How to Draw Santa Claus in Crayons, Felt Pens and Gouache: step by step Master Classes

With the onset of beautiful winter, people around the world are looking forward to the approach of their favorite magical holiday - New Year. And children especially warmly love and wait for this holiday, because it is the time of gifts!

Children from all over the world write letters to Santa Claus, and to make the letter look especially festive and beautiful, you can decorate it. A great idea for decoration - to draw on a letter or an envelope of Santa Claus himself!

It's not hard to do with our detailed drawing instructions!

You will need two very important components: desire and a good mood!

Creating a creative mood in a child will perfectly provide reading New Year's rhymes and fairy tales, watching cartoons on this subject.


How to draw Santa Claus with a bag of gifts with a pencil step by step

  1. Let's start with the eyes. Draw two small circles just above the middle of the sheet. Complement them with semicircles and fill with black, while leaving a light glare. Below between the eyes we make out a spout also rounded shape.
  2. Right under the spout we draw a mustache and mark the puffy cheeks. And beneath the mustache will be a cheerful smile. Finish drawing the face with semicircular lines of slightly wide eyebrows, curls of hair on both sides of the face and light wrinkles. Connect the uppermost points of the eyebrows and get a hat trim on the forehead. It is important that the grandfather stands in a turn on his side.
  3. It remains to make some details: a cap with a large pompom, a curly beard, an arm bent at the elbow and mittens. Do not forget the prominent element: the bag of gifts! Finish the design of the other hand with a magic staff with a big beautiful star on top.
  4. At the bottom, finish with a wide fur coat, which ends with a strip of fluffy fur and silhouettes of felt boots, which are visible from under the hem. You can also complement the garment with a variety of patterns, this is a good opportunity to show your imagination!
  5. And finally, create a winter atmosphere in the picture, it is not difficult to do, adding smoothly falling snowflakes. What a wonderful Santa Claus we have!

How to draw a simple portrait of Santa Claus with felt-tip pens

  1. Let's start the pencil sketch of the drawing with the nose. Draw the nose in the middle of the sheet in the shape of an oval. Down from the nose, draw a mustache twisted slightly towards the ends, then add a cute smile.
  2. We finish drawing the lines of the round face, and on top we mark the Christmas hat with a big pompom. Don't forget to mark the strip of white fur!
  3. Now draw a wavy line down from the bottom edge of the hat, without taking your hand off, thus adding the grandfather's beard. It's time to draw the kind eyes of Santa Claus! On the outside edge of the eyes, make large circles, and on the inside, add smaller circles and paint them in the color you want your Santa's eyes to be. At the same time we leave a white glare, so that the eyes in the drawing looked alive.
  4. Above the eyes we indicate semicircular lines thick eyebrows.
  5. The pencil sketch is ready, now let's paint the picture! The face is painted in beige, with pink blush cheeks and a red smile.
  6. The Christmas hat is also painted in bright red, while the pompom, fur strip, eyebrows, and beard are left white. Our wonderful portrait of Santa Claus is ready!

How to draw Santa Claus easily in gouache step by step

This step-by-step drawing of Santa Claus is best done on colored cardboard, blue cardboard will do fine:

  • On a palette mix white gouache and a drop of yellow, and then with a medium brush in the center of the background draw an oval face. Above the face, use white gouache to draw a strip of fluffy fur on the hat, and then use red to finish the hat itself. The hat is pointed toward the end, and don't forget to add a nice white pompon!
  • Below the face white gouache draw a beard in the form of a pointed wedge. A little higher from the middle of the beard down lead two oblique thin lines and connect them at the bottom. Coat of Santa Claus will turn out in the form of a trapezoid.
  • At the bottom of the coat hem finish drawing black felt boots. Now it's time to start drawing the hands of Santa Claus! Red gouache from the body lead straight arm lines, and their position can choose their own. Do not forget the white fur lapel sleeves and bright red mittens.
  • And now, take a thin brush and use black gouache to mark the eyes on the face, a light orange tone to depict an oval nose, and pink gouache to add ruddy cheeks.
  • If you wish, for the fullness of the picture, you can add a light snowfall in white gouache to the blue background. Thus, your drawing will at once enliven with a winter fairytale mood and New Year's motifs! The gouache drawing of Santa Claus is ready! Now you can see for sure that any beginner artist of school or preschool age can easily draw Santa Claus in gouache.

Postcard "Santa Claus with a sleigh"

  • First, mark the guiding lines of the torso, arms and legs, which will be hidden by the fur coat, but they will help to correctly build the figure of the main wizard of the year on the sheet.
  • Dress the character in a long coat: sketch wide sleeves on either side of the arms, draw lateral borders along the torso and legs. Complete the silhouette with massive felt boots.
  • Complete the portrait of Frost with the necessary details: a hat tapered to the top like a wedge, fur lapels of the coat hem and sleeves, add fluffy mittens. Visually imagine what part of the face the beard occupies, mark it. It is best to depict the beard in smooth waves, joining to the end, this will instantly bring our hero to life.
  • In the right hand of the grandfather will be the rope from the majestic sled. Draw them twisted skids and a slightly sloped back.
  • Finish the facial features, introduce slightly noticeable wrinkles, be sure to give Grandfather Frost a joyful and cheerful mood! To complete the plot, place a decorated Christmas tree and a large bag of gifts in the sleigh. And complement the portrait of Santa Claus with a magic staff with whimsical patterns and a creative snowflake on top!

Cartoon Santa Claus easy step-by-step

  1. In the center of the sheet, mark the oval nose, then a large heart-shaped beard.
  2. Image wavy features, raised to the top of the cap. In general, it will look like an elf's.
  3. Complement the portrait with a round torso, disproportionately thin arms and legs. This is the uniqueness of this version of the drawing of Santa Claus!
  4. Mark the cute mittens and valenki. Mark the eyes with dots. Most importantly, do not forget the radiant smile! Such a drawing will be a very original gift for friends on New Year, especially if you finish with sincere wishes!

Tips for parents to increase the creativity of their children

  • Watch Christmas cartoons and read themed stories and poems together with your child, it will provide an inspiring atmosphere
  • Make a presentation of favorite illustrations, so it is easier for your child to choose their favorite idea for a drawing
  • Use a variety of drawing and coloring techniques, such as cotton swabs and gouache, fingers and watercolor, using templates
  • Experiment with the ornaments on Santa Claus's clothes, let your child's imagination run wild. This is one of the most effective methods of developing children's thinking.
  • Start by drawing portraits, and as skills improve, start drawing a full-length character.

Stick to our step-by-step instructions and you'll be sure to succeed, and the drawing won't take long!

And if you already know how to draw Santa Claus, start improving your skills. One of the most effective methods is sketching from ready-made pictures, and we recommend using Christmas cards as an original, they will serve as a wonderful source of inspiration.

And also be sure to see illustrations of paintings by Russian artists on this subject, such as V. Vasnetsov, N. Roerich, M. Vrubel, I. Bilibin. Their winter paintings are recognized as world masterpieces of art, so there is definitely something to learn from these masters of the past.

In each of the above options for drawings you can, if you wish, add additional elements (a Christmas tree, snowflakes, forest animals, the moon and stars, colorful boxes of gifts, and so on), decorate and come up with interesting fairy-tale themes.

This is a great opportunity for a child to show imagination! By studying the material and following the simple steps, you can make wonderful Christmas drawings that are sure to increase a child's interest and love of creativity and the fine arts.

Photo of a painted Santa Claus

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