Security crafts: a collection of the most original ideas with step-by-step descriptions for school and kindergarten kids

Safety is taught to children from a young age. Therefore, it is important for adults to present information in an accessible and interesting way to reveal this topic. Making crafts with children on this topic can fully disclose and convey to the child what safety is and how to protect themselves.


Original ideas for safety crafts

Teaching a child to understand what danger is and how to avoid such situations is a very important mission. Adults tell and show the kid on crafts how to avoid threats to health and life. Most often they consider topics such as:

  • safety on the road and water;
  • fire safety.

The main goal of such work is to understand where threats may come from and learn to act in this situation.

Tools for work

For products on such topics, a variety of materials and tools will be suitable. Everything will depend on the chosen direction and subject of the work:

  • colored paper, cardboard, cut out pictures from magazines or books;
  • Plasticine, matches and sticks, beads and buttons
  • fabric, felt or foamiran, and knitting threads;
  • cereal, napkins, salt dough, and natural materials
  • paints and brushes, pencils, glue, scissors.

You can also use small toys. They will help well reveal the theme of the craft, reducing the time for small work.

To create a work is suitable for any improvised materials. Go even non-working plugs from household appliances or outlets.

Handmade crafts on fire safety

It is important not only to tell your child what fire is, but also to teach them how to prevent a fire. If the kid got into a situation, he should understand how to get out of it correctly. Handicrafts help to teach a child all this.

The technique of facing

This method is used to make three-dimensional crafts. As material takes paper, twisting it into a tube, glued to the template. Work on the topic of fire safety can also be done in the technique of facing. Here you will need patience and attention. For this you need:

  • corrugated paper in red, yellow, orange, blue, pink, blue and black;
  • PVA glue, scissors, pencil, cardboard.

Algorithm of making:

  • First, they choose a drawing to work with. In this case, it is a funny fire extinguisher that tries to put out the fire itself.
  • Many small squares are cut out of goforopaper.
  • On each of them to put a pencil. It is closed and rolled between the fingers.
  • The resulting colored tube (pencil), smeared with glue, placed according to the intended pattern. Only after that remove the pencil.
  • All end pieces should be adjacent to each other, so that there was no gap. Thus, perform the entire work.

From semolina

Cereals are very often used for handicrafts on various topics. As a rule, it is applied. Manna groats perfectly trains fine motor skills of the child. And work with this material is easy and interesting.

How to make a handicraft on the theme of "fire safety" from semolina with your own hands? For this work you need:

  • semolina and gouache for its coloring;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • a simple pencil and glue.

Start by dyeing the semolina in different shades:

  • In separate containers, mix the grits with red, black, gray, green, pink and blue. It is necessary to make a fire truck that goes on a call.
  • After mixing and complete coloring, the semolina is dried on paper.
  • It must be crumbly and easy to work with.
  • Next, a drawing of a fire engine is drawn on a sheet of cardboard.
  • Dab the image in parts with glue and pour the semolina of the desired color.
  • It is better to start with an outline, gradually filling the entire picture. Give a little drying, and shake off the excess semolina.

Panno with a match.

Your child should be very clear to convey the information that you need to handle matches carefully. Otherwise, there is a risk of fire. With the help of the panel, the baby will be able to properly form an attitude toward matches as a possible source of fire. To make it, you will need:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard and matches;
  • frame, glue and paint with a brush.

Step by step instructions:

  • A circle with a frame inside is drawn on cardboard. Then a large-sized match is placed across it, imitating a flame of fire at one end.
  • The image on the cardboard is smeared with glue and laid out with matches.
  • Paint the circle and the divider inside with red paint.
  • Paint a match, and use yellow and orange paint for the fire.
  • Using a thin brush, write on the circle "Matches are not a toy. The finished work should be taken in a frame.

Applique from beads or buttons

Very beautiful and unusual looks applique with the use of buttons or beads. It is more convenient to work with half-beads. These materials can be easily bought in a needlework store. Need:

  • semi-beads of red, green, white and black colors. Also some glass flowers, which masters use for needlework;
  • cardboard paper, a drawing of a fire engine, glue and a pencil.

Making algorithm:

  • A drawing is put on the cardboard. This is a fire truck, which goes to extinguish a fire.
  • Next, grease with glue and lay out the half-beads according to the idea.
  • It is important to observe the color scheme. It is also worth decorating green trees and grass with flowers with the same material.
  • An alternative option can be applique in the form of buttons. Any drawing associated with the theme of fire safety can be done in this way.

Model of a fire engine out of a box

Such work can be done by children, both for kindergarten and junior high school. The following materials will be needed:

  • a box from a set of glasses or an iron;
  • cardboard, glue, and scissors;
  • Multicolored self-adhesive paper.

Start carefully pasting the box with red self-adhesive paper:

  • Next, 4 wheels should be cut out. They are glued to the bottom of the box, leaving a slight overhang.
  • Then you need to be creative or copy parts from any source. You will need a radiator, a fire escape, side windows and windshields.
  • On top of the car you need to glue a flashing light. You can take a piece of colored foil or unnecessary part of the construction set "Lego".

