

It's easy and won't take more than an hour. Just be careful, perhaps your partner prefers carrots to keep his or her figure.

Three-dimensional heart made of newspaper rolls

We think that inveterate needlewomen have long mastered the technique of weaving products from newspaper tubes. Here it is only necessary to get used to the work and catch technique, then everything will turn out much faster.

There are hundreds of master classes on the internet that will teach you to weave hearts of different levels of complexity. If you have enough time, then try it, it will fascinate you and make you happy with your final work.

Made of felt

A soft heart-shaped felt cushion is a great addition to your home comfort.

It is necessary to cut out two blanks of the necessary color, do not forget about the additions; then sew the back of the product with a strong stitch; without finishing the circle, turn over to the front side and fill the insides with synthetic material; sew to the end and decorate the pillow.

Dear readers, we sincerely hope that our article has helped you in choosing a good gift for Valentine's Day.

We have shown that from each material you will find an interesting idea, which is easy to implement. Do not forget to please your loved ones, live happily and love!

Photo of crafts for February 14 for lovers


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