How to make a figure of a fireman out of plasticine

It is better to take wax plasticine. It is good and convenient to work with, and you do not have to scrub your hands for a long time. Need plasticine beige, red, yellow and black:

  • Roll 2 pieces of beige (one slightly smaller than the other). Press one piece on top of the other.
  • The upper part of the frontal, and the lower, to create a chin. Next, mold in detail the head (wide nose, black eyes, brown mustache and eyebrows, mouth). From a piece of red plasticine create a firefighter's helmet, adding details of yellow shades.
  • Now you have to make a jacket firefighter out of red bar, narrowed on one side. Next attach the collar, buttons and stripes of yellow.
  • Attach sleeves to the jacket and legs to the torso of red plasticine. The head is attached to the torso with a match, and black boots are attached to the feet. If necessary, in the hands of a fireman placed a black hose.

Road safety crafts

This is a great tool for studying road safety and special road signs. The road is considered one of the sources of real danger. Therefore, it is important to learn how to coexist in tandem a vehicle and a person.

How to make a traffic light from improvised means

Such a traffic light is most often used in the process of teaching children the rules of the road. The material will be best assimilated if played with a child. For work you will need:

  • A cardboard box of medium size;
  • colored paper, scissors and glue.

The box is glued paper in gray or black. Cut out 3 circles of red, yellow and green. They need to glue them to the prepared box in the order prescribed by the rules. At the top of the red, in the middle yellow, at the bottom green. Traffic lights are ready.

Plasticine applique

Learning the rules of safety on the road can be done in different ways. A good option would be an application of plasticine. You will need materials:

  • cardboard with a drawing on it;
  • colored clay.

The work itself consists of two stages. The first is thought out, and applied a pattern to the cardboard. In the second, the child gradually fills in the space himself, using the right colors. In addition, molding perfectly trains fine motor skills of the hands of a child, develops his imagination.

An interesting idea would be to make a road with cars and a crosswalk with people. It is also important not to forget to put traffic lights and road signs.

Street layout in a cardboard box

This voluminous and large work will have to work hard. But it will be a whole training aid, which will help to visually study the topic of road safety. For this work you will need:

  • A medium-sized cardboard box and several small ones;
  • toy little cars and little men;
  • colored paper, paints with a brush;
  • scissors and glue.

First you need to cut the top of a medium-sized cardboard box:

  • The bottom of the future layout is arbitrarily divided into 2 parts.
  • In the middle in the length they draw the roadway with black paint.
  • Not reaching 10 cm to the end of the opposite side, draw perpendicularly to the track road for pedestrians in dark gray.
  • The remaining parts are painted green. Glued small boxes with colored paper, drawing windows and roofs. This will be residential buildings.
  • The track is divided into two parts with a white stripe. Draw a crosswalk ("zebra") at their intersection.
  • Place road signs (cardboard circles on legs and stands), and green trees near the houses.

It is important to set traffic lights, gluing three circles on a small cardboard rectangle.

Toy cars are placed on the road. And people can be used either from Kinder Surprise eggs or made of plasticine. The model is ready, but it can be constantly supplemented by something.

Crafts on the topic of water safety

Most children are very fond of water and enjoy swimming in it. If the safety rules are not followed, the water can pose a threat to the life of the child.

While the baby is small, parents are fully responsible for him. Therefore, it is important to teach how to behave correctly on the water, and in case of dangerous situations - how to get out of them correctly.

Layout of the situation on the ice

In the winter, when the river or lake is frozen, you can afford to go skating or sledding. This activity is very fond of children. Here is the danger on the water.

The ice can be fragile. Therefore, skating on the supposedly frozen lake, you can fall through it. It is also important to inspect the place where the child will touch for traumatic hazards. For the craft we will need:

  • a base of cardboard;
  • white paper and cotton disks;
  • scissors, glue, pencil, paint;
  • a toy little doll and a sleigh. If there are no toys, you can make them out of plasticine.

First, draw a hole and cut it out on a sheet of white paper, which is glued to a cardboard base. Using crumpled paper, you make a slide. You can glue a few halves of discs. It will be more like snow.

Paint the lake and the ice hole. Draw a couple of Christmas trees, paint them and cut them out. Glued to the cotton disks and the base. The girl on a sled placed on top of the slide. At the top of the cardboard inscription: "Be careful on the ice!

Figurines of plasticine

It is very important to tell the rules of behavior on the water to the child. In this will help figures of clay, which can be used as a visual aid in the game. As the material used:

  • cardboard base and toy figurines of people;
  • colored plasticine, board for molding.

You will need a lot of figures to study the rules of safety on the water. First, divide the cardboard into two parts. One should be covered with yellow plasticine. This is the dryer. The second part will be blue. This is the body of water:

  • There should be special buoys on the water. They can be molded from red plasticine.
  • You have to mold a few life buoys and a boat.
  • As additional figures from plasticine make a fish, a ball for the game, the sun and seagulls hovering over the water.
  • It is good to mold a few figures of children and adults or take ready-made small toys. Now you can clearly understand the rules of conduct on the water with children.

Sea of fabrics

The sea can be made from various improvised materials, including fabric. For this you will need the help of an adult and some materials:

  • fabric of dark blue, blue and gray shades;
  • a cardboard base, a piece of fabric the same size as the base, scissors, thread and glue.

First, cut out arbitrary elongated pieces, and attach to the cardboard base. Then sew the pieces, working on a sewing machine or by hand, onto a piece of fabric. When everything is sewn, glue it to a cardboard base. That's the sea with waves of fabric.

Making with a child handicrafts on the topic of safety, parents teach their child to recognize where lurks a real danger, and how to act. This will help to work well into the important information, using visual aids made with their own hands.

Photo of the crafts on the topic of safety


